Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Had a plumber in our house today for two hours - replacing two toilets and a faucet. It wasn’t until after he left that it occurred to me that he wasn’t wearing a mask and we weren’t wearing masks. I was so caught up in what we were doing that it completely slipped my mind and H didn’t think of it either. Fortunately most our time was spent away from him as he worked in the bathrooms and we were out in the living room but still we talked to him about what to do when he got there and paid him by check when he left. Too late to do anything about it now, but I can’t believe we didn’t even think of it.

It occurs to me that freedom means different things to different people.

I can’t express how thankful I am that the pain from my root canal is beginning to subside, guess putting it off for a few years and it having a big abscess didn’t help matters. Now if it will just finish healing so that I can get it crowned and hopefully not have any problems with it.

This is has not been a very good week, but I am thankful that I live in a community of honest and decent people. Wish the rest of the world was that way.

Today was 70 degrees in NYC. I had lunch by the water with D1&D2 and their SOs to celebrate D2’s birthday, D1 & H’s new apartment, new baby, and Yes, the the election!!! We had our favorite champagne. I took a ferry home with sun and wind in my face. What a great day!

I know we still have lots of work to do, but for the first time in years, I’m feeling as if that’s at least possible.

I am outraged that, what 8 MONTHS into this crisis, the local hospital is STILL having trouble obtaining COVID tests to use for patients before surgery etc. It is inexcusable.

This seems like the bare minimum to expect those in charge to be able to do.

I was feeling down and blah but just watched a video on facebook (Get prepared for what comes next) and am feeling inspired. Now I’m ready to get back to finishing the financial reports for the Deacon’s meeting tomorrow and excited for church in the morning.

I’m feeling too blessed to be stressed.

Relief. Joy. Hope.

Snopes, Dad, Snopes!

I have had a box of thin mints on the top shelf of my pantry since January. Consciously saving them for something special since we went to shut down in mid-March. Today was the day, so I fixed a delicious spinach salad for dinner, popped open a can of Trader Joe’s wine because it was what I had on hand and then polished off almost a full sleeve of those chilled thin mints while watching people celebrate in the streets on this beautiful fall day. All those tears and sobs of relief this morning, along with my afternoon walk, balanced off the cookie calories, right? What a good day!

Just so happy and so hopeful for the future.

“And hold you in the palm of His hand”
Mom’s favorite song. Sung at so many masses, sung at her funeral, the record wore out. Like a message from beyond.

My lad lives across the street from the cemetery where Susan B Anthony and Frederick Douglass are buried. Seemed really fitting walking over and paying our respects to both today. What’s even better is the “kids” wanted to do it as well - and plan on going back tomorrow or Monday when they have a little more time since we were there at sunset.

It was also uplifting to see other people doing the same.

One other thought running through my mind as I walked among the oodles of graves was that every single one of them had their story - their friends, family, daily lives, and special events. Most are lost to history with just a name and birth/death date. Google tells me over 350,000 people are buried here. Just a few survive for the history books. I couldn’t help but wonder what the story was for so many of the others we don’t know about. Life is short no matter how many years one gets. Find ways to enjoy it.

Tomorrow I think I’m heading back to the cemetery as well. It’s a great place to reflect on so many things.

Dear cousin, I’m not really surprised by your facebook post or the fact that my comment disappeared. For the last 4 years you have taken every opportunity to jump on mine or my mother’s posts and sow discord, yet here you are talking about unity as opposed to division and discord. Are you really that blind, you somehow think that unity will now magically appear, you apparently haven’t been paying attention, or else you’ve been gullible enough to believe what the media has told you. A new person in charge won’t erase division when the cause is a difference in core values and beliefs. I love you but it’s hard to believe you were raised next door to me and in the same church, not sure what happened to you.

The most beautiful thing about being human is that we have the ability to constantly learn and grow. But to do so, we must choose to open our minds and to see past what we think is true.

I feel like COVID is this generation’s WWII.
I mean that with no disrespect to the huge sacrifices of those in that war.

It’s just that this is world-wide and has fundamentally changed society in ways we don’t even realize yet. It will be interesting to see the history books 50 years from now.

Wear your masks!!!

Don’t gather in big groups!!!

It’s not that hard!

Nobody hung up on you, and everyone else figured out the Zoom. You exasperated your son ON HIS BIRTHDAY and don’t think for one minute that sulking and refusing to speak to us (because why? ) will make you, or him, feel a bit better. The zoom went on, everything was fine with everyone else.

IF YOU WANT TO SEE YOUR GRANDCHILDREN you could do that at any time. You have lived 30 minutes from one pair FOR 5 YEARS. You have a phone, and a video app. You are ridiculous, and every time you ruin his birthday he is more exasperated. Not angry. Not sad. He expects you to do something, now.

And by the way? You were married 4 months before he was born at 7.5 lbs. Nobody cares. You don’t need to tell us the story of how he was so little and they kept him at the hospital, because it is not true. It’s fine. Just stop w the crazypants.

Such a picture perfect day here today - the type one would want to keep to relive over and over. Terrific weather, family fellowship, walks in the park with fall leaves abounding, good food, relaxation - who could ask for anything more?

Covid is cwap, but I think it can actually allow one to enjoy what time they do have together even more when/if they get some. I hope everyone can get some time with those they love.

Why do I feel so sad today?