Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

My own personal beef - I would never correct someone in person about it…

I’m OVER the phrase “another reason 2020 sucks” or “can 2020 get any worse” - or anything of the same sort.

If this is the case, get ready to say it for 2021 too. Covid will still be here, people will still die, our division may start to heal but still, we will be divided.

It just feels like one big “blame game” to me. It’s a mentality that I struggle with.

Sitting on the deck drinking wine in November, and I’m off all of this coming week.
Life is good.

I guess on the one hand, I’m glad we’ve done such a good job of being calm and keeping our kids from worrying too much about H’s illness. That said, it feels like maybe we did too good of a job. The way my younger one is acting today is seriously ticking me off.

I will be forever grateful for my parents. For teaching me that sometimes life doesn’t go your way. That what you wanted to be the case - isn’t. And, that that is okay. That it doesn’t require a violent response, it doesn’t require crawling into a corner and becoming incapacitated. It doesn’t require one to harm those who think differently. It doesn’t require those who didn’t get their way to wreck havoc and destruction on others.

I am grateful, today, that there seem to be many millions of parents who also raised their kids in this manner. Some of us are still here to witness our own offsprings maturity and resilience and grit. Some parent are gone - but our hearts honor you today.

I am SO proud of my ‘tribe’.

So sad for my father - who despite our discussions, went further and further into the rabbit hole of one news source. It’s heartbreaking seeing a 90 year old try to adjust to reality. He is despondent to the point I fear for his health

Dear BIL, I’m so sorry your brother’s wife’s mother passed away. But did the family really need to have a visitation right now and demand y’all show up? I know you and Sis were protecting others with your masks, kept your distance and didn’t stay long. However, the rest of your family didn’t care enough to bother.

I hope you, my sister, your children and your grandchildren all recover soon. I don’t know that I’ll ever show my face around your extended family again.

Four more years!!!

Actually, five.






(If you have to wonder… this has nothing to do with politics. ? Go Pete!!! )

How convenient

I’m not happy with Hurricane ETA. Almost 6,000 people in my area without power. Schools and office are shut down. My puppy and I haven’t been outside in over 2 days.

Spent Saturday at the beach, a remarkably beautiful beach day in November in the northeast Was amazed to see people my age and older swimming in the 58 degree ocean without wet suits. Watched one quite elderly woman in a wet suit with a boogie board watching the waves and trying to go in, but ultimately deciding it was too risky. Then watched her equally aged partner in a speedo no less helping her take off the wet suite. Made me smile to see them together. Savoring the last bits of warm weather here. Great place to be when the news came.

I work with idiots who don’t know how to communicate necessary information.

Never raked leaves in the fall wearing shorts and a t-shirt. About 2/3rds of the leaves are down. Oaks are mainly the only leaves left so we had the orange, red and yellow leaves to rake and they were dry. Was nice. Will probably finish the season raking leaves in the snow.

I just deleted over 4000 emails. It was both scary and freeing at the same time.

The sun seemed to be shining a bit brighter this weekend. I felt so much lighter on our walk. I hoped the same for others as we passed and if not, someday soon.

I’m over you complaining about your migraines when you don’t use all the tools you have available. They do work if you use them regularly. I’ve witnessed it but you are stubborn and feel the need to disagree.

14 months of dental implants came to an end. Ate a whole apple for the first time in 40 years.

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So, so sad that our state’s cross country championship meet is being canceled. I can’t imagine how devastated the kids must be. :frowning:

Just…give it a rest.

Nuclear attack?!

Wait, what???