Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Please clarify!!

It’s taking a lot of will power to not throw in the towel. Whenever I make progress you always have to find a way to put me down. You are also lashing out at the kids and soon they will cut you out of their lives. I will stay strong and not let your negativity bring me down!

“Some day we’ll look back on this and it will all seem funny”

Is there a dislike/thumbs down button?

You’ll see it when you believe it.

I wish adults would act like they are grown and mature, esp when it involves serious things.

(Comic relief is nice and not part of this vent.)

You and your wife were starving? Really?? I find that hard to believe. I am more inclined to think maybe you don’t understand what it really means to have nothing.

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Thank you to all Veterans, young and old. Your service is greatly appreciated!!!

Just because he made an arbitrary order Sunday night does not mean we became dangerous to each other all of a sudden.

If you want to get really angry, search for “Mainers against Mask Mandates” on Facebook. They’re planning to have their supporters go to three grocery stores on Sunday and enter as a group, not wearing masks. Of course, they’re not real bright, keeping their page public. One of my Facebook friends contacted the stores. Another contacted the Maine CDC to make sure they were aware of the situation. They are now, and have notified the state police. The most upsetting part was seeing the group include smiley face emojis on the post announcing the event. I’m so mad I can hardly function right now.

OMG. That’s all I can say.

Looking for a new apartment is stressful.
I want you someplace both nice and safe!

and the forests will echo with laughter

I really hope this all works out - I feel like it is a good move. As somebody just mentioned looking for an apartment and moving is so stressful. She needs the change and I hope her current landlord is fair about breaking the lease.

I know you had surgery and I know you are depressed but I am so tired of dancing around you. You are draining all the little joys which keep me going. You are physically healthy now but your constant need to focus on the negative is exhausting.

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My mom had a treasure trove of sayings and always seemed to know exactly when and how to say them. If she was here today I can hear her say “Figures don’t lie, but liars do figure.”

Thanks mom, you’ve been gone 32 years, but your voice and wisdom has never left me.

I work really hard to have my kids do the work and make the decisions for themselves. Most of the time it works out well and appropriately. Sometimes they fall down. But the wins and the falls are theirs and what we all know is that this time will be a blip on the radar of their lives.

But WOW, do I want to force him to apply to two more schools right now! To give himself more of a chance for success in this process.

I will not force, I will not force, I will not force. His life, not mine. His life, not mine. His life, not mine.

This remodel has been going on for 26 months. Members are getting tired of it and yet the CEO just can’t be pleased. Will this be redo number 3?

Happy Birthday to me

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Our Secretary of State is sure busy these days. She is handling things so well. We have a female Governor, a female SOS, and a female Attorney General. I think it really bugs some folks! :slight_smile: