Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Please, people who are doing the hand recount ballot review panel shift with me- please have been as careful with covid precautions as I have. With rates rising, I am worried. But helping oversee the hand recount is important. And I am doing my part. Mr. person on my shift who has signed up for several shifts prior to ours - PLEASE be careful.

This is the first Masters we have missed in probably 20 years. I know itā€™s not really a big deal, but it makes me sad.

Happy 50th anniversary!!!

? ? ?

We have worked on an ā€œOh the Places Youā€™ll Go!ā€ book for our D21 since kindergarten - having her teachers and special coaches, etc., sign for her. Plan is to surprise her with it on graduation day. Last tournament of the season was cancelled and now I have to send the book to her coach and Iā€™m sick at the thought of it being lost. Ridiculous I know - but donā€™t want to part with it.

Feeling out of sorts. Too many little pots of worries. On top of all that, not a holiday lover to begin withā€¦

Is it January yet???

My family has no idea how hard I work to make the holidays nice for them. They donā€™t see me cleaning house, shopping, cooking, taking care of every detail. They just show up and eat. Iā€™m tired already and Iā€™ve done nothing yet but make a grocery list!

The graphs are off the charts. The rising cases needle is going STRAIGHT UP - not a steady incline, STRAIGHT UP. I have no compassion for people who have grown tired of playing the quarantine game. No one is in a better spot than others and likely MANY are in worse spots than you.

Talk about mental health worries, do you not think this applies to everyone?!

Quit playing the ā€œmeā€ game and think about the ā€œweā€ game.

I have to admit Iā€™m proud of myself for broadcasting the news of ā€œMainers against Mask Mandatesā€ on a couple of Facebook pages. My posts got hundreds of replies and the Maine CDC has been inundated with reports on the group. The nuts think they have ā€œwonā€ this round because they changed the location/time of their maskless shopping, but now they are on the radar of the public and state. The police will respond quickly when the public calls 911 to alert them, wherever the group shows up on Sunday.

Just came from a meeting. The room is supposed now hold 8. We had 15 - big wigs in my organization. Chairs were ~4 feet apart. How many were wearing masks? 4. No, not 14. FOUR! For an 1:30 meeting. I also declined the invitation to join in the breakfast buffet! I moved my chair as far back from the table against the wall and glared at everyone. At least the City Manager was wearing a mask, but the HR Director did not. Is it any surprise our policies are so bogus!!!

I love being married to a guy who can fix everything - esp when the toilet starts leaking during a time of isolation prior to the holidays! If it were just me, Iā€™d need to call a plumber and would be eyeing trees outdoors for their ability to block views in broad daylight. With him around, itā€™s almost finished. He ā€œonlyā€ had to replace a pipe part and a new wax seal. (As if that information would help me do much.)

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Wow. So there really are folks who want to ignore the vote and just appoint the person they support simply because they want him there and ā€œit can be done.ā€

In America.

Talk about the end of Democracy.

I sure hope they donā€™t succeed.

It boggles my mind that anyone could even seriously consider it, much less promote it. And the same folks (neighbors - not people on this board at all) preach freedom.

All talk, no walk. Disgusting.

Just returned from the outdoor memorial service by the beach for my dear friend that died from suicide. It was wonderful to see her family even from afar as we all love and support them through this difficult time. All of our ā€œbubblesā€ were more than 6 feet apart and everyone wore masks. It was so hard not to hug everyone as we are all grieving the loss of a beautiful friend who was the kindest person I have ever met, but we agreed to keep distance and keep each other safe.

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It would be good to at least have some optionsā€¦

Ugh, itā€™s just getting worse and worse. I do have a ā€œrealā€ job Iā€™m supposed to be doing! I am so mad at certain people that I could spit. Not a good idea in the COVID age, I suppose.

So we are not going to visit S1, DIL and GD over Thanksgiving after all. Too risky. Son was very nervous for us, as was DH. By the time we see GD, it will have been a year and a half, I fear. I am beyond sad.

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Please donā€™t let my sister-in-law be positive. She has risk factors and sheā€™s an essential health care provider. Her kids have already lost one parent this year.

If you refuse to accommodate a request for curbside pickup of samples, then your company wonā€™t be getting any orders for our new house build. Scoffing at my request gets you the same result, even if you later concede. That porcelain tile I inquired about would have been used for 3/4 of our house. Your business might have also sold me bathroom floor tile, outdoor pavers, brick and other materials. Your loss.

A competitor offered to give (not sell) me some brick to repair the damage our yard guy did to the flower bed edging this summer. He said to call ahead and heā€™d have it put in my trunk. That was before he knew about the new house project. I like the look of your brick better, but his will be fine.

I miss you.

Ok. Here we go. Letā€™s see if things are better.

Oh and hi CC. Hope everyone is doing ok.