Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Why can’t my family members and random Facebook group users try google? You know Mr Google could answer that question? That’s what I did

I don’t trust you. I don’t understand you. At all. You are just plain weird.

I knew this was going to happen. I knew once mil and sil’s friends moved back from California, they were going to be less safe and get out and about even more than they already had been. With reports of how bad things are, the two of them decided to go to a crappy winery for a wine-tasting with these friends??? Mil is nearly 82. Brother-in-law is 76 and in terrible health. I really don’t know what you two are thinking. Thank goodness ds has already been to visit you on his cross-country venture. HE took not one but two repaid tests before he got to your house in order to protect YOU!!

Obviously you are not hearing that folks are supposed to stop doing unnecessary things. I’m so upset!

Oh god.

Please, please, please wear a mask, stay 6 feet away and use good hygiene or you might be in the next body bag I carry out.

I hear so many stories about very young people just out of college unexpectedly getting married or engaged during Covid. I hope their unions will stay strong.

So frustrating. When and where did she get so mentally beat up that she is this down on herself. It breaks my heart to hear her say that she doesn’t deserve nice things.

Stupid covid.

You have no idea how HARD I have worked on our relationship for the past 4 years, trying to find common ground even though your views are abhorrent to me. And now, I’ve begged you - literally begged you, in tears - to stop talking politics. You can’t or you won’t. You insist you are being “neutral and factual” in your comments, but you aren’t. Each of your comments sets off a storm of rebuttals in my head, along with raising my blood pressure.

I’m so so tired. I can’t do this anymore. It breaks my heart.

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I am so tired of all of this - it is exhausting. I keep thinking maybe we just need to move somewhere else, but where? I honestly can’t figure out half of this country - I wish I could just ignore it, but they won’t let me. How do you decompress when you keep getting poked? Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, just BE QUIET!

A three week partial shutdown, and the political sniping started right away. I am so tired of this. Stop being so selfish. YOUR choices are making things worse for everyone. It didn’t have to come to this.

I just realized that I was a first generation college student. It just never struck me that that was a thing.

This explains why my high school counselor in the 70’s tried to steer me away from college. I walked out of his office. That was a good decision.

I know you have been struggling with this whole covid situation. Now you are trying to get back to some sort of normalcy. I want to be there to help you recover, but I can’t get together with you when I hear you are visiting dear friends you haven’t seen in a while or seeing your godchildren. Your bubble has just become too big for me.

Looks like we will be eating a lot of takeout this winter…

I think they finally get it. Let’s just hope it is not too late to avoid the same tragedy that has claimed too many already.

Covid numbers in so many parts of country are down right frightful. Am deeply concerned what is happening now and in next 3-5 weeks. And so many aren’t wearing masks. (Local College students line the streets waiting to get in bars with no masks and no social distancing.)

There are no words to adequately describe this

I come up with a couple of Christmas gift ideas - my least favorite thing next to birthday gifts - and instead of thinking to yourself that you could make one of the things, you start talking out loud about It to me. Where, what color, size…I’ll make it for you.

If you’re building something in the garage that’s supposed to be a gift, then just say it’s a secret. I’ll believe you.

I don’t know, have one of the girls ask where I’d put it during a normal conversation. Maybe a surprise of a hand made gift would be good.

Back in April you assured my son and I that Covid was all a hoax and people were reacting crazily. You carried on with life as close to normal as you could make it, including a vacation a week ago. Tuesday you were interacting with several people at close distance. Wednesday you showed symptoms. Now you’re asking people to pray for you and your wife who is also positive. We all know you’re older and have a heart condition.

We’ll definitely pray (we like you!), but I hope your experience will also wake up several around you. It’s folks like you that put our area (and country/world) in the situation it’s in.

For the past 6 years my daughter seems to have something hanging over her which makes it hard for her to enjoy the holidays. Health issues, relationship issues, job issues, this year it is the unknown of moving into a new apartment in January. For most people that would be fun, she hates change, so it is stressful for her. I have to remain calm and be her rock for the next two months.