Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

You’re doing EXACTLY what they are saying NOT to do. Yes, only five people, but three households. This is not the year for Friendsgiving. NONE of you are spring chickens. And the hypocrisy one friend is exhibiting compared to how she was acting 7 months ago is appalling.

I can’t believe I have to email my senators to tell them to do the right thing. I reminded them this is not fifth grade student government and I expect them to pressure the powers that be to allocate transitional monies NOW and for full intelligence briefings to occur immediately, too. Sigh.

I wish that instead of an “I” society, we could become a “We” society at least for a little while.

Why do I always have to be the adult? She’s clearly ready to go, and the vet agrees. You two need to accept that and not make me out to be the bad guy who wants to kill her. We need to let her go peacefully.

Here’s what else is not ok. Putting your burden or “wishes” on health care staff. Month after month, week after week, day after day watching people die of this deadly virus. Often alone. Actually they aren’t alone. You know who is with them having to carry emotion of that end of life? HEALTH CARE WORKERS. Over and over and over again. They are screaming, screaming for relief. Can you imagine having to go into work everyday facing that? “We” not “me”.

Not sure how much longer we volunteers can keep this pace…

Hey, instead of threatening to impeach the Governor for making decisions you won’t make … why not take a long, hard look at what it means to be a leader and try to lead. Simply pointing fingers and refusing to do anything other than whine about “that woman in charge” is dereliction of duty. Put your mommy issues aside and own some tough decisions.

I am so into The Crown right now. It’s a nice escape from present-day COVID issues. That being said, it is still heartbreaking. DIANA! :cry:

Who knew hand recounting ballots was so exhausting. And lady who was either purposely obstreperous or just a royal PITA, I feel really badly for the review panelists who have to work with you tomorrow and Weds. I am glad my shift is over with you.

Dishonest tax preparers really make me angry. I had forgotten how angry until this poor kid … and I used to have to deal with it on a regular basis.

I was feeling sorry for myself because it’s been 3 months since I’ve seen one of my kids. Got some news and all of a sudden my heart is so full of gratitude that I will see and hold my kid again. Not everyone in my life can say that today.

Governor, you are a chicken. I’m so very disappointed.

Proof positive that it is all about you.

All the thuggery and violence has done nothing for your alleged causes unless those causes are destruction and division. Grow up!

Neighbor house that backs up to my yard - put your friggin’ yappy ass dog in the house!!!

Let me guess, your next question is going to be, “Are you still beating your wife?”

I really will look at news stories differently in the future. Wow.

So our Gov issues orders restricting family gatherings… meanwhile two of our assemble representatives bought tickets to jaunt off to Hawaii for shindig with lobbyist. One is already there…One hundred people, four days. All hanging out in a luxury resort on Maui.

Tell me again why I can’t see my family over the holidays?

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Apparently I took the Instruction to saturate a little too far. The sofa cushion the cat peed on may now smell worse because of the cleaner. Hopefully it will go away, but meanwhile it’s hanging out in the basement.

I had no idea that I would live in the crazy times when having your family that does not live with you over for a holiday dinner at your house could be a misdemeanor! ?

Not having family and inlaws over for the holidays. YESSSSSSSSSSS!!! ?