Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>dear citysgirlsmom!
i agree... don't change the rules in midstream...first there is the science olympics, then not... first they say the science fair people who go to regionals will be chosen from the winners of the school's actual science fair, then you hand picked them before the fair.. etc...</p>

<p>To my "dear" aunts:</p>

<p>GROW UP. I've watched you both morph from loving relatives who were always there for me and my mother to conniving backstabbers who seem to delight in psychologically tormenting our family. "Gina", you berated my mother endlessly on her parenting methods, and I am now at one of the top schools in the country and quite happy, whereas you are putting your socially underdeveloped and painfully shy son through a rigorous curriculum apparently in some kind of sick "competition" with my mother--he NEEDS to be in a school with girls! While you sit on your *** at home and are supported by the husband you verbally abuse, you've put my mother down and worn away at her low self-esteem, a problem she's struggled with her whole life, and I hate you for it. At least your daughter may turn out fairly normal, thank God. Also, kindly explain why you're perfectly content to let your daughter go away to Japan for a month to live with complete strangers, yet absolutely refuse to let her or her brother come visit at our house? What have we ever done to them that would warrant this behavior?</p>

<p>And "Selma", grow a spine! You ended up ruining my graduation by bringing my first stepdad to the ceremony (unbeknownst to us), then proceeding to completely ignore my mother's new husband. You almost drove their marriage to the point of collapse, and you would have been thrilled if you did. Then, you pretended to apologize for your behavior, only to turn around and tell my mother that "you couldn't hang around with her anymore", which of course meant that you chose Gina over her. Oh, and good luck raising the daughter you allowed to turn into a spoiled rotten brat because you decided to have her let whatever you want. </p>

<p>We've moved 2000 miles away now and are very happy, and you can no longer hurt or threaten our family, even though you had almost the entire extended family turned against us at one point. You still do have the power of making me unable to see my favorite cousins because of your sick, twisted games. Good riddance to you both!</p>

<p>To the highly unprofessional professor I'm putting up with:</p>

<p>You teach your subject very well--I'll give you that. Unfortunately, that's all I can give you. You're rude, cynical, and quite possibly one of the most miserable human beings I've ever had the misfortune to meet (basically, you're my "Aunt Gina" with a different hairstyle). You ridiculed a well-meaning prospective student behind his back, are an incredibly subjective grader, and have now made me absolutely livid with your stubborn insistence that you returned a paper to me that I greatly need, even though you only told me the grade I received on it. Although I would literally be willing to bet my life on the fact that you did not return the paper to me, you've become increasingly nasty to me for something that is ENTIRELY your own fault. I turned that paper in exactly when everyone else did, and your losing it is not my problem. Since you have made a paper rewrite an integral part of the class final, can you not understand my need here? I have no reason to lie about this, so why don't you take a leap of faith here and ACTUALLY BELIEVE WHAT I'M TELLING YOU!? I won't look down on you for being wrong about something, but I will for your groundless, and quite frankly vicious attitude toward me of your own personal infallibility.</p>

<p>You have your political opinions, and that's fine by me, but why don't you at least make an honest effort to keep them out of the classroom? They're uncalled for, usually completely irrelevant to the course material (this isn't a gov't course), and are highly disrespectful to those who may not be atheistic radical feminists like yourself. As an aside, the administration at this college sure make a big deal about people being offended, but they seem to have a bit of selective blindness.</p>

<p>We'll see who has the last laugh when it comes time to write course reviews.</p>

<p>Lastly, to the two girls who ordered from my place of employment yesterday:</p>

<p>Get a life. If you are that frustrated about the consistency of your frozen drink, throw it in the microwave for a few seconds! Your nit-pickiness that went beyond ANYTHING that could even remotely be considered normal wasted both my time and yours: something's wrong when making a 1-minute drink takes ten minutes for each of you because of your ridiculous minor adjustments. And you were quite nervy during this entire process too. Even my supervisor (the nicest person you could ever hope to meet) described you both as "known pains in the @ss"! Why don't you find somebody else's time to waste, or better yet, go back to your rich suburb in New Jersey or wherever you live, where you've probably had everything you wanted handed to you on a silver platter your entire lives!</p>

<p>Ahhhh...much better! :)</p>

<p>My dear neighbor:</p>

<p>I am glad you've kept your figure but dressing like your preppy teen-queen wannabe 14 yr old doesn't flatter anybody over 14. And to your much, much larger friend, stop dressing like the skinny wench who's dressing like her 14 yr old daughter. I don't know why you are imitating her, but if she's telling you look good, don't believe her. </p>

<p>Don't think I don't see you imitating my (mild) neurological disorder 'cause I do. And I think that's why your daughter talked loudly and openly about her birthday bash in front off my daughter, apparently for the sheer pleasure of then adding "And you're not invited becaused your mom is weird." You would think middle school would end some time, wouldn't you, instead of carrying on into the next generation? </p>

<p>Well, my gifted girl is going to a ra-a-ather prestigious <em>actual</em> prep school next year while yours will continue to be as pretentious and cruel as you are, despite your merry little wave as we pass you in your Hummer (for the 3 of you and a dog smaller than my handbag). You have raised a suck-up bully who will probably go on making life a misery to everyone who can't see beyond the pretty face and shiny hair. Gee, just like mom.</p>

<p>Dear [Friend],</p>

<p>No one will say it... but your boyfriend is an enormous jerk. And, I'm frankly rather shocked that you're even falling for his little game. Wasn't he the one who had you in tears last week? Wasn't he the one who said only two months ago that he could never date you because you wouldn't "do" anything with him? Everyone that I know is worried about you, and we've all noticed how you've changed. You're acting like a jerk to a boy who liked you THREE MONTHS AGO, you're ignoring your friends, and we can -already- see you compromising your morals. So many people have expressed concern to me, predicting that he's going to 'corrupt' you... but you don't see it. I'm glad you're happy now... but you KNOW that he's an *ss, and you're willing to lower yourself just to be with him. He's going to crush you eventually, whether he gets what he wants from you or not. We all know that you're going to regret this so, so much... but anytime that we try to talk to you, you just yell and say that "we just can't stand to see you happy."</p>

<p>I'm really, really sorry... because in about a month, you're going to realize your mistake. And, that makes me so incredibly sad.</p>

<p>Funny how life works out sometimes...two of my three issues actually worked themselves out!</p>

<p>The professor finally found my paper, later apologized, and we are now on good terms. Though I can't claim that she is completely vindicated, the personal fiasco between us is over, as far as both of us are concerned.</p>

<p>And one of the girls who I mentioned ended up getting completely chewed up by a coworker, in a gleefully satisfying way ;)</p>

<p>K to the person at the graduation in a building with ONE bathroom that women could use (labeled Unisex- male/female/ the person who tried to block my mom from using that toliet because she wasn't disabled shame on you</p>

<p>she is 70, and to go outside and around the block to a bathroom in the cold and damp, would not be nice</p>

<p>and to not trust that we ladies would have enough class and werewithwal to let a disabled person go to the front of the line for that bathroom is just bad form, of course the nice ladies would do that</p>

<p>and oh yeah, nice planning having a mens room in the building, but the ladies in the next one over</p>

<p>That's really silly that that happened CGM -- handicapped bathrooms are NOT restricted (legally or any other way) like handicapped parking spots are. They are provided so that people in wheelchairs or who need handrails will have them. But it is perfectly okay for others to use them. Just like anybody is allowed to walk on the ramps leading up to buildings, even though they are there to accommodate wheelchairs.</p>

<p>Sounds like the female person (I hesitate to use the term "lady" as it sounds like she was not) blocking the bathroom was using it because she was handicapped--- mentally handicapped.</p>

<p>ps -- CGM-
Our mom is only 70?? Wow! If my mom were still alive, she'd be 83.</p>

<p>I am resurrecting this thread because I need a place to say this:
Please, dear friends of many years standing, do NOT bring your charming five year old to every single dinner you have with us. Yes, we know your child is a miracle of medical technology and that you two high-flying mid-forties professionals hate to leave her with her expensive nanny when you're not working ten hour days (or more), but we'd love to have a conversation with you that didn't include a presentation of what she learned in kindergarten this week. Just now and then. Even if she is a nice child.</p>

<p>TO that girl three rows back at the Giants-Yankees game today- you were sooo obnoxious today, and so were your friends- and competing yelling go yankees, go giants was not funny, or clever</p>

<p>cheering is one thing, but having a potty mouth (as the elderly gentlemen to your left told you) is not attractive, and most of the people around you both yankee and giants fans, wanted to muzzle you</p>

<p>sure cheer have fun, but don't make rude commets about everyone's clothes and other teams- no one was impressed</p>

<p>Dear sweet sentimental self,</p>

<p>If you don't want to get hurt, you should try expecting less of people. It might help you. I'm just saying.</p>

<p>Be careful,
Your better judgment</p>

<p>To my professor:
Thank you for telling me the truth; even though you, uh, really didn't need to, I'm glad you respect me enough to do so.</p>

<p>dear friend's parents: i know you two went to ivies. i get it. you don't have to brag ALL THE TIME. quit making me feel inferior, and quit making YOUR CHILD feel inferior because she can't get into the schools you went to.</p>

<p>Dear sisters,</p>

<p>I know that your resentment towards me in our childhood days was based on the lavish attention that I got -- being the last of 6 girls -- but now you need to move on. If our old 82 year old mother proudly talks about me and my family, do not hate me for that. I did not tell her to do so.</p>

<p>Every phone conversation that we have is mainly about you and your family. I listen, empathize, rejoice, advice while you relate your experiences. Why is it that every time I try to tell you my happy story, your phone suddenly needs charging. Funny thing is if I switch back to making you the center of the conversation, the phone battery magically gets recharged.</p>

<p>I too want to relate the events in my life – and no I am not bragging nor making it up. I just want to share my happiness with you my sisters just as how I shared in yours. </p>

<p>I stopped calling you for one year and I know you missed the listening ear. Now I am back to listening to you again. This time you spare me some talking time but what is that rustling sound I hear only when I am talking?</p>

<p>To the lady who ALMOST HIT MY TWO KIDS while they were riding their bikes along with a group of people walking IN THE CROSSWALK in a resort with a 25 mile-per-hour-speed limit, because you were driving the world's largest s.u.v.AND TALKING ON YOUR CELL PHONE - </p>

<p>You slammed on the brakes, stopped, and backed up - almost hitting the car behind you, which your ginormous blind spot blocked - like if you backed up no one would notice you barrelled right into a crowded crosswalk even though it is clearly marked and the car in the oncoming lane had stopped and the crosswalk is between 2 stop signs less than 100 yards apart.</p>

<p>You have no idea how close I came to walking up to your window, rapping on it, smiling, and when you rolled it down grabbing your cell phone and THROWING IT IN THE POND ACROSS THE ROAD (the one with the "beware of alligator" sign). Maybe that will teach you not to talk on your cell phone while driving. </p>

<p>But thank you for not hitting my kids.</p>

<p>To my daughter's 4th grade teacher:</p>

<p>You told me that my daughter was a "square peg". I'm sure it's on the highlight film of your teaching career. </p>

<p>To my youngest daughter's math teacher:</p>

<p>Despite having "the lowest grade on the 10 question assessment quiz given on the first day of class" (an amazing diagnostic tool, I am sure!), my daughter got a B in your class. Ha Ha! Guess you were wrong - you told me that she would fail. Hmmm. Wrong.</p>

<p>Dear self,</p>

<p>You need to learn Korean. Fast.</p>

<p>While I'm not a parent, I'm sure many of your children could relate to the following.</p>

<p>Dear High School Friends,</p>

<p>I couldn't care less how hard your small private LAC is. College is hard. Deal with it. I also don't appreciate your assumption that public schools are inherently lesser than private schools, and thus your discouraging remarks behind my back about how stupid I am for choosing a "lower ranked" public school over a "higher ranked" private school that most likely wouldn't have been a good match for me. </p>

<p>Secondly, bragging about how much you party at school is so incredibly lame. Get over it.</p>

<p>To my parents:</p>

<p>I need to know whether you'll be living in Stockholm or in New York City next year. It doesn't matter that I won't be living with you anymore. I leave Washington next week; the moving crew is leaving with our things in two weeks. What are you planning to tell them? I NEED TO KNOW THIS. Your other daughter -- the fourteen-year-old, the one who's going to be a high school sophomore in either of those cities in the fall -- needs to know this. You can't stall this decision anymore. WE NEED TO KNOW.</p>

Your daughter</p>

<p>To the admissions officers who turned down my daughter who was "extremely qualified" to X because you assumed I was not going to be the parent to contribute X dollars in the future, I still have the "wait-list" letter, I will forward it along with her Ivy league acceptance letters. Hope all of you who are"contributing" to the fund every year sleep well knowing that a lot of you bought your children's way into a school that they probably did not want to go to anyways.</p>