Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>This thread is a good place to do anonymous venting. Let's keep it a place for doing a vent and then moving on without comment. If you want to provide support to people who are venting please send them a PM. </p>

<p>And please everyone remember our courtesy expectations.</p>

<p>Moderator Amistad</p>

<p>Dear Obnoxious Woman in My Community College Class,</p>

<p>There is a reason that no one older than a young child (who announces at every chance meeting that s/he is "six and three-quarters") opens a conversation with his or her age. In the vast majority of social and educational situations, it does not matter. I realize that I am younger than you, and that this bothers the living he*l out of you. But please, until I prove myself incapable of the work, discussion, and understanding that this course requires, stop reminding everyone that I am "only" fifteen years old at every fabricated opportunity. Perhaps you’re too busy with your own children, (who I quite clearly understood the first time are “not much younger than you!”) to complete the reading and writing assignments that the class requires, but the rest of us are here to listen to the professor’s lectures and to discuss those assignments in a respectful academic environment. For the sake of our fellow classmates, please stop wasting class time and testing my patience with backhanded compliments about my “competence”, in relation to my age.</p>


<p>On Her Last Nerve in Columbus</p>


<p>I could never tell you this, of course, but I'm going to miss our conversations while I'm in Europe. I know two months is forever for how long we've known each other, but please don't forget about me just because I'm not around to remind you.</p>


<p>To the Middle School drama director - did you REALLY have to tell my daughter TO HER FACE, in front of her friends, that "...I don't think I want to put you in the musical next fall, (insert name), because you goof around too much" ? Why would you say that, after she practiced for hours ahead of time, auditioned well, and was invited to call backs? She was willing to give up her fall soccer season, even for a part in the chorus, and you had no room for a girl with straight 100 grades in chorus and high scores in solo fest, because she "goofs around too much"? If that is your interpretation of her "joie de vivre", I feel sorry for you, and wish you more joy in your life. If my daughter truly has a behavior problem, and how would you know that, never having had her as a student, wouldn't it better to discuss that with her father and I instead of crushing her dreams like that with such a hurtful comment? We will BUY a front-row ticket for you when she gets a lead in the high school musical, thank you very much....</p>

<p>Dear Friends,
I love you all, you are generous, kind and give me great companionship in good times and bad. Just stop asking about my son's future every 2 weeks. I have great confidence in him and his ability to make a good living. He is following a non-traditional path (non-traditional in your view), so stop asking me or making judgements about him. He always followed his own counsel and he will in the future as well, as I think he should.
I do wish all your children well too.

<p>To all - this is the best thread ever. Just thinking about what i could write here makes me feel better. Reading everyone else's beefs helps too.</p>

<p>Dear employers,</p>

<p>I understand that it's part of the job experience to eat lunch together. However, I don't understand anything you say, and it's very lonely and boring to eat lunch with people who ignore me. Please let me eat alone or at least try to sit with other English speakers. It would do me a lot of good.</p>

<p>Oh, and one more thing.</p>

<p>If any of you jerks tell me that I have good English pronunciation again, I will have to go into a corner and cry.</p>

<p>Or go Hulk and tear down this whole factory.</p>

<p>Maybe both.</p>

<p>Seriously. I'm a native English speaker. OF COURSE my pronunciation is good, you schmucks.</p>


<p>Your message made my day. I'm glowing and I can't even tell you. (This isn't a rant, but I had to say it somewhere!)</p>


<p>OMG, do they HAVE to put my picture on the front of like every tabloid? Like every week or whatever? Like its always me and my frends? OK, I agree, weere all rich and fabulous and beautifull, but still!! Like this is reely annoying, to like go to the Safeway and whatever and always see pictures of ME ME ME staring back. and ok, like most of the time Im wearing something cool, but sometimes its just outfit horror! Note to self: fire stylist.
wait 1 minit -- i hv sms
ok, im bak
were was I, oh yeah, so i no we r the most intresting thing going on in america so peeple want to see us on magazines and newspapers, like, nonstop? but seeriosly, sometimes i look like a dog and i dont want my pic taken! thank u! im glad i said that</p>

<p>....if i didn't love you so darn much I wouldn't give you such a hard time...</p>

<p>You're a sweet, awesome, and incredibly smart person, and I appreciate all you've done for me... but you REALLY need to trim your naivette before your incredible kindness causes you get hurt by someone much more malicious than I am.</p>

<p>Dear daughter,
For almost 22 years I have tried so hard to be a good mom to you. Every day of all those years I have done my best. I have never once said anything to you that I regret. I am always supportive to you, trying to help you, listening to all your problems in great detail. I am always there for you, as I have been your entire life. </p>

<p>I have always hoped that someday you will realize that our relationship should be a two-way street. I don't really have much hope any more though. If you knew how sad I am inside and how depressed I really am deep inside, it would shock you. But I always have to be the leader and the cheerleader.</p>

<p>It breaks my heart to think of you as a little girl, how much you loved me then and how close we were. Now I am just someone to pull away from, someone to vent to, someone to write checks and make reservations. Being your mom now is mostly a very sad thing. And you'll never know, because if I told you any of this, you'd just be angry and blame me. I am glad I had you and glad I raised you to the best of my abilities, but being your mom now is just depressing.</p>

<p>to the bikeriders</p>

<p>k, you HAVE to follow the rules of the rode, why you think you are entitled to run stop signs, stop lights, etc, and thne get mad when you are almost hit, well, gee whiz</p>

<p>I do my best to read your body language and mind when you are cycling, and I have to assume you will try and sqeeze pass me and speed through the intersection</p>


<p>OK, gods in the sky and the sea...
Enough is enough. Last night my car gets hit while parked on the side of the road. Today I wake up to broken airconditioning in my house (i live in Fla), and now my car battery dies on top of that.</p>

<p>To all the rats out there, and I don't mean human kind. Stop eating my melons half heartedly, make sure you finish one before you byte another one open.</p>


<p>There are things "sorry" won't fix. What you called me last night (and too many nights the past seventeen years) is one of them.</p>

<p>I'd write "love," but I can't,
Your daughter
the one you called a stupid [promiscuous woman; edited for language as requested by moderator], never mind the fact that she's going to Dartmouth and has never even kissed</p>

<p>to our "friends" who disagreed with us on a very serious issue, yes that issue was important enough to us, and your stance showed us what kinds of people we thnk you are and yes the friendship is hurt- somethings we just can't be tolerant of and when it comes to animals, well your statements hurt</p>

<p>oh yeah, to the "gentleman" at stanford stadium who stepped in to "help" me</p>

<p>I am not a moron and I can read, and no, there was not good signage at the stadium about where anything was, nor where parking was, nor food</p>

<p>when half the fans show up late to a soccer game because the rodes aren't marked and there isn't even a sign for the stadium, gee, you think it might just be YOU GUYS</p>

<p>interesting wasn't it that many had to park a mile away at the mall and then walked through a 1/3 empty parking lot- you know why, it was almost impossible to turn into the parking lot if you didn't know the "secret" of Stanford- not a good impression</p>

<p>you treated me like I was stupid and clueless, I am 46 and can read, and pretty darn well at that, I wouldn't have asked if there were signs, you arrogant guy in a boss-man vest- i have traveled through foriegn countries, and led field trips of 30 girl scouts and live in the big city, and can manuver pretty well, but gee whiz post a sign or two</p>

<p>and yes, you all will be getting a letter....argh</p>

You're going to an Ivy, online off course, no chicken out.</p>