Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>Dear Co-workers:</p>

<p>Please remember that I am trying to work, and don't appreciate it when you hold a cell-phone conversation at greater-than-normal volume.</p>

<p>Dear headphones and internet radio:</p>

<p>I love you :)</p>

<p>To my ex/my son's other parent:
Stop controlling our son's money. He is 18. Responsible. Bright. He does not need you to be in control of his finances. You told me that when he turned 18 you made sure the savings that were in trust for him were now his. Yet more than 6 months later he finds that he can't withdraw the money but YOU can?!! You say you're doing this "in case he needs the money" then you can get it for him while he's at college(he knows how to use a phone and an ATM - trust me, he could get the money). You and I had this discussion after he turned 18,and again when he and I were filling out FAFSA, and you assured me it was his money. And now in July I find out you are still in control of it?<br>
If something were to happen to you, he wouldn't be able to get the money & he'd really need it (and this is HIS money). Which brings up the question - why do you have your two nieces listed as beneficiaries on your life insurance? Why is your sister named as beneficiary on your savings? What about your son? Your nieces are in their 30's. Your sister is married. Financially they have nothing to lose if you should die. Your son is relying on you to help pay for college. If something were to happen to you, your son would suffer financially. And we've had this discussion before too but you refuse to change anything.</p>

<p>Harry Potter is incredibly lame. You're all puppets.</p>

<p>To All the Students: Pick a school you like and can afford. Work hard and take advantage of all that is offered there. Be kind and compassionate to all you meet and life will be kind to you. This is my last post.</p>

<p>To new school principal and administration:</p>

<p>There were only 130 students in the class of 2010. How hard was it to learn their names and not look dumbfounded when you had to pronounce them for graduation and senior awards ceremony?<br>
I turned in all of the required forms for the awards ceremony and graduation, including all the schools to which I was accepted and the total amount of scholarship money I was awarded. I turned my form in two days after I received it, well before the time required. I copied all of my college acceptance letters with pride and my scholarship letters as I turned them in to you. Your administration couldn't keep up with my records for the awards ceremony. You completely skipped over me. I had the highest scholarship total of the entire school, but nobody knows. I waved it off to my friends like I didn't care, but I really did care. Your laziness downplayed my accomplishments and everything I did for the entire school and through my entire high school career. I applauded all of those students who received over 100K in scholarships. I patiently waited for my name and the recognition for which I looked forward to for years. I was awestruck when you just skipped over my name. My mother and sister (top graduate for the previous school year) complained. The administraiton did nothing and didn't even attempt to rectify the situation at the graduation ceremony where we sat through the same names, schools, and scholarship totals. </p>

<p>You know what? I don't care anymore. Infact, I'm kind of happy. Less than 10 people matter to me at that school, and all of them know my accomplishments and worth. Furthermore, I have a great community here online that will applaud my accomplishments without me even having to tell them about them. </p>

<p>Ten years from now, when I visit the school as an alumni, I will ignore you. Don't be surprised. You never did anything for me and I won't donate any money to the school until you leave.</p>

<p>This thread is a good place to do anonymous venting. Let's keep it a place for doing a vent and then moving on without comment. If you want to provide support to people who are venting please send them a PM. Comments addressing previous posts will be deleted. </p>

<p>To the female teacher at Ds school who "stalks" my daughter so to comment on her outfit- ewww stop it- she is dressed appropriately, and in summer dress code and for you to track my D down to see what she is wearing on an almost daily basis, double ewwww, and then to make comments all the time is just icky and weird</p>

<p>Its creeping us out, so stop fixating on what my D is wearing and get a life, please</p>

<p>To my friend who speaks truth with great gentleness:</p>

<p>Thank you. That was.... cathartic.</p>

<p>You people suck. Why do you tell a kid you are going to do something and then you don't do it! Shame on you. </p>

<p>It's kind of fun to actually write that. I would never ever say that to these people's faces, you know?</p>

<p>To those Harry Potter-haters - give it a rest! These books are NOT turning our children into witches. They are NOT teaching them to cast spells. They are NOT anti-god. </p>

<p>Harry Potter is a work of fiction. They ARE getting millions of children to read (during the summer no less). They ARE a great example of how a single mother can create something the world loves and make millions of dollars doing it.</p>

<p>Dear long lonely summer months thousands of miles and six time zones away from all my friends,</p>

<p>I'm thoroughly sick of you. Why can't it be September?</p>

<p>No love,
who is grateful for her European vacation but incredibly, maddeningly, painfully alone</p>

<p>To the three women who threatened me with physical violence for supposedly jumping ahead in line at the American Airlines baggage tagging station today: in the first place, at your peril, lay one hand on me. There are some things that are far, far worse than waiting for your baggage tags: assault me, or for that matter anyone else in my presence, and you'll discover in sub-second speed just exactly what those far worse things are. In the second place, if we did have an actual physical confrontation, you'd get to really experience up close and personal the intricacies of our health care system, with special emphasis on plastic surgery and bone repair - if I let you live, that is. Trust me when I tell you - I would decimate you, and your friends. THEN I'd let my good friends on the local police force have their way with you, and you'd get to try out the legal system, from the criminal defendent's position. Bottom line, physically assaulting me is the single most unfortunate choice of action you could ever possibly choose. In the third place, if you would have been courteous enough to listen to my explanation, graciously offered in response to your threat of physical violence, you would have started to understand that there is no "line". Passengers check in at the kiosks, and then wait for the airline agents to call their names. There is no way for a passenger to reduce waiting time - it's all a matter of when the agent behind the counter picks up a tag for baggage, and calls the name on that tag. Of course, one could try to approach the counter and convince an agent to search through all of the tags in order to come up with their name and serve them immediately, thereby perhaps "jumping" the nonexistant line, but, that's not what I did: the nice lady in the AA uniform called my name, and I responded from the middle of the crowd. </p>

<p>To American Airlines planners and service managers: it might really, really help if you had signs, agents - anything - to explain your weird, inconvenient, bizarre and haphazard "non-plan" to travelers. Those of use who fly on your airline every week or so "get it". But those who do not fly your airline frequently do not "get it". All they see is a large mass of people hauling an even larger mass of baggage, and there is simply no way for them to know that they are supposed to wait for their names to be called - especially when your agents are barely audible in the first place, and when they function so inefficiently, and when there are so few of them. It's not surprising that some of your customers are threatening to assault some of your other customers. There is absolutely no information whatsoever telling them what to expect, or what to do, and there is no rational organization to the way you attempt to process passengers checking bags at this particular airport. It's probably a matter of time before someone gets hurt. A little bit of communication on your part would go a very long way towards reducing tension all around.</p>

<p>To HS Chorus Director:
Yes she can sing - she received scholarship offers from several competitive places. Her perfect score at districts was not a fluke, even though you refused to give her solos, recognitions, or nominate her for Governor's school. Just because your career never went anywhere and you are in some petty dispute with her voice teacher does not mean she is a threat to you. And no she does not really understand you just had to give it to ... because her parents donated.....All she wanted from you was a little acknowledgment and encouragement. She acts like she did not care but your attitude hurt her.</p>

<p>That was better - smiled and did the boosters stuff for 2 years without saying it :)</p>

<p>To the guy who just asked me for a donation to help local law enforcement, but wouldn't send me information unless I pledged first: </p>

<p>If you can't tell me which branch of law enforcement with whom you are affiliated, or for what my donation will be used, and if you can't mail me something with no strings attached, you are not getting my money. Quit asking.</p>

<p>To China: yeah, I am tired of buying things that are made there that don't work- I bought 5 little light fixtures, not one worked</p>

<p>And don't get me started on the safety of food</p>

<p>To the administration at my children's high school. Last year when my d graduated I sat patiently through all of the academic awards and honors at senior awards night. Many students were recognized for their excellence. Then it came time for the athletic awards. My d (I'm NOT saying she was the only deserving athlete) was a four year varsity player, her team won league all four years, sections all four years, and my d was on the 1st team for both as well. She was also a D1 recruit for her sport. So who gets to choose the winner of the athletic scholarships (1 given to a boy and one given to a girl) by our school? The football coach (since when does he know anything about the girls teams?) Who does he choose after his lengtly speech? He feels the award should go not to an athlete accomplished in one sport, but rather to a kid who "tried lots of sports and did not excell in any of them, but she/he explored them." What was the logic in this anyhow? Did the adminsistration apply that logic to the academic scholarships? Were kids awarded because they tried many classes, including AP's in lots of different areas? Were kids awarded because they tried and did not excell? No they received the scholarships because they excelled academically at what they did. Why were athletic awards wasted on kids who did not excell athletically? Wow a year later and I'm still angry about this.....</p>

<p>To the women in the office who had the rudeness to discuss within earshot of me, that the college that my son goes to would not be challenging enough for their daughters...
Your daughters were too scared to take AP Calc, or any AP or high level sciences and maths during high school. They'd last about one week in the classes my son takes- preprofessional, bio/chem engineering, math. Just because SOME kids at his school major in lite subjects, doesn't mean everyone does. Just because your daughter is going to an elite private school, which you paid for all the way, does not make her smarter than those going to publics. Your daughters beat my son in GPA (because of their "lite" coursework) but my son whomped on yours in the SATs and the APs. (How DOES one get into Notre Dame with an SAT in the 1100's?) He even did better in the englishes and humanities, which are supposedly your daughter's "thing". You are snobs and your daughters are too. We'll see how it all comes out when the fat lady sings, 10 years from now.</p>

<p>To those who leave a voice message that needs to be returned, with a long distance phone number and a 6-digit extension number, then a 9 or 10-digit account or claim number - SLOW DOWN or at least repeat the message! Even with paper and pen at hand I have to replay the message 2 or 3 times to get it all written down.</p>

<p>Just need to say.. "AAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" There, I feel better</p>

<p>Hey, Parent! Are you really oblivious to the all drinking and screwing around your "perfect" son is doing, or are you just pretending it ain't happening?!</p>