Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>To all you teenagers on CC who post insulting comments about others' stats, college choices, and the perceived prestige of different schools: I'm glad I don't know you.</p>

<p>To the lowlife companies that take advantage of older adults (geriatrics). Please stop sending my 86 yr old father requests for donations that look like bills. Please take these poor older adults on fixed incomes off your sucker list. Oh, and to the credit card company that sent him expensive Food and Wine cookbooks for him to "look at free for 14 days and then return them or your creditcard will be billed". That is an alltime low.</p>

<p>To self:
Give the guy a chance. I know you have been hurt in your other relationships, but that does not mean that everyone has an ulterior motive. Don't lose your head over this guy, but don't be completely cold. Don't second guess yourself either. You were right to say "no" to him when he asked you out a couple of days ago. Even though you all met through facebook, like each other, will be going to the same college , and are in the same class, nothing can ever truly replace meeting in you are only a freshman! You know that college is a time for adjustment and meeting new people, if it is meant to will happen. </p>

<p>Your main problem seems to be in your self perception of him. Although you seem to deny it, you are subconsciously being prejudiced towards the guy. You may deny that it is not real prejudice to assume the worst of him (thinking he is a player and a ladies' man automatically with no proof) because he is extremely good looking, but it is. Quit being a hypocrite and get over your insecurity.</p>

<p>Be careful,
Your logical half</p>

<p>To all you parents who have memorized not only your kids swim times
to the hundredth of a second, but also other people's kids swim times:</p>

<p>Get a grip. They are all beautiful kids. Also, let's figure out something
more interesting to talk about, OK?</p>

<p>Wow, that felt good.</p>

<p>To worriedmom89: </p>

<p>QUIT WORRYING SO MUCH! Life is too short!!</p>

<p>Wow . . . I wish I could "just do it." :(</p>

<p>To self:</p>

<p>Stop procrastinating!!! It is your worst character flaw by far. You're doing it right now! Stop! Turn this off! Stop rewriting the to-do list everyday with the exact same items on it. Go! Start with the closets.</p>

<p>To me;</p>

<p>Be confident! Why do you in the minds of others? Who cares what others think? They can't live my life. I am the one responsible for my own thoughts and actions. It is time to live up to my own lectures and expectations!!!</p>

Never, ever, post on CC threads that are dominated by prestige-school chauvinists. It's pointless argument.</p>

<p>To the guy who sat next to me on the plane home: you know, I flew on stand by, so, I was o.k. with the middle seat - at least it was the exit row. I can handle the middle seat because I know it's just a few short hours and I'll be home, and, I can endure just about anything for a few hours. But never did I could on having to sit next to you. First, you already know you're nine feet tall and that you do not fit in the seat. Plus, you obviously have six pair of arms, 12 pair of legs, and therefore multiple knees and elbows that just don't fit anywhere. So you could at least warn the poor person in the middle seat that you have absolutely no control over where your appendages end up during flight, and apologize for taking up all of my space, in addition to your original allotted space, and most of the aisle. I tried to sleep but you made that impossible; I tried to do my work but there wasn't room for two laptops to be operational in the limited space; I tried to read my book but that was hopeless as well. </p>

<p>Second, what in heaven or hell were you eating? At long last I understand why there are air sickness bags. Whatever you ate, the smell was positively disgusting. I sussed out that you're a doctor, because of the stuff you were working on, maybe you were eating something really loaded up with vitamins, or some other chemical? Whatever it was, maybe save it for when you're not around other people, so you don't make them nauseated. </p>

<p>Third, when you're using your laptop? There is absolutely no need for hysterical typing. It's a keyboard, not a punching bag. You can type efficiently without making so much noise that you sound like a jackhammer. Oh, and when you're looking at PDF documents that display landscape? You do not need to stand your laptop on end and do a gymnastic move with your body in order to read the document. All you have to do is use the "rotate" function and then the document will display the way you want it to. I was considering telling you this, but, then that would mean that I would actually have to talk to you, which I didn't want to do...</p>

<p>To a smart, thoughtful, independent daughter:
You are so right! Kids who go on college confidential usually don't have a life. If I hear anymore of how much money those ibankers make from any kid on CC, I'm going to SCREAM. No, I 'm not jealous of their money, because people don't often tell me how much these people sacrifice to make money. Long hours, shortened life span, broken marriages, health problems due to stress, not to mention they don't have a life. Tell me how many ibankers that do live till 100. Now that is something that's worth bragging about!</p>

<p>To the over-eager sports dad:</p>

<p>Bringing your middle school daughter to high school summer sports practices is over-the-top. Yes, the practices are unofficial and you may want us to think you just happened to show up at the school at exactly the time the practice was starting, and several times in a row at that, but we're not stupid. The other kids see you schmoozing with the coach too. There will be plenty of time for your talented athlete to practice with the hs team and she'll do great. But bringing her now isn't doing her any favors. Even if you don't burn her out with all of your daddy work-outs, the other kids find this annoying and butt-kissing.</p>

<p>To rising seniors:<br>
Just because you have excellent SAT scores and grades does NOT mean you can forget about safeties (or even reasonable matches). I am tired of seeing fabulous students act in such a careless manner after having taken such good care of grades/scores/etc. for the past three years. Some of you will be heartbroken next spring, and you'll come crying, "but noone told me..."</p>

<p>Yes, we did.</p>

a concerned mom</p>

<p>OK, for lack of a better term, they call your daughter a micro-slut. This seems to be just fine with you, because you revel and celebrate in her popularity. You let her dress like a sleazebucket. It's OK with you that she's making marginal grades in non-college prep classes, because she's on the homecoming court. She hangs out at the local parks and ball fields with guys who are 3-4 years older. She's superficial and snotty; all she cares about is hanging with the right crowd, being popular, and wearing the right clothes. You brag about taking her to the GYN for birth control, and that she goes to parties with drinking and drugs. The highlight of your life is going to the mall and dressing her up like a slut.</p>

<p>Did you not date enough in high school? Were you not as popular as you wanted to be? Are you still licking your wounds over not getting on the prom court? Not being part of the cool crowd? Get over it, and stop using your daughter to fulfill some kind of sick need in yourself. Be a mother instead of your 15 year old's "best girlfriend."</p>

<p>To those who take small children to inappropriate movies...please stay home from Bourne Ultimatum until next week. Thank you.</p>

<p>To the 14 year old girl in the family -- could you get out of the bathroom soon so we can go out???? I'm waiting . . .</p>

<p>To my rising senior son...wake up. The slacker attitude is really getting old and the time is flying by. I get that you are having a blast with your friends this summer and don't really know what you want to do next year, but please wake up and get a plan. High school graduation is closer than you think.</p>

<p>Enough with your meandering train of thought! Learn to be concise. Stop wasting everyone's time and boring us to death.</p>

<p>dear cameliasinensis,</p>

<p>YOU DO NOT WRITE TRANSPARENTLY ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL LIFE ONLINE. Why do you consistently fail to understand this? Didn't you say you wanted to start over in college? What is it about self-sabotage that appeals to you so much?</p>

who worries that she's made the wrong decisions posting here and hopes that not too many of her future classmates read this site</p>

<p>To my dearest & best friend: I don't want to tell you this, because I value our friendship. So I will just get it off my chest this way. I am jealous of you. I know that I NEVER let this on, and I won't. But, gosh, you have more money than I can ever imagine having. You are paying full price for a very expensive college AND you are buying a house in his expensive college town. I am not poor, but it is going to be hard to find the money to pay for my D's schooling, even with merit aid. How I wish our income didn't backslide each year due to increased health care costs passed on to H's company's employees, frozen retirement benefits, and limited raises. Oh, that brings me to the real killer ... YOUR H is a top ranking executive with the company my H works for. I have noticed that while we have given things up in the last few years due to the economic woes this company is suffering ... YOU have not had to give up anything. In fact, your H hasn't had to cut back on anything. You get to have healthcare that isn't available to the average person, you get perks that we can't even imagine, the company pays for a life coach for your H (oh, PLEASE), your bonuses keep coming (more & better). You are getting rich & the majority of the people in the company are losing money (while they take on increasingly large workloads due to white collar cuts). It's amazing how your H can get bonuses when the company is losing money ... seems the top management should be held accountable for this. Instead, the people who do their job & do it well suffer, and those who actually make the decisions that determine the direction of the company --- which is not all that great these days --- get rewarded. I would never trade places with you --- for various reasons --- but I sure wish I had half the money you made last year.</p>

<p>I love you and your husband dearly. I think I would be a lot happier for your success if our H's didn't work for the same company, though!</p>

<p>To the freeway stalker,
I thought I lost you on the freeway by purposedly driving very slow behind your car after you keep flashing me that stupid smile. However, you tricked me, exited and came back to the freeway and followed me. You even shocked me by followed me to the parking lot of destination, you drove by slowly and said hello after I got out of my car. YOU'RE A CREEP, DON'T YOU HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO!!!!!!!!!!! DID YOU EXPECT ME TO SAY HELLO TO YOU.
if I ever see you again, I'm going to call the police.</p>