Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>"I meant what I said."</p>

<p>Both my sons played baseball for 10 years and for some reason they all thought I was "the keeper of the cup" and I'm not talking about the cup you drink from. Why in the name of God would anyone think that was an object I wanted to keep track of? :confused:</p>

<p>Am I the only person whose kid has used their cellphone to call the house FROM THEIR BEDROOM to ask me to bring them a soda? (she knew I was in the kitchen and would answer the kitchen phone)</p>

<p>I feel like my life is a Zits cartoon.</p>

<p>PS - Skiers-mom - I laughed out loud when I read your post #366</p>

<p>to the people who say "prestige" argggghhhhhh</p>

<p>that word is so over used it is meaningless, if you want to go to a school for bragging rights, say that, using the word prestige to somehow come across as not interested in impressing doesn't work</p>

<p>sure if you get into a school that rejects 90percent of its applicants, woohoo, but to do it to impress others, eh, if that is what you need to do to impress, seems pretty sad</p>

<p>and to the people that put down community colleges, just stop it already</p>

<p>You are a great big giganto doo doo head. Sorry can't be more specific. But that's the way I feel.</p>

<p>Dear NYU Housing, </p>

<p>I can't believe a school that costs so much cares so little about its students. I hate how every one of your representatives emphasizes that a change in housing isn't guaranteed, like I am some worthless loser begging you to do me a favor. FOR GOD'S SAKE, MY REQUEST IS SO SIMPLE! It's sooooo simple that I cannot fathom the circumstances under which you COULDN'T accomodate it. Also, it would have be really nice to discuss my situation in a PRIVATE office with an adult who ISN'T 20 and is paid 10/hour... just a suggestion. I have gone to public schools all my life and got more support at each one of them than I am getting from you, fancy private school. </p>

<p>No love,

<p>To my best friend's fourth-grade teacher:</p>

<p>Thanks for telling him that he wasn't a good writer. That really gave his self-confidence the boost it needed. The worst part about it was that he believed it for oh, a good nine years until I told him otherwise.</p>

<p>To ex-boyfriend:</p>

<p>You should have gone to Mudd or Caltech instead of Harvard, and you knew it, too. Mudd and Caltech were the nerd heavens that you needed to be crazy and do amazing things. But no. They weren't prestigious enough for you, you schmuck.</p>

<p>To random parents who have nothing better to do than mind my business:</p>

<p>Please don't give me that look when I say I'm enjoying my school. Just because you think that it's not a good school doesn't mean I can't enjoy it. And there's a reason I don't ask you where your children are at school, but rather just if they're enjoying it and if they are up to interesting. Get a clue.</p>

<p>To the pre-op scheduler at my orthopedist's office: Is there some reason you failed to ask for THREE distinct sets of tests that would be required for my surgery tomorrow? </p>

<p>It's certainly not because I failed to provide you with the relevant health information -- it's right there on my chart. I've told you in person. I've told you on the phone when I called with questions. I know this drill. I've done it both professionally and as a patient. </p>

<p>Is there some reason the <em>hospital</em> had to be the one to call me THREE separate times today asking if I had gotten X, Y and Z tests done? Didn't want to take responsibilty for your massive bleep-up, eh? The pre-op nurse at the hospital was even more aggravated at your incompetence than I was. Says this sort of thing happens with you guys all the time.</p>

<p>Thanks. The hospital canceled my surgery -- I waited two months for this procedure so we could get the sun, moon and stars aligned -- get the doctor in town, get all my regular responsibilities covered while I'd be incapacitated, get my DH when he's not out of town on business, and before the kids got back into school. It would be nice to not have three surgeries this fall while DS1 is applying to colleges and DS2 has football 20+ hours a week. Guess THAT fantasy just flew out the window.</p>

<p>P.S. Boy, that feels better. Maybe I'll send this to the doc's office! :)</p>

<p>Dear Sons of Mine:
If the car door is locked and Dad asked you to bring in the groceries, ASK FOR THE KEY. Ice cream melts whether the door is locked or not.
Love, Mom</p>

<p>Our car was broken into last night!!!!</p>

<p>To you morons who did took a 3 year old razor phone that couldn't hold a charge, you biscuit brain. You left a $400 seiko wristwatch. What a complete moron you are. You took my neighbor's Fastpass. What do you expect to do with that??? You are a complete imbecile.</p>

<p>PS You can't even steal right. You are such a loser.</p>

<p>Are they related to the people who broke into my car about 15 years ago and took a box full of CHILDREN's cassette tapes? I hope they enjoyed Raffi and Peter Paul & Mary. My kids were heartbroken, we never found replacements for some of their favorite tapes ( days).</p>

<p>To all the gum chewers and whistlers out there. SHUT UP.</p>

<p>I don't want to hear you, EVER. </p>

<p>If you can't chew gum without me hearing it, stop chewing. Whistling is noise pollution. </p>

<p>Do these people realize that these sounds can be heard over long distances? </p>

<p>Am I the only one who feels this way?</p>

<p>Thank you for teaching me that children can take love and affection for granted from their parents- but the reverse is not necessarily true! (Though this hurts).</p>

<p>PS: Lafalum - your description put a BIG smile on my face. Thanks</p>

<p>I don't care that you got the best delegate award ahead of me. I don't care that you beat me by a mark in the test. I don't think you're hot, and neither does the guy you flirt with 24x7. I don't think you look good in a skirt. I don't like your perfume. I don't think you're funny. I think you're too bossy for you own good. And unlike you, I don't believe in getting my marks by cheating - I like to earn them myself, and I revel in the fact that my marks reflect my efforts. Basically, I detest you, ughh.</p>

<p>Damn did that feel good!</p>

<p>to a pretentious fiend:</p>

<p>You aren't that great because you have a higher SAT score than me. Seriously, you couldn't even pass trigonometry.</p>

<p>To hs teachers: Please stop comparing my daughter to her older brother. She is smart and talented in her own way, but she is not him! Please appreciate her as an individual! Isn't that your job?</p>

<p>Also, please stop telling us how hard you have it. You teach about 5 hours per day for 9 months per year, using the same lesson plans you devised 10 years ago. And you get a nice salary and benefits. Quit complaining!</p>

<p>To those few outstanding teachers: thank you, thank you, thank you!</p>

<p>To our senior citizen school board members: Please step into the present and stop being such cheapskates! No, just because facilities and curriculum were good enough for you 50 years ago, does not mean they are still adequate today. Since selfishness seems to be your motivation, at least consider your property value. </p>

<p>And to that one school board member who is a self-proclaimed expert on all things and talks for at least half of every meeting: shut up already! Look at the desperate looks of boredom on everybody's face. They don't care what you have to say! Give someone else a chance to speak!</p>

<p>Whew, that's better!</p>

<p>To the people in my philosophy class:</p>

<p>Have you heard of Spellcheck?</p>

<p>Dear Ambulance Workers,
When my 77 year old widowed mother called you at 4 a.m. because she thought she was having a heart attack, she thought she was taking advantage of the annual subscription you make her buy for ambulance service. When you arrived at 4 a.m. and didn't even bother to take her blood pressure or examine her, but simply talked her out of an ambulance ride and told her to drive herself to the hospital so she "wouldn't be stranded," what were you thinking? The ER rushed her into ICU for 3 days, put her on a Nitro drip, and spent a few more days checking out her artificial valve. Meanwhile, she had to find someone to come and retrieve her car because she couldn't afford the parking rates to leave it there indefinitely.</p>

<p>What do you guys see as the job of paramedics? Why do you even have an ambulance if you have no intention of actually transporting anyone? Did she interrupt a hot movie or a good poker game? What were you thinking?????</p>

<p>Dearest H, yes you can TO teach our D how to drive, she drives fine, and just needs more road experience, and that is OUR job, so don't wuss out</p>

<p>If I can do it, you can do it!!!!</p>

<p>Dear DS. Picking up the key to your college p.o. box is not an option. You need to collect your mail. If anyone sends you cookies, that's how you'll get them....</p>