Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>To the guidance office, two things: (1) Is it too much to expect for my son's transcript to be correct, after repeated requests beginning in ninth grade? I know his middle school didn't give year-end grades, but can't you do the math, as I did, and tell that it's an A, not a B? (2) In a school where many kids apply to rolling-admission universities, is it too much to expect that the school be ready NOW (a week after school started) to send out college paperwork? And no, I do not agree that it's a disadvantage to apply too early!!!</p>

<p>And a P.S. to my son's sadistic teacher from last year, who more than once held his work up as an excellent model for the rest of the class but never gave him more than a B: He has you again this year, and today you pointed to his work as an excellent model. Should he see this as a bad omen?</p>

<p>Karen Colleges,
I can't believe there is another kid out there who doesn't bother to pick up his mail! At the school my son attends, he gets an e-mail telling him that he has a package. Sometimes he doesn't even bother to go pick those up for days. Hello?! If I knew I had a present waiting, I'd go get it! I think he'll be a little surprised when he doesn't get any this year.</p>

<p>Doubleplay, Citygirlsmom, Lafalum84 and deceptacon----you made me laugh so hard with your stories of car breakins.</p>

<p>My rants:
Thanks to the rotten orchestra directors (two consecutive)--you have a wonderful way of driving away so many of the talented musicians and all of the kids who just wanted to play an instrument.</p>

<p>To the high school marching band director....the football team practices all summer in extremely hot conditions. They played their first two games before school even started. The opposing teams bands showed up. We looked pretty lame. You don't have to have your whole competition package put together. We don't care. Just show up in the stands and play the fight song. It's just not the same when the cheerleaders try to hum it.</p>

<p>And oh yeah, we all think it's pretty tacky for our band to show up wearing shorts and t-shirts because its too hot for them to wear uniforms. Do you actually think you would be hotter than the football players? They are wearing layers and layers of hot uniforms and working a lot harder than blowing a horn..again pretty lame band director.</p>

<p>And another note to the band director: some kids who play an instrument in the concert band would rather participate in a fall sport than marching band. Please stop holding this against them! Not every student is "all music, all the time".</p>

<p>Gum chewing! To the audience at the wedding we attended on Sunday. Leave the gum at the door! Please.</p>

<p>To the terribly bored teen cashiers at our local grocery store: A thank you is more appropriate then, "Have a good one." after I've purchase $100 + worth of products. Somehow my, "your welcome", isn't registering as an inappropriate reply.</p>

<p>And to our band director - The band front girls are just as capable as the band members to take care of their equipment. Why do we need several parents running around picking up flags when the girls walk off empty handed?</p>

<p>Dear Son: </p>

<p>If you had let me or someone else proofread your college application essay, we might have caught the fact that your essay was 3x longer than what was asked for. Too bad you have already submitted it; I do hope you get accepted.</p>

<p>Love, Mom</p>

<p>oh band director, I forgot to add..please play some upbeat fun music that the fans in the stands can relate to. We are really tired of these "theme" performances. It's bad when the kids in the stands laugh at their own band and wish they wouldn't take the field. They really thought the "Grease" theme last year was cheesy as was the Disney cartoon movie theme the year before. The Little Mermaid is NOT football music!<br>
At a football game all we really want is some banging drums and loud brass beats to get the crowd on the feet to make some noise for the boys. </p>

<p>Doesn't anybody remember how to play "Horse" anymore ? (loud trumpets..da dah dadaaaah with the big tuba line... ba rumpa, da da, ba rumpa da da)</p>

<p>While we're dumping on band directors...
To the director that told the kids that they can play sports later on but they'll only have this one chance to be in a high school music ensemble. </p>

<p>Uhmmmm. Nooooo....I think you're wrong there.....My son will be able to play his drums for the rest of his life. Something tells me he won't be playing safety and running for special teams in his 50's. hmmmm. Wanna rethink some of the lame-brained stuff you say to try to convince the kids to do band over sports?</p>

<p>While I'm at this...
Hate to tell you this Mr. Director, but...You know when you give the athletes an ultimatum- band or football? Football will win every time. Think again about your part in the ever-eroding numbers in your band program. Quit scratching your head and wondering why more kids don't want to be in band. Duh!</p>

<p>Everybody thinks their class/sport is the most important. Teachers and coaches these days seem not to consider the whole student. :(</p>

<p>Yeah, Football tell the parents that academics come first at all times. Who do you think you're fooling?</p>

<p>I wish I could post a link to the very timely photo in today's Morning Call from Allentown, PA. It's a football player playing (in his football uniform!) Baritone during the band's halftime performance! He's got the band beret on his head but the football uniform. Very Cool. I don't know how in the world he has time for academics with all the band and football practices, but yay for him for going for it!</p>

<p>hmmm a vent. To our middle school: The foreign language curriculum needs to change. It's inexcusable that students are taught a watered down version of spanish, french or german three times a week for three years and then expected to go on to the first year of the same language in High School. Either teach it to them full strength or kill the program.</p>

<p>To the healthy, young businessman who parked in the Handicapped spot outside Starbucks (without a Handicapped sticker) -- do you think that noone noticed as you jogged into the store with your phone to your ear to get your latte? Do you even notice that others think less of you for taking the spot of someone else who might need it? I am still on crutches, but didn't apply for a sticker because I can get around, though with some difficulty. </p>

<p>I always thought I was sensitive to the needs of the disabled, but you never really know what it's like until you are in that situation. Fortunately, it's temporary for me -- but I have a new understanding of the struggles others face. But I can't believe how many people either knock into me or don't hold the door. Whatever happened to a little consideration?</p>

<p>sjmom: You can get a temporary handicap sticker. Being on crutches certaqinly entitles you.</p>

<p>I have extremely debilitating asthma (and handicap sticker) and get dirty looks from able-bodied as if I'm "cheating" because they can't see my handicap. The disabled have done this on occasion as well. One acquaintance once said, "Too bad you're handicapped" in a sarcastic voice when we rqan into each other and she saw where my car was parked. I said, "Yes, it really is." That said, on days I feel good I don't use spots, for others who might need tham and for myself because I can certainly use the exercise.</p>

<p>But while we're on the subject, another gripe is handicap spots that are actually further away than regular spots. Of I course I only use these if a parking lot is full, but this is the case at my place of employment.</p>

<p>To my boss - I'm tired of being embarassed when I tell people where I work. You need to learn some professionalism or retire. I know you've done this job for over 20 years, but the world has changed a little in the last 2 decades and you are just now realizing it? </p>

<p>I'm tired of you ignoring problems, then when they blow up you get angry and impulsive and make a rash decision that you later regret, but won't admit to regretting because you think it will make you look bad. And you leave ME to communicate with the rest of the staff and our clients and clean up your mess. I'm tired of things being left to the last possible second, then more impulsive decisions are made and things are done half-assed. I'm tired of you expecting everyone else to read your mind, but getting angry if other departments don't tell you things that affect our department. I'm tired of you thinking the world revolves around our dept. We are a SUPPORT area. </p>

<p>I know you have problems at home, but I've run out of sympanthy. Your son is 40 years old. STOP enabling him. HIS issues are HIS problem. Don't take the day off to go to court with him. I repeat - HE'S 40 YEARS OLD. So he lost his lisence for DUI - let him call a cab. Him calling you at least 5 times per day about mundane things or to ask what time you're coming home IS NOT NORMAL. </p>

<p>Your neglect of your own health means you're absent a lot, and when you are at work you're tired and crabby. I know you're broke from paying your son's medical bills, but you'd save a lot of money if you'd quit smoking. You'd have a lot more energy and better concentration if you'd pay a LITTLE attention to the fact that you have diabetes. </p>

<p>Don't complain about other departments, when you won't venture 20 feet from your office to see anyone else. I'll bet you haven't even made it the 100 feet to see where your some of YOUR staff works in YEARS. You've worked for this company, IN THIS BUILDING, for over 20 years and can't find your way around anywhere outside our department. And you see nothing wrong with this?</p>

<p>For once in your life, try to see something from someone else's point of view.</p>

<p>I'm not covering for you anymore. It makes me look bad. You're on your own.</p>

<p>to the people here who post their stats--stop lying.
seriously, i know alot of people put down 800 800 790 for sat scores. ok yeah i believe a couple people here might, but ive seen at least 234 of them. seriously im pretty sure were all like that but come on, theres too many. so stop lying about your stats and ec and accomplishments cuz we know half of it is a lie. what are you doing that? whats the point? thats not gonna get you into college, because there gonna find out your lying. the end. stop lying.</p>

<p>to the people that decide to stand at a corner and then suddenly move to cross the street just as I have committed to turing my car, stop it</p>

<p>to the people that walk on the side walk holding hands, but are arms lenghts apart, don't be such sidewalk hogs, if you need to show off you love or lust for each other, it aint working if you are blocking others from passing you</p>

<p>to the people that smoke and dump their butts on the ground, don't be such pigs</p>

<p>to the people that jaywalk out from behind cars, and do so when I am paralel parking and then get mad at ME, please, stop risking your life and go to the corner</p>

<p>to the people that stand in line, and THEN start looking at the wall menu, or THEN start discussing with each other what to get, ARGGGHHHH</p>

<p>to the people that hold open the doors for those with full hands, thank you</p>

<p>to the people that stop and pet my old dog, thank you</p>

<p>to the people that find lost things and track down their owners, thank you</p>


<p>Okay, so I sorta hated you in the beginning, but now, since you're running to deliberatly make me mad and not let me have the position, I think you are one female dog.</p>

<p>I don't know what I'm going to do because clearly I'm not as popular and I probably won't write a decent speech.</p>

<p>Also, I have always wanted to tell you that even if your ditzyness has made you all famous, you're still really stupid when it comes to some stuff, and you're a slow blonde too. </p>

<p>I am definitely not going to give up though. Speeches are worthless and I think I have a plan for getting people to vote for me without them even knowing it. Plan does not mean something illegal that will disqualify me. Plan means an organized system that when carried out will take great effect. </p>

<p>If I loose, I'm strong. I will perfect this plan for next year. If you win, don't count on me anymore. I will make sure you stay stupid like you already are, and become soo busy that you just fail school altogether.</p>

<p>If you are reading this and feel my pain, or can somehow relate to this; I feel glum right now and I could use some advice because I feel like I might kill this person. (jk, not really, i'm still sane) </p>

<p>Thanks for reading, just remember, If you ever feel frusterated, you're never alone. I'm with you, all these people are with you. We learn to live through these times, and learn from them. </p>

<p>Here's to letting it out.</p>

<p>To the vicious gossip who so enjoys making other people's kids look bad -</p>

<p>You are spreading a ridiculous rumor about my daughter, pretending to be concerned for her well-being. Which you clearly are not, since if such a problem existed, any true friend would bring the issue up with a parent or the child herself instead of using it as This Week's Juicy Item To Gossip About.</p>

<p>I am furious because it is so patently untrue. I have heard some very negative things about your daughter in the past 3 years, things your daughter has admitted to in her circle of friends that my daughter has shared with me. I have refused ever to repeat them because I will not gossip about someone else's kid, and because I hoped they were exaggerated, as kids will do to make themselves look more adult. I have told my daughter that I would punish her (and I haven't had to punish this kid in a decade!) if I ever became aware of the fact that she spread this to anyone else, whether it's gossip or truth. Why is this kind of decent human behavior so unthinkable to you? </p>

<p>There's an old saying to the effect that the most dangerous place to stand in the jungle is between a hippopotamus and the river when he wants to get into the water. Open your eyes. My daughter is not standing between you and anything. Your daughter can get what she wants on her own. She doesn't need you to destroy the competition. You have set a shameful example for her.</p>