Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>Must you keep toying with me?</p>


<p>Dudes, the pants belted around the knees is OLD, you look ridiculous, its unsafe, and it is just not "fashionable" anymore</p>

<p>and you female types, muffin tops are not attractive, get pants that fit</p>

<p>Dear Moms-from-Airheadville -- Just because the local burger joint has a child-play area doesn't mean you can abdicate all responsibility. Between the kid climbing on poles that aren't part of the play area (all the way to the ceiling without a word being said) and the 3 yr old who ran out into the parking lot and got as far as the car before Mom even noticed he was gone, I can only assume that kids are cheap and easily replaceable. Either that or you are hoping to win big in a lawsuit.</p>

<p>To my grouchy neighbor- Are you the only one's who don't hear your dog barking all night!</p>

<p>Do you really have to tell me how much you paid for everything? Do I care that you got an amazing deal on your fabulous car? I don't want to know how much you paid for your landscaping, new ski's or whatever. You are so transparent!</p>

<p>You're supposed to be my MQP advisor. I'm sorry I learn things by actually DOING THE PROBLEMS instead of staring at a derivation for hours. A little help when asked would be appreciated, not a "you should be looking at the derivation".</p>

<p>To one of my former instructors: You've been nothing but a help to me since I've met you and, several times, have even gone out of your way to make sure that I suceeded in whatever I was doing. For that, I thank you a billion times (which is probably not enough). </p>

<p>However, you offered to help me this summer and were unable to do so. I honestly do not care about that at all. I'm doing very well academically and was going to practice the subject for fun (which I'm sure you already knew). In the past, whenever you could not help me, you ALWAYS had a good reason for not doing so. This summer was no different.</p>

<p>However, now I have not heard from you in any way in several months, which is slightly unnerving. It's like you fell off of the face of the earth. As you are no longer teaching at my university, I really do not have any way to contact you (besides e-mail) so I can't come to say hi. I'd really, really, really appreciate it if you'd contact me. I don't care what you say. (You could call me an idiot, and I wouldn't care.) It'd just make me feel better because, right now, it feels like you left without saying goodbye. (I hate that type of situation.)</p>

<p>Teachers don't always have to be the ones who watch out for others. Sometimes, the students can take on that role. :)</p>


<p>one of your former students</p>

<p>To Matt's family: Our prayers are with you. My son grieves for your son. He touched many.....</p>

<p>Neighbors: You have been a pain since day one. Constantly barking dogs who now have attacked me in my yard and other neighbors on the street are a joy. Do you know that the mail carrier they attacked was off work for 3 days? Did you offer to pay the vet bill for your friend's dog?
Your daughters are on the road to trouble. Throwing rocks over the fence at me deserved a face to face apology not just a blank stare with no comment from you. Parent.
We were delighted to see that you have a "for sale" sign in your yard. You worked for 2 years from 6am until after dark on that house. We all heard all of it. However, get real on the price. You're at least $60K over the market.
Rest assured that you will not be missed.</p>

<p>To everyone who spits in public: Please keep your spit to yourself. It's a nasty, unsanitary habit, and makes you look like a yahoo. In other words, Just Don't Do It.</p>

<p>Ah, that feels so much better!</p>

<p>To the tippy top of the top 5% of my son's very small high school class: Please don't apply to 10 schools. You have a pretty good chance of getting in to most of them, based on our school's track record. It's a free country, I know, but my son's #1 is #10 for many of you. If you get in (and blow them off) and he doesn't, I'm going to be one angry mama. There: my insecure vent of the week.</p>

<p>Note to self: Calm down. You can't control everything. Life will work out fine for your dear son.</p>

<p>To inconsiderate patients: Why would you schedule a multi-hour diagnostic evaluation, tying up the time of multiple staff members, and then have no intention of keeping your appointment? Why make up stories when you are called to see if you are on your way, act like we are inconveniencing you because we may not be able to accomodate your multi-hour assessment if you show up 3 hours late, and get annoyed when you are told that the next available time to reschedule is 2 months down the road?</p>

<p>On a related note to jym626:
Please don't call in hysterics for an emergency psychiatric evaluation appointment for your child that you need as soon as possible and then, when offered several appointment options, shoot them down one by one with "no, he has soccer that day" or "no, that's when my nail appointment is." Really, you've got to be kidding. On yet another related note: If you can't show up for your appointment, call us. There are actual emergencies that are waiting.</p>

<p>I think you're brillant, sweet, and an all-around wonderful friend, teacher, and person, and I'm indebted to you for all the generousity and kindness you've shown me. However, it would behoove you greatly to 1) gain some financial accumen and 2) learn correct comma usage. Your adverb usage, however, is excellent.</p>

<p>Also, PLEASE tell me what your dissertation is on; the fact that I've asked you twice before should indicate that I do really want to know. </p>

<p>Finally, please make sure it's safe when you go home alone in the dark; you ARE in a city!</p>

<p>To self:
Your friend is 30. It is NOT your job to aid in her job search, worry about her career decisions for her, comment on her financial choices (however odd they may seem), edit her written work, or correct her inaccurate assumptions about microbiology.</p>

<p>To my sister.
I'm very sorry that you have had so much difficulty in your life. Have you ever considered, however, how much of this you've caused yourself? You never have any money because you never attempt to save anything. While I shop at Walmart, you're at Saks. Then you complain how you can't afford to fix your car..... And, exactly how long do you plan to control your kids' lives? They are now 23, 28, and 30....and for a short time this year were all living at home. You complain that all your free time is spent addressing the crisis of the day at home. Your kids don't make good decisions, because you never enabled them to ever make a decision on their own. Or if they did, you jumped in and constantly told them how wrong they are, or were quick to say, "I told you so." Maybe they'd be much less reliant on you if you'd given them a chance to learn from their mistakes on their own.</p>

<p>hmmph. NOW I can finish that nice, chatty "dear sister" letter to you.</p>

<p>To my future in-law:
Our children are now engaged. It's time to let them be and allow them to make their own decisions. Please do not embarrass my daughter again in front of family criticizing her chosen wedding date. Please don't nag at her about when she plans to take her boards. I don't even do that, and I'm her mother! And please, please don't involve yourself any more in the kids' attempt at blending their religious traditions. It's really hard enough for them without outside coaching and interference. They will make a lovely life for themselves...if we let them discover what it is THEY want. We have a long road ahead. Let's just chill and let things happen. Let's just make a pledge to zip it and support them when they need it.</p>


<p>Congrats on your D's enagagement...We'd love details in a separate thread.</p>

<p>Dear Brother,</p>

<p>Please think about someone besides yourself for a change. You are now 40 years old with four kids. It is time to take responsibility for your life and your kids. Please check your ego at the door and do the right thing! It is not all about you (and only you)!</p>

<p>Honey, you need to let him go. He couldn't be giving you clearer signs that he's ready to move on if he were yelling it through a bullhorn. Your reminding him how much you love him is just keeping him with you through guilt. You've had a great relationship for a year, but most high school relationships don't last forever. You're a beautiful, fun, intelligent girl with lots of friends. I know you have a fear of being alone, but you're strong and you'll be fine. I doubt you'll be single for long anyway, from what I hear there's a line of guys just waiting for you and BF to break up.</p>

<p>Don't be desperate and needy. You're better than that, and you deserve better than the way he's been blowing you off. Don't beg him to treat you right. Let him go.</p>