Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>To posters on another forum I visit:
Love ya all, even those of you I disagree with at times. You're truly amazing people, and I'm damn well impressed with all of you, whatever you've decided for the time being. Thank you for listening when I really need it and for accepting me even though I'm not exactly like you. Sorry for ranting so much, especially when I know you guys are going through some much worse stuff. Take care of yourselves, really. You deserve it.</p>

<p>To my husband's congregation: why do you think I should know your name when you only bother to show up twice each year? I know you told me "once" but there are 500 families. Some of them actually do something around here, pitch in and get involved. Those are the people whose names I remember. Have some humility and tell me your name again, please.</p>

<p>To everyone who thought I was the problem:</p>

<p>Now I'm free, and I've never been this happy. I don't hurt or starve myself; I don't remember the last time I cried; I hold my tongue when I feel I'm about to make a caustic comment; I don't tell inappropriate confessions to practical strangers; I'm calm, composed, and courteous; I keep a calendar; I light up when I talk about my classes; I'm drawing again, and my professor likes my work; I have friends who call me to make plans for lunch and evenings out and tea parties and girl talk; I have a brilliant, gorgeous boy who brings me cough drops when I'm sick and holds my hand in public; I walk around smiling for no reason, and even when it rains, the world seems brighter than it used to. I'm doing all right-- actually, I'm spectacular. Surprising, isn't it?</p>

A good argument for second chances</p>

<p>To myself: Why did you agree to have these stupid highlights put in? You know you hate it when you color your hair anything but brown. Now you look like you are trying too hard when actually you don't try at all. Ick. I'm going back to the salon and tell them to tone it down...way, way down.</p>

<p>(Sorry for the student intrusion...)</p>

<p>To my dear brother -
Losing a friend at any age is a tragedy. He was a good kid and will be sorely missed. However, saying that x gadget/movie/food was his favorite and expecting me to lay down my hard earned money to buy it is over the line. Watch one of his favorite movies with you? Sure. Buy you an iHome because he had one? Not so much. Also, its nice that you remember that he liked the movie "Cars," but if I have to hear Rascall Flatt's version of "Life is a Highway" one more time, I WILL break something. At least listen to the original artist.
Big Sis </p>

<p>Dear Girl who Sits Next to me in Physics -
No, I do not feel sorry for you when you complain about how you don't have enough time to do your homework, then go on to tell me that you didn't do it because you were too busy chatting online. So don't shoot me that dirty look when you see that I got an A on the test and you didn't. I study hard to get the grades I do.

<p>Dear coworkers -
If I have to hear one more long, drawn-out explicitly detailed version of what you and your girlfriend did over the weekend, I am going to lose it. One of these days, I should record you talking and send a copy of the tape to your respective girlfriends. They should know you talk about them like objects.
In addition, yes, I know that I am the only female in the building, but if you could kindly stop refering to various parts of your male anatomies, it would be very appreciated. Also, a moratorium on "working girl" jokes would be nice.
As a sidenote, to the guy who keeps "accidentally" touching me in inappropriate places - expect a report on sexual harassment. Soon.
Estimator 5 (who is darned proud of her gender!)</p>

<p>To my friend who calls to chat but tends to whine and complain about the same stuff over and over and over and OVER- occasionally in a slightly different way or with a different emphasis. I do care about you as a friend, but ENOUGH ALREADY! Can you let it go and move on ?? I care about you, but the pity party is starting to get old. Friendships are about balance. It isn't always about YOU. The boundary between need for encouragement/support and just plain neediness is starting to get blurred.</p>

<p>To the person who hit my car in the parking lot at Ralph's and then didn't bother to leave me a note....thanks for the $1000 repair bill...unbelievable!!! I should just blame it on Brittany Spears right? Talk about low class and irresponsible--do you have no ethics? If you are some old person--stop driving. If you are a young person--put yourself in my shoes, then think about leaving a note with your name and phone number or just have me paged in the store. Hit and run is a crime.</p>

<p>To my parents:
When you lied about every detail of my sister's burial and funeral arrangements, in particular telling us there wasn't going to be a memorial service at all, you went too far.</p>

<p>To XXXX,
What in the world are thinking??? Why would you identify a teenaged designated driver for Homecoming and then leave town for the weekend? Why not just go ahead and say to these 6 kids: "We fully expect you to get plastered on Saturday night and drive around drunk. We really hope boy X doesn't drink, but that's a chance we're willing to take. Not just with your lives but with the lives of every other person on the road." My children never met their grandmother because of kids like yours who killed her when my husband was 18 months old. Take responsibility for your children and follow them around, host them at your house, or drive them yourself, but PLEASE don't let them drink and drive, or even begin to pretend that having a 17-year-old designated driver is some kind of legitimate plan for the evening.<br>

<p>Would all those bitter and disinterested hs teachers out there please stop squashing the enthusiasm out of our kids? I don't know if you just can't stand to see young people bubbling over with promise, but just stop it. Mkay...thanks.</p>

<p>To add to the above: and if you're a teacher who happens to be overweight and insecure, I certainly understand. But honestly, you need to get over the fact that young people are almost always going to look better than people our age. Please try to control your jealousy. Trust me, we're very modest people and so I can assure you my D's skirt was as long as they make them and furthermore met the dress code requirements within 1/2 cm. Besides, she was wearing shorts underneath too. And, she's a skinny thing so there was no flesh showing anyway. Even the Asst. Principal was confused as to why she was there. So, to send her down to the office to call me for a change of clothes, thereby interrupting my day and causing her to miss half of history class, was petty and silly. But even so, I could have accepted it graciously if waiting along with her I would have seen all those girls at the school with clothing far less appropriate (like those tight, thin knit, low-cut shirts with major cleavage showing and skin-tight jeans which push rolls of fat out visibly above the waistband, not to mention boys with low-hanging jeans and underwear showing). Technically you were in the right (by that 1/2 cm), but you don't fool me. You were just jealous.</p>

<p>To the very loud alumnus of my college sitting behind me at the Ivy League football game today: </p>

<p>When you were making all those negative comments about the players, were you completely oblivious that you were sitting in a section filled with players' parents? We were the visiting team! All those couples wearing Ourcollege Football sweatshirts and pins with their son's numbers on them didn't give you a hint? I don't think they appreciated your, "This isn't flag football! You're playing soft! Play harder! Which team do you play for?" comments. It was especially obnoxious because you didn't know what you were talking about. Yelling, "RUN the ball!" in the middle of a successful 15 yard pass play marked you as a real idiot. </p>

<p>Try THINKING before yelling every thought in your head for all the world to hear.</p>

<p>To the very loud and totally obnoxious male college students sitting directly behind us at the Rutgers football game, yelling "Kill them!" and Kill their families!" every time the other team had the ball was so weird and inappropriate, I can only hope you were drunk and stoned and had no idea what idiots you sounded like.</p>

<p>after touring 5 schools this weekend, I wonder why colleges don't put signs on their maps or buildings that actually mean anything</p>

<p>why bother giving us a map with buildings labled Murphy Hall or Benings Court...why not put in there Admission Building, Student Union?</p>

<p>Do you think that it is useful to visitors to give us maps with names of buildings that are basically meaningless? </p>

<p>And put some signs on the buildings that mean something, they can be small and tasteful, but to the visitor, mean nothing</p>

<p>And if you have construction on your campus, don't draw that line with a highlighter indicating we have to walk through a giant hole in the ground to get to the Student Union</p>

<p>And if you want prospective students, who for a variety of reasons, can't make an official tour or hit campus 10 minutes after your office closes, have some brouchures available in the bookstore or outside of your offices, we may not make a tour, but we are still wanting some information to read while we walk</p>

<p>And if you want us to like your campus, be clear in your signage....</p>

<p>And Funeral Processions</p>

<p>Why do they get two lanes of traffic and force the rest of us to sit for ten minutes while they pass?</p>

<p>my mom had a doctors appointment and got panicy because she was going to be late while sitting in her car and waiting while all intersections were blocked and then no one was allowed to pass the procession</p>

<p>sorry to sound cold, but some of the living can't get stuck behind processions- there are appointments, tests, interviews, meetings, airplains to catch, kids to pick up, grandmas to drop off, jobs to get to, etc and to be forced to wait so some cars don't get seperated is just ridiculous...and in fact a bit selfish and self serving</p>

<p>I had another friend who got stuck and was late picking up her child from preschool, he was last and it was scary and it was unnecessary</p>

<p>To the people at my local fitness club: do not leave your iPods and purses in the plain view on the front seat of your vehicle and then scream out loud that your car had been broken into! Crooks know you are stuck on a treadmill for a good 30 minutes, so your car full of goodies is like a Christmas present to them. They flock to the area and then spread out to see what can be swiped at the neighboring office buildings!..</p>

<p>To my hairstylist: stop telling me that I should have more kids because my "D is so cute". NOYB, and now you've lost mine.</p>

<p>Same rant about Murphy Halls!</p>

<p>I've got one I really can't say outloud....
Please don't stand over me impatiently and interrupt me with unimportant concerns when I am on 2 phone lines at once and trying to check patients out and give appointments. Please don't expect me to deal with the fact that you need more forks or salt in the office when I'm trying to write 3 evaluations in one day and handle all of the other duties I have at the same time. Something's gotta give!!</p>

<p>To Parents of Mean Kids...</p>

<p>You may be so proud of them. You may love to let everyone know how well they are doing at sports, in their looks, socially, or in school. You probably think that everyone admires you for having such successful children. You are wrong.</p>

<p>In your community, everyone watched your little darlings grow up. We all saw them being mean to other kids, and we watched you - literally - look the other way and pretend you didn't notice. We compared notes among ourselves on our various conversations with you when we tried to give you an overt heads-up that your child was being cruel. None of us believe that you are in denial, but we would never tell you that. Actually, we pretty much know that on some level you like the fact that your child is, in your mind, at the top of the food chain.</p>

<p>Frankly, in the long run, mean people do not do as well as nice people. Also, no one is genuinely happy for you when your kids do well, because the whole situation is extremely "off". I think you are aware that we all know that your kids are mean, but perhaps you don't know that "popular" doesn't mean well-liked. I am sure that you don't know how much other parents hold you responsible because you did nothing or far too little (and therefore condoned mean behavior), and how much less well-liked YOU are because of it. You really are missing a lot of what people actually think about you.</p>

<p>To my friend who sent me a U-tube video she thought was funny, I can find no humor in someone being beaten with a baseball bat, even if it is "just" a cartoon. I never will find it funny. Do not send me any more videos. And please don't give me any more real estate advice. I'm a grown woman and can make my own decisions and I have lots of professionals giving me good advice. (I know you wanted me to wait to sell so I could help out when you had surgery, but saying "wait til spring, you'll get more money out of your house" was wrong. Of course you couldn't see what was coming in the real estate market, but it would have been nicer to simply be honest and say "is there any way you can be around to help me after surgery?" That is all over, and housing prices continue to drop. But every time I tell you of a house I like, you tell me 101 reasons why I shouldn't buy that house - I know you don't want me to move. But I am. Its sad that I can't share my excitement over the new house with you. Its sad too that I don't feel like I can share my anxiety over the process of selling and buying. But your reponse is always simple "don't move". I may just send you a card when its done and I'm settled in my new place giving you my new address.</p>

<p>Can we think of some other schools BESIDES Oberlin, Chicago, or Rice people?!!!</p>