Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>Dear Winter - GO AWAY, please!</p>

<p>To the gastroenterologist who did my routine colonoscopy last month:</p>

<p>How nice that you were on my insurance plan (if you had not been, I would of course have gone to a different gastroenterologist). </p>

<p>Unfortunately, the facility where you did the procedure is not on the plan and the anesthesiologists who work there are not on the plan. Since your staff made all the arrangements for the procedure and I never talked to anyone from the facility directly, I didn't find this out until after the procedure was completed. </p>

<p>Yes, it was my responsibility to find out, but I think it is also your responsibility to tell patients about insurance problems like this one before they cost the patient SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS (which is what it is costing me).</p>

<p>If you have never had a family member with dementia, you might not understand the hell it is, so dont stare, comment or judge. Believe me when I say that we are all (and I suspect that most are) doing the best we can in the situation. It isnt fun, and we could use the support, not the ridculous comments......</p>

<p>Losing your husband bit by bit everyday is horrid and your behavior and judgement makes it worse. Pray for us, support us, help or just shut up!</p>


<p>my shoes</p>

<p>Grammar rant: I know we have threads for this once in a while, but I just read "loose" when the writer meant "lose." Again. And again and again. Argh!</p>

<p>as the starter of this I must say it is indeed cathartic!!!</p>

<p>my irk of the day:</p>

<p>to my mom...k..i know you get stys in your eyes....and its about once a month...I don't need to look at it under the light close up into your swolen eye...ICK...there is nothing I can do but say, yup, its a sty....I will drive you anywhere, get you stuff for it, but please stop asking me to look at it...blech</p>

<p>Dear Colleges:</p>

<p>Couldn't just one of you call me? Like ten of my friends have asked me if I've gotten any calls from anywhere, and every time I have to say "no, no I haven't." I know I'm not your stronger applicant. But my SAT is above a 2200! I think that merits a phone call. Just a 30-second one saying "your scores are commendable, even if you're an unqualified applicant." Which I'm not. I'm just not the best applicant. But it still feels bad. And you're just contributing to my constant freak-out about whether or not I'll get into college. It's just plain cruel.</p>

<p>Dear DD:</p>

<p>STOP PROCRASTINATING. You have a lot of work to make up because you were sick. JUST DO IT ALREADY. Don't leave it till the weekend, you know you'll have social plans and I'll have to tell you NO and we'll get into a huge fight. I'm gritting my teeth watching you watch yet another stupid TV program and text/IM five people at once. DO YOUR HOMEWORK ALREADY.</p>

<p>urgghh....Person, Your question has been asked and answered about 100 times. I don't know of any other way to answer it. Just because you don't like the answer, doesn't mean it's going to change if you ask again and again and again. Just listen!</p>

<p>To D's ex-boyfriend: If you make one more drunken phone call to D accusing her of cheating when you were together, I'm going to call your parents - the ones who assured me their son doesn't drink - and tell them where you are and what condition you are in. Quit trying to manipulate her and control her life - you dumped her, you don't get any say in who she hangs out with now. </p>

<p>To D: give it up. You're not going to "stay friends," he's too immature for that. You tried, now it's time to tell him in to get lost.</p>

<p>To the guy down the street, who is obsessed with surveilling his neighbors and who wants everyone to fall to the ground in awe because he is a "federal agent who arrests real murderers", thanks a lot for frothing a bunch of well-meaning, uninformed busybodies into a mob and siccing them on the rest of us who are NORMAL at last night's monthly Board meeting. </p>

<p>Good grief, I'm so sick of people who find entertainment value in manipulating others into doing their dirtywork and who get high on controversy and unchecked emotions. Don't you have anything better to do? Who appointed you the decider of all things and the maker of all policy? Oh yeah...that was you.</p>

<p>You need to realize; you just aren't all that.</p>

<p>I think hypocrisy AND delusions of grandeur should be the topic of the day.</p>

<p>To all the people who appoint themselves judge, jury and executioner, and in the process violate the very "rules" they are supposedly defending- Sometimes the "holier than thou" sanctimonious behavior looks worse in the long run.</p>

<p>To DD,</p>

<p>If you have to ask me if you are watching too much TV, then the answer is most likely YES. Only you can decide this for yourself.</p>

<p>But at some point you have to decide who you are and what you're about - do you want to be known as somebody who watches 2 - 5 hours TV per day ? Is that the EC you're going to put on your college apps ? Stop telling me "everybody does it!"</p>

<p>You watched TV all weekend before your science midterm exam - why are you telling me that had nothing to do with your poor grade ??</p>

<p>Arrrgggh !!!</p>

<p>Dear Band Directors,
I know you are both new and young and full of ideas about how you want to mold the program. We all want a great band. But don't forget, in your enthusiasm, that there are real teenage kids, with real feelings, behind those instruments. That senior who worked so hard for the last 3 years, waiting for those in front of her who were less talented to graduate--how do you think she feels when you skipped over her for drum major, choosing the junior beneath her instead? And then you stripped her of first clarinet and gave it to the junior. And then you chose the pit orchestra and gave it to the junior. And now the last dis--two pieces for the woodwind ensemble, you gave both leads to the junior. Couldn't you have given one to her? Yes, the junior works very hard, and she's very dedicated to the band too. But you are breaking this senior's heart. </p>

<p>No sour grapes here--I'm the junior's mom.</p>

<p>It's such a shame that a wonderful activity like music can cause so many problems. I've been there. I'd like to ask my band director why my D who made honors band every year is sitting last behind many kids who do not play as well as she does and cannot nail a school audition much less the honors audition. Is it because she plays a fall sport? Oh...wait...I did already ask that! Things like this just squash the enthusiasm right out of the kids who are not the "preferred" students.</p>

<p>Oh sky, why must you be so cloudy on the night both when we have the last chance to see a lunar eclipse in three years, and the last chance to see spy satellite USA 193 for ever?</p>

<p>To my sibling,
You really are getting worse and need the help of a mental health professional. Please please stop being miserable and making everyone around you miserable. You need help.</p>

<p>Dear Lord in Heaven;</p>

<p>Please deliver me from the never-ending Soap Opera that is my daughter's life in high school.
(Lord in your mercy..... hear our prayer)</p>

<p>From jealous, manipulative ex-boyfriends... deliver us.
From ubiquitous underaged drinking.... deliver us.
From girls who use exclusion to maintain their place in the pecking order... deliver us.
From the clothes that have to come from the right store, the shoes that have to be the right brand, the jacket that has to be the right brand... deliver us.
From teachers who don't give partial credit, or extra credit, and are always too busy to stay after and help a kid who is falling behind.... deliver us.
From desperate girls who would do anything to be "popular" or get the right guy.... deliver us.
From casual hook-ups.... deliver us.
From older boys using younger girls... deliver us.
From kids who have just learned to drive..... deliver us.
From mood swings and rolled eyes.... deliver us.
From a social life that is SO much more important than grades.... deliver us.
From other parents who allow drinking, either intentionally or by being totally oblivious.... deliver us.
From the knowledge that my kid is not perfect and might fit into any of the above categories... deliver me.</p>

<p>Lord in your mercy,.... HEAR MY PRAYER.</p>

<p>To my husband: It's time to face reality. You are not a plumber, despite your best intentions. The plumbing should be left to those who do it professionally. Please let the dream die.</p>


<p>Moderator Note</p>

<p>This thread has been allowed to continue as a place to vent anonymously and then move on. It is not a place to comment on the posts that others make and definitely not to comment on other members. Posts containing this kind of comment will be removed. If you want to provide support to people who are venting please send them a PM. And remember our courtesy expectations.</p>

<p>If this thread takes up too much moderator time removing posts that should not be here it will be closed permanently.</p>


<p>Dear School -- Do you think you could update the website <em>once</em> in a while. You've had the same team results up since the beginning of the season and we are now at the end. You have not posted the results of the Big Multi-school finals and they were 10 days ago. I know you're busy but you've got lots of students who could do the work in about 20 minutes.</p>