Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>To the security guard at the county courthouse - my elderly disabled mother was only there to get her state non-driver ID renewed, after which she was going to apply for a passport - now that my father has passed after a long illness she is FINALLY going to be able to do the traveling she has looked forward to for years. She was going to go to lunch with my brother after DIDN'T have to raise your voice and yell "she has got a KNIFE in there!!!" and cause such an upsetting commotion. My mother carries an eating tool that stroke victims use to eat when their dominant side is PARALYZED, and needs to bring it when she is going out to eat. It does look like a knife, it is used to cut food, but did you really think she would stand up out of her wheelchair and start stabbing away at you with her non-dominant and very weakened left hand???? All you could have done is gently remind her that such objects are not allowed in the building, and my brother would have kindly walked with it back to the car, but you HAD to make a very upsetting scene - thanks loads!!!</p>

<p>To various adult posters on a certain forum. Stop acting like five-year olds and lashing out at those that disagree with you. This 18 year old finds your behavior to be off the charts disgusting, not to mention depressing. Grow up. Please.</p>

<p>Please everyone pay attention to the recent moderator post. This thread, at least as I see it, is for venting about things that make you momentarily crazy in real life, not on CC. If this thread gets personal among CCers the moderators will close it.</p>

<p>to my mother....I love ya...but you don't need me to approve your outfits...egad</p>

<p>To my next door neighbor's kid:" Could you PLEASE turn down the base on your car radio so that its not rattling my kitchen windows? thanks!"</p>

<p>To the woman in the SUV who broadsided me today as she tried to squeeze through a left turn against the light. There was no need to scream at me and try to bully me into leaving the scene to clear the traffic. You were in the wrong - as the police officer said - and besides that my car had to be towed - you managed to total it. And it was bad enough that you endangered your daughter but screaming at me and behaving like a lunatic proabably just traumatized her even more. Also, I noticed your address is "on the water" which means you're probably one of those needing to be bailed out for previous idiotic behavior.</p>

<p>Dearest sockpuppets 'n' meatpuppets the world over,
Please get a life (preferably your own!)

<p>Dear insurance company - I can't believe you are asking a bunch of 18 year olds to diagnose medical conditions! </p>

<p>When my 18 yo daughter passed out in the bathroom, I for one am very happy the other students didn't try to decide what was wrong with her. They called the RA, who called the campus medical transport folks, who recommended that she go to the ER -- immediately.</p>

<p>But the doctors at the ER diagnosed flu, and that is not life-threatening, and therefore, the claim is denied.</p>

<p>First, should I apologize that my D didn't die? If anybody leaves the ER alive, do you claim it was therefore not life-threatening? What's with this determination based on an after-the-fact diagnosis? If I go in afraid I'm having a heart attack, and I have heartburn, must I pay because I guessed wrong?</p>

<p>Second, do you really think 18 year olds should be diagnosing dorm mates? (For that matter, the insurance agent I spoke with, who - to the best of my knowledge wasn't there - seems to think she is also capable of making judgements about my d's medical needs. She told me flat-out my d's experience wasn't an emergency. I'm an RN and I'm not as confident about diagnosing strangers as she is.)</p>

<p>Third, Oxford, OH is a small town. There aren't a lot of choices!</p>

<p>Dear Teacher, please stop making your classroom a platform for voicing your personal, political and religious opinions. It is quite inappropriate, but everyone is afraid to say something so as to remain pc and not to open their kids up to any retribution. Just teach, please.</p>

<p>Dear Mom,
| know my past drug use scares you to death, but the only reason I went to rehab and got clean was for you and the family. Now that you don't tell me you're proud of me for being clean, I am forgetting why I shouldn't use. It's almost been 6 months since I used but I'm thinking about it more than ever. This is the hardest thing I've ever done. Please give me some credit. Talking about it WILL NOT make me use.</p>

<p>To my neighbor again....</p>

<p>NO! We do not need to install security cameras with facial recognition and license plate recognition software in our neighborhood to combat the two middle school boys who keep throwing eggs at your car and the older teens who are speeding in front of your house. They are doing this stuff because you yell at them and retaliation is what teens do best; not because we are suddenly becoming a high crime area in need of extreme measures.</p>

<p>AND.....My movements in my own neighborhood are MY business...the idea of you monitoring us is, frankly, creepy. (And now that you have notified us all of your extensive law enforcement and military 'special forces' background, I'm getting a wee bit alarmed.)</p>

<p>Quit slamming the door!!!</p>

<p>I have two vents in a row!</p>

<p>Don't even ask me to sign that paper.</p>

<p>To Herr Kommandant:</p>

<p>I know you're a method actor and that you like to be in character throughout the entirety of a play (and likewise for rehearsals), but frankly, you're making everyone uncomfortable. While you may feel it is disrespectful or irreverent for people to lose character backstage, you have to remember that we in a play about the Holocaust. We are playing Nazis. And that is not something everyone is comfortable with, and you shouldn't try to enforce your own absurd method acting on everyone else.</p>

<p>I respect that you're trying to remain in character, but when you come to tell us that our scene is coming up and you address us as our characters, you have crossed a line. It is completely unacceptable to approach a group of people you know and have laughed with before and say, "Herr Doktor, Frau Mandel, Frau Schmidt: the concert is in 5 minutes," and leave. It's just weird, and to be honest you are little more than farcical when you do these things. However! It was no longer farcical when you decided that, instead of waiting through the minute-long blackout for our last cast member to arrive, you would go ahead and lead the rest of us into the darkness without a critical actress, just because you felt that she should be the one to enter late if she is late. I will not tolerate this conscious effort to punish another cast member, and if you attempt to leave early tomorrow, I will grab the collar of your uniform and jerk you back into place. You simply do not force other actors to enter awkwardly, and to do so consciously is poor teamwork and an unhealthy obsession with method acting.</p>

<p>I would've told you this in person, but when I tried and said you were making people uncomfortable, you said, "why should they be comfortable," and strode off to listen to Mozart's Requiem on your iPod. I would be a tiny bit forgiving if your method acting was helping, but unfortunately, it is not: despite our director's best efforts to impress in us the idea that, despite being evil, our characters our human, your portrayal of Josef Kramer remains robotic and one-dimensional. Neither I nor any one of your fellow cast members can identify how your character is intended to be "human," and you're throwing off one of the central themes of the play. I can only hope that, by the time opening night comes (i.e. two days from now) you will have loosened your grip on your own character. I realize that the man you are attempting to portray was, in reality, an angry and culturally-devoid man who erred on the side of violence when provoked, but that does not mean you can strip him of humanity. It's not that hard.</p>

<p>Basically, I want to stop imposing your behavior on others. You can method-act all you want, but don't be rude to your fellow cast members, and do not under any circumstances allow your method acting to hinder the quality of the play as a whole. What may seem irreverent to you may be another person's way of not spiraling into depression because of the emotional strain of being the villain. That's why I sing "Springtime for Hitler" and dance backstage. I'm not trying to disrespect anyone. I'm trying to prevent myself from becoming you.</p>

<li>Your Fellow Cast-Mate Who Tires Of Your Obsession,
The Guy Who Plays Mengele</li>

<p>Edit: Wow, that was long! TL;DR Version: Cast-mate, please don't be a shmuck anymore.</p>

<p>I know I have no right to ask this of you, but please, please email me back.</p>

<p>Dear Parents at the Talk-back Session:</p>

<p>For the love of God, please stop asking "how this play affected [us]." The same four people respond every day, and the rest of us (i.e. the other thirty people in the cast) are shut down and are forced to listen to their shmaltzy "this play touched my life" speeches over and over and over again. Ugh. Couldn't just one person ask, "were any of you not affected by this play?"</p>

<p>TO my Ds teenage friends and to teenagers everyone:</p>

<p>It can get really old worrying about being embarrassed about everything..and its because teens laugh at others all the time that leads to the "embarrassment" ...make a pledge to NOT laugh if someone falls down, to NOT laugh if someone get soda spilled on them, to NOT laugh if the teacher calls on them and they make a mistake, to NOT laugh so much AT your fellow humans</p>

<p>So, when you were talking about how embarrassing it was when the poor girl fell down, don.t . Just be one of the people that checks to make sure the person is okay...or glare at the person who tried to embarrass someone else</p>

<p>Its amazing what freedom that gives you</p>

<p>To the 'nurturing' mothers of LD'ers everywhere, who have chosen to "protect" or "save" their children (ages 8 through 17!) by not "subjecting" them to the "humiliation" of being identified as LD (thus helped, thus understood), exactly how do you find your actions "loving"?</p>

<p>(The same question can be asked of those mothers whose children are in fact already identified as LD but choose to forego accommodation & other adjustments, due to peer embarrassment. )</p>

<p>You come into supplemental educational centers, pay thousands (up to $11,000+) to have us supposedly help your children (marginally!), when those centers were not designed for Special Needs. You know that. You know that it's psychologically "safe" because these centers are the choice of mainstream kids who are being remediated but are not also LD. </p>

<p>When, after 5+ months of a program there, it's obvious from there & from school, that your child has significant cognitive processing disorders, we ask you about a plan to address that through your private school or public district, you retort that you can't make your soon "embarrassed" by separating him even for a moment from his non-LD friends, whom exactly do you feel you're serving? </p>

<p>What will you say to your son when he finds it hugely more embarrassing not to graduate with his classmates because he's still getting F's, based on your denial and/or your indulgence?</p>

<p>Would you find it too embarrassing for your son, if he were in a wheelchair, to ask for a wheelchair ramp? </p>

<p>Ma'am(s), "nurturing" you are not.</p>

<p>OMG--Do not try to tell me how to do a job I've been doing for 5 years and that you have been doing a total of 12 months. How many times have you done this? A handful? How many times have I done this? 100 or so? Do not try to tell me that the way your company does business is the right way. That's why they saw a decrease in sales of 30 some percent last year? That is why my company saw an increase in sales last year? I told you on at least 5 occasions that the final hardcopy version of the document you needed would not be available until Monday morning. I told you why repeatedly. I emailed you what you needed. It covered everything that is in the final version. I called you to tell you I emailed you. The fact that you are out of town and don't have access to your email is not my fault or my problem. The fact that you failed to plan ahead for being out of town is not my fault. The fact that you have failed to communicate this is not my fault. It's yours. Do not call me on Sunday night, in the middle of dinner, and ask me where it is. I told you repeatedly where it is. Learn to listen. Frankly I don't care if your client has a sleepless night. They are a pita. Your lack of listening skills makes for very poor representaion. Now I have to worry. Do not suggest I am not doing my job properly. </p>

<p>When I am out of town I check email. If wireless isn't available I go to a FedEx or library. My phone is on. Someone covers for me. Try it sometime. </p>

<p>I feel better now....sort of .</p>

<p>To the parents of the second grade girl I overheard talking to her friend in the hallway on the way out to the school bus yesterday: Your daughter told her friend a boy told her he'd "do her." She seemed quite pleased to be sharing that information, both with her friend and anyone within earshot. What I want to know is, how the h*** does your 7 or 8 year old CHILD know anything about being "done?" Even if she doesn't really understand what it is she's saying, she obviously has heard the phrase being used properly (assuming the use of that phrase can actually be proper). Please be an adult and let your little girl BE a little girl. Do not have adult conversations in front of her, and don't let her watch tv shows/movies that are clearly meant for adults. SHE IS A LITTLE GIRL!!!!!! Please let her stay one for a few years.</p>