Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>Please do not correct my, or anyone else's, spelling on CC.
Get a life!</p>

<p>To the birds who insist on making nests every year in my honeysuckle bushes- I would think you would learn year after year when the dog eats your eggs or babies to make your nest somewhere else. At least higher up in the tree.
I feel badly removing your half made nests every few days but I keep hoping you get the clue and find a more suitable home to have your chicks. I also feel bad when I am not quick enough and you lay the eggs before I get to the nest. I leave them but every year the dog gets them.</p>

<p>To the Department of Motor Vehicles:</p>

<p>Why oh why can't you post a list of what you need for a teenager to renew their driver's license on your website or hang a sign at the BEGINNING of the hour-long line so that when you go there with one son and they ask for proof of enrollment in school we will KNOW to bring it with us. And then when I take the younger son for the same renewal 2 years later and we KNOW to bring proof of enrollment in school and stand in line almost an hour and we get to the front and they ask for his social security card or his SS# (which we haven't memorized) in order to verify his identity (WHAT?), we will be forewarned. And when we have to call DH to leave work early and call us with the SS# while we wait in the car for 30 minutes because the DMV will close if we drove home and got it ourselves, and we get back in line and a different person asks the questions they don't even want the social security number and there's no place on the form for such information! AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!</p>

<p>Dear you know who you are, just because your life is in shambles, don't try to draw my life and my family into it. You've crossed a boundry again. You keep taking advantage of my family's generally good nature. I'm sick of it and it's creating problems for me. I'm really, really trying here to be the big person, but I am about at wits end. That's not a place a think you want me to be. Hmmm...maybe you do in some sort of sick, passive/agressive, "misery loves company" sort of way.</p>

<p>Ignoring the problem doesn't make it go away. Because you didn't make plans for your old age, the offspring you've alienated now get to do it for you.</p>

<p>To XXX"S mother who asked me if my rolex was real. Yes b***.</p>

<p>To the totally insensitive teacher who completely humiliated my daughter in front of the entire homecoming committee: I'm sick of your holier-than-thou act, and I don't care about your "virgin ears". Get a life. Have you never watched TV? Or even walked down the halls of the high school where you teach? Your virgin ears must be having an awful time if a pun on the word "ass" got you that riled up.
My daughter nor I will ever forget what you did to her.
And to the Spanish teacher who has not posted ANY grades after 4 WEEKS of the semester have passed -- what are we paying you for??? The website is there for we parents who CARE about our kids' education to check their grades. Guess I'm alone in this, too, huh.</p>

<p>S said you wouldn't show up for his little celebration. He was right; you didn't.</p>

<p>dear county transportation office... could you please add about ten more speed limit signs along that five mile stretch of ______ Rd. so that people who miss reading it the first three times might eventually see it. While I agree with the speed limits you've set (from 30mph to 50 mph), most people don't pay attention, and seem to think they can split the difference and drive 40, no matter which part of the road they're on.</p>

<p>Okay you birds you still aren't listening. I now have parts of birds nests all over my driveway. Not to mention bits of egg shells.</p>

<p>I'm so angry at you I can't speak. I can't do anything much but try to figure out how to safely defuse. Mistakes are one thing; try and try again is another; but intentional deception, coupled with complacent acceptance of compliments and appreciation YOU knew to be undeserved, capped with disparaging remarks about the brains and behavior of people doing what we now know to be the EXACT SAME THING as you - that's just despicable. After the first part of the story I spent an afternoon and evening reminding myself that it was okay - you'd tried hard and if things didn't work out, we knew we could always be proud of your character. Then you told us the rest. And nobody's proud of your character now. </p>

<p>Worst of all is the fact that I can't see how this isn't somehow my fault. I'm your mother - isn't your character my responsibility?</p>

<p>My fabulous husband won second place in a ski competition today (one he's been competing in for thirteen years, and which is very important to him even though he doesn't ski competitively anymore except for this competition)! :D</p>

<p>Second place! Silver medal! He rocks!</p>

<p>(The reason this gets to be in this thread is that one of the judges, who has some sort of vendetta against H going back several years, tried to say that he had lost in the quarterfinal round. But the judge got overruled by the other judges, so H came back and won second place.)</p>


<p>This is absolutely driving me insane, Nobody can help you, you need to talk with your folks and decided whether or not the college that YOU applied to is right for you.</p>


<p>Dog, if you open up another bag of garbage while we're out of the house, I'm gonna...I don't know what I'm gonna do. You'll be in BIG TROUBLE, that's for sure.</p>

<p>Slower traffic keep right (stay in the right lane except to pass).</p>


<p>Your oh-so-busy schedule of work, work, and more work leaves you too exhausted to do anything but complain about your stress level-- but you have a stay-at-home spouse who keeps spotless house and takes full charge of kids. Just once, ask me how I'm doing juggling work, house, and more kids than you--and really listen.</p>

<p>To D's teachers: How is it that conferences begin today and you still haven't graded exams or updated your classes' grades online for over a month? How are parents (and students too) supposed to know how their children are doing? So do we have to take time off work and wait in a long line to talk to you, only to be dismissed because our S or D has an A? </p>

<p>To D's coach: I could probably post something outrageous you've done that affects my D at least once a week. What exactly is your problem? And why does maturity and discipline irritate you? You consistently reward childnessness and manipulative emotional outbursts, and turn a blind eye to lack of discipline and obedience. D is better than your favorities because unlike them, she doesn't cheat during workouts or skip all her Sunday training assignment.</p>

<p>To my kid's teacher: The marking period just ended. There are still 2 papers, 3 quizzes and a question packet that you have not graded and returned. The kids have no idea what grade to expect in your class, but more importantly how can they improve their work if they have no feedback from you on their previous work? Also, when you require them to submit a thesis statement to you for approval before writing a paper, and then you grade said paper and write "Your thesis is not arguable" or "This is not a thesis statement,".... ummm, then why did you approve the thesis before the paper was written? When you give assignments you forget to give due dates, then announce two weeks later that it's due tomorrow. Or else you forget that you assigned it altogther and never collect it. </p>

<p>Please, try to get organized!</p>

<p>(Wow, cross-posted with the GFG, who was writing about the same type of problem!)</p>

<p>Same gripe here. To S2's English teacher -- you've posted one grade in nine weeks??? The lack of feedback is beyond useless.</p>

<p>To my mechanic.
Do you really have to give me this bad news NOW, at this time when I'm freaking out about college costs, checking that finaid award site 100 times a day waiting for news that I KNOW will give me a panic attack?
Do you HAVE to tell me I might have to trash my car, that it's not just a simple spark plug thing? I wasn't planning to replace it so soon, surely it has another year of life. I CANT BUY A NEW CAR NOW!
PLEASE, when you call me back later this afternoon, tell me that the weird noises aren't due to that compression thing after all, that the major tune up did after all take care of it.</p>