Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)


<p>If the doctors are saying that you may have a disease that causes spontaneous arterial rupture with a median age-of-death of 48 yrs, and that this disease is autosomal dominant (meaning that you have a 50% chance of passing the genetic defect on to your offspring) and that if you have the defect, you have the disease (no carriers with this disease like some others)... And further, if pregnant women with the disease have a 25-50% mortality rate (some conflicting info out there, but they all give within that range)...</p>

<p>Don't you think it's a wee bit selfish to not get tested for the disease, particularly in light of the fact that my husband and I plan to have kids within the next few years, and that the cost for the test is $1400? Not to mention the fact that you're pretty sure that Brother has exhibited some characteristics of the disease... With your probable diagnosis, your insurance will almost certainly cover the test, but without a positive diagnosis on your end, Brother and I would have to pay out of pocket.</p>

<p>"Oh, aibarr, you shouldn't worry!" is not an acceptable response, by the by.</p>

<p>I'm glad your kid got into Yale. Now shut up.</p>


<p>Hit the ball, run to first. It's that simple.</p>

<p>Gaaah! Friends, take a note: does every conversation has to start with "Has little BB decided where she is going? How is her sister's med. school application going?"</p>

<p>To the 45th District Democrats: if you keep running such totally disorganized caucuses like the one last Saturday, you will never, ever see any young voters! According to the young delegate I know really well, this caucus sucked.</p>

<p>To the personnel lady in the advertising company:</p>

<p>You tell my D she has an internship and that she can come in in April to discuss details and meet the staff, etc. You say you will call to set up a time. You didn't, so D called you--several times. Now, all of sudden you want to put off the visit. This is not because the economy is bad and you can no longer offer the internships. No, apparently there are many internships still available, but you've decided to give them to kids who are just asking for them now, instead of D who arranged this long ago. Worse, D has told you she will work for free in order to gain experience, and you are planning to pay those other kids.</p>

<p>Because it was supposedly a "sure thing", D did not apply for other opportunities and now it is too late to do so. Thanks a lot!</p>

<p>Dear School District,</p>

<p>I agree 100% that it's worthy of celebration when kids from our extremely diverse community/district get into top-notch colleges. I don't agree at all with the news you've chosen to highlight.</p>

<p>I find it repellant that you take the front page of our district website to plaster the news about x# of this year's seniors getting into "seven of the eight Ivy League Universities" - going into detail about these kids and all of the places they're admitted. </p>

<p>If you must do this, couldn't you limit it to where the kids are actually going to matriculate? Did you think at all about the kids who didn't get into ** any ** of these schools, or any of their top choices? (Note, in case anybody thinks I'm grinding a personal axe here, I do not have a current senior.)</p>

<p>I'd argue that doing it at all, isolated like this from anybody else's college news, is just wrong and hugely off-putting. </p>

<p>First and foremost, in a district like this, what you should be celebrating loudest and most publicly is the healthy number of first generation kids who are finishing high school and going on to four-year colleges. This is huge. It's a real accomplishment worthy of celebration. </p>

<p>Second, really celebrate the kids who knew what kinds of schools fit them, went after those schools, and will attend one. Don't just say, condescendingly, "We're proud of all our students," at the end of your rah-rah Ivy piece.</p>

<p>Third, think twice and then think again, about posting news like this when many people in our community know, for example, that one of the kids with oh so many Ivy admissions happens to have shelled out thousands for private counseling. I'm not bashing X's accomplishments; X would have been a competitive applicant w/out the additional work on X's "package." But it sure makes me think about the vast majority in our community who have to budget carefully to pay for SATs and for each and every application, and couldn't begin to pony up for any private counseling, let alone this one. Two-thirds of these kids had private SAT tutoring as well. </p>

<p>Is this REALLY what this district is proudest of? Ugh.</p>

<p>Ahhh, the joys of dog ownership!...</p>

<p>To my H and my dog: one of you put a used napkin inside the big plastic bag filled with yard waste that took me the entire day to collect, and the other was able to detect a few food molecules emanating from the said napkin and shredded through the bag, leaving the lawn looking like a battlefield!</p>

<p>You're a jerk!</p>

<p>How many times do I have to tell you??? I do not do price quotes and I do not resolve invoicing issues. Call our sales and accouting departments, not me.</p>

<p>Ok, another peeve about a dog, </p>

<p>To my DD: I've told you a million times to keep the bathroom door closed.
To my dog: I'm fed up with your obsession with the wastepaper basket and toilet paper roll, and your habit of spreading bits and pieces of tissue all over the house...shredded bits big enough to clog the vacuum cleaner, but small enough to force me to crawl around picking them all up.</p>

<p>Dear neighbor with kid headed to top school:
I don't know you well enough to stop your grocery store conversations (loud) with other friends. You are bragging about your kid being such a good host to his less fortunate team-mates and how he always springs for team dinners.
Get a clue. He's putting it on your credit card, collecting cash from the other boys and spending the difference on dope. I've heard this from the kids involved. Not every kid with a drug habit is flunking out and drooling on the floor, many are doing quite well and will continue to look great to colleges.
If your family has a cash flow that can absorb a couple hundred extra a week, I suggest you look into where it is really going.</p>

<p>Note to self: End addiction to this forum. You just found out that Vanderbilt decisions are out & someone already got an acceptance. Now you are going to be completely unable to concentrate until D hears something ... and you will worry about how she'll handle it if the news isn't good. Ignorance would definitely be bliss in this case ... yet you just can't leave it alone, can you? GET A LIFE, WOMAN!</p>

<p>I really hate losing, but especially hate losing to someone that's just not going to do the job I would do. I just love the "old boys" network---NOT!</p>

<p>If I stop hiding my failures, will you still like me?</p>

<p>You told everyone they'd know by the middle of April. Now it's maybe not until mid June. I am speechless (for once).</p>

<p>To UMass: please stop running ads where you begin by stating "We're one of the top fifty universities in the world." Says who? You're not even one of the top fifty universities in the US! USNWR ranks you as 96th! OK, US News is not necessarily the final word on rankings, but.... 96th in the US vs top 50 in the world? Puhleeze</p>

<p>Continuing - to UMass: Please stop advertising with people who attended twenty or more years ago, before the state decimated your budget and began staffing with adjuncts. It's like putting a picture of your 20 year old self in your 50 year old personal ad.</p>

<p>To the woman in sitting near me today: Do not spend 5 minutes complaining how "they" shouldn't be laying off teachers next year, and the next 5 minutes complaining that your taxes are too high and "they" should do something about it. Where do you think we get the money to pay the teachers? </p>

<p>To certain dog owners - I don't care how much you love your dog, it is NOT your child. It is not human. It's a dog. It doesn't need to accompany you EVERYWHERE you go. You don't need to bring it into the airport when you go to pick someone up. You don't need to bring it to the July 4th carnival. You don't need to bring it INSIDE the school at a school event. When you rent a condo that says "no pets" for vacation, don't whine when the landlord finds out and charges you an outrageous cleaning fee- the rental agreement said NO PETS and there are people with allergies. And BTW, not everyone thinks a slobbery black lab with muddy paws jumping on them is "cute." (Hey, I love dogs.... but not in inappropriate places!)</p>

<p>" To certain dog owners - I don't care how much you love your dog, it is NOT your child. It is not human. It's a dog. It doesn't need to accompany you EVERYWHERE you go. You don't need to bring it into the airport when you go to pick someone up. You don't need to bring it to the July 4th carnival. You don't need to bring it INSIDE the school at a school event. When you rent a condo that says "no pets" for vacation, don't whine when the landlord finds out and charges you an outrageous cleaning fee- the rental agreement said NO PETS and there are people with allergies. And BTW, not everyone thinks a slobbery black lab with muddy paws jumping on them is "cute." (Hey, I love dogs.... but not in inappropriate places!) "</p>

<p>This one strikes a nerve..we have friends like this that are childless ( married a little too late in life ) Wife is a maniac about the dog...for instance, had an Easter Egg hunt with chicken filled eggs, and on husband's birthday, celebrates the dog's birthday because they know he was born sometime in July. Can't go anywhere without the dog, including OUR house...argh
My dog gets so fraking hyper and worked up when they bring the dog, and yet they cannot understand why he is not included with the various invites</p>

<p>The truth is, our youngest child , a human by the way is not invited to their house if they are having a barbeque....we are okay with the adults only invite
Why can she not understand a human only invite ????</p>