Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>Yes, I know that you send your children to Catholic prep school so they can learn morals and values and get a good education. You've told me that before. Is that where they learned to be bullies and snobs to my public school kids? or did they learn that at home?</p>

<p>Anyone else annoyed at the fact that your kid doesn't qualify for financial aid and because of this, he or she is shut out of scholarships from your local high school? S in the top 5 of his class academically while playing two varsity sports at the All-Conference level, has taken 8 AP classes, held leadership positions, Captain of two varsity sport teams, beat out 98% of kids nationwide on his ACT, yet he doesn't qualify for scholarships offered by the local public school. If you're gay, poor, or an "under-represented" student, the school has a scholarship for you. Thank goodness his college has offered him a scholarship based on merit. But, it sure would be nice if all of his hard work would be recognized by his local public high school.</p>

<p>to my inlaws- you all need to get over yourselves- amazing that 3 pairs of siblings and inlaws aren't talking to each other...and for what? drama caused by the MIL in the case of 2 and a sport for the third pair</p>

<p>makes get togethers real fun and my H and I are tired of saying "we don't wnat to hear about it nor will we pic sides" (though we do indeed know who is right here)</p>

<p>High schools teachers: your unprofessional and incompent performance this year has had an unfortunate impact on your students. To you, each day may be just another workday, but because you deal with real human beings, each day you do your job poorly you discourage vulnerable, impressionable teens.</p>

<p>1) Teaching is not a performance. It is an interactive process. IMO, that means that sometimes you have to clean up a colleague's mess. Yes, it's not your fault that last year's teacher didn't cover an important concept. But when you ignore that fact (which, remember, is not the fault of the students either), they will not properly learn what you are teaching. You say you don't care if they're floundering because you have a curriculum to cover and there's no time to re-teach anything. But what good is moving forward with your syllabus if the kids have stopped understanding you? And by the way, the fact that some members of your class pre-took the very same course over the summer and can manage to squeak by, does not relieve you of your responsibility to the kids whose parents can't afford for them to pre-take the hard classes every summer. Some very bright and interested kids are deciding they just aren't good at math or science or English because of your behavior.</p>

<p>2) Making up grades and entering them online is NOT professional. Sometimes, when you give everyone a "B" temporarily to cover your rear end with the principal, you forget to go back and adjust. That's great for the "C" students, but stinks for the "A" students. D had been killing herself to improve in your class. (Reasons why this has been an extremely trying and difficult feat could be addressed below if I had the time to enumerate all of them.) She was ecstatic to see that her efforts had paid off when she checked her 3rd quarter grade two days after the grade input deadline. Happily, she announced it to us, her parents, and we agreed to lift her social ban. But when the report cared was issued, the grade was a letter lower because you estimated wrong and then had to change her final grade when you got around to grading those January assignments in April after the grading input deadline.</p>

<p>3) It is not acceptable for you to be absent frequently and yet have no lesson plans prepared. If you are on your death bed, call the department supervisor so someone knows the kids are playing video games for 90 minutes every day and can give them a worksheet or something. My child can't learn well when you rush through 3 difficult chapters in one class period once you get back. Will you be including a note on her transcript so that college admissions officers know that she was never taught the material on your tests and final exam?</p>

<p>4) Comparing children to their siblings crushes their spirit. Don't do it, I beg of you. Just because D doesn't talk to you as much as S did, doesn't mean D isn't as nice or intelligent or that she dislikes you. She's just different.</p>

Thank goodness his college has offered him a scholarship based on merit. But, it sure would be nice if all of his hard work would be recognized by his local public high school.


Our public school selects valedictorian and salutatorian based on academic rigor and academic acheivement. They recognize the top 10% of the class at an academic awards banquet in May, a senior class academic awards assembly in June, and those students wear a sash with their gowns at the graduatin ceremony. It is a shame your district doesn't do anything like that. But as you say, thank goodness his college has offered him scholarship based on his acheivements.</p>

<p>"Comparing children to their siblings crushes their spirit. Don't do it, I beg of you. Just because D doesn't talk to you as much as S did, doesn't mean D isn't as nice or intelligent or that she dislikes you. She's just different."</p>

<p>To coach - even though D2 is much more athletic than D1 and has the potential to excel in D1's sport to the extent that you can groom her into a state champion (and you already know it), she will never run for you no matter how hard you try to convince her because she is sick and tired of coaches, gym teachers, academic teachers CONSTANTLY comparing her to her older sister. Seems the only one in the community smart enough NOT to is our pastor, which is why she loves him so much and is looking forward to confirmation.....</p>

<p>copter, Yea-he'll get to wear the National Honor Society sash at graduation and he'll get athletic awards at the athletic dinner and a couple of computer printed certificates of achievement at the academic awards assembly, but no money scholarships from the high school or town. They're specific to Fire Dept. kids, Lyon's club kids, minority students, students pursuing music or art, gay kids, females going into science or math, or financial need. It's stupid, but that's the way it is.</p>

<p>I may not like everything you do or how you do it, and you may not wholly endorse my approach to things either, but I've been under the impression that we ALL believed EVERYONE was working in the kids' best interest. I assumed we were all operating in good faith.</p>

<p>I'm so angry by the allegation this morning at the mtg. If what you alleged is true, that's really hurtful to me. If what you alleged was just you being a buttinsky but claiming to represent vast numbers of people -- well, what does that accomplish? I guess the hurt feelings I now have. While some just considered the source and went on, I consider you a comrade in arms. I know this is making no sense, but I'm just dumb-founded by it all.</p>

<p>The fourth quarter started four weeks ago; it's almost half over. How about posting grades for assignments/tests/etc. completed so far this quarter? S would like to bring his grade up in your class, but it's a little hard to do when he doesn't know what his scores on completed work are.</p>

<p>Wow, I sense a theme here. </p>

<p>To D's English teacher: I emailed you 5 days ago, asking for a list of D's grades for 3rd marking period. I'm confused by the B- you gave her on her report card. I don't know if you can show me grades to explain the B- or if you just pulled it out of thin air, because the last graded paper D got back was dated Jan 28. How are kids supposed to learn if they never get any feedback? Anyway, after 5 days with no answer my next email will cc the assist principal. And the two comments on the report card: "Diligent and conscientious student" and "More effort needed".... which is it? Because they're kind of mutually exclusive. Unless you put the same comments on every report card, which D seems to think is the case. You keep telling the kids you have "family problems," which might justify your FREQUENT absences, but you'd think you could maybe leave a lesson plan? D saw your planner on the desk, for her class it said, "Something?" That really helps the sub. I'd like to be sympathetic, but I hear you were the same way last year, and never gave my neighbor's son any graded papers back either. Also, when you hand out an assignment - or 3 assignments in the same week - it would be helpful if you'd give the kids a due date, something more specific than "a couple of weeks" or "after the break." These kids do have work in their other classes, and they need to budget their time. They don't bother to start the work you give them, because frequently you forget you assigned it and never collect it! But for work you do collect, you don't tell them the due date until 1 or 2 days before, then act mad when the kids complain.</p>


<p>"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds" - and you've been nothing if not foolishly consistent. Alas.</p>

<p>To the league co-ordinator's daughter: Lose the attitude. You're not God's gift to this sport - in fact, you're the weakest link on the team. Your show-off style of play isn't effective, and your excuses when you make a mistake are annoying. Quit blaming your teammates and start looking in the mirror.</p>

<p>People, dogs have legs because they are supposed to walk! They are not meant to be in doggie strollers and pushed around like infants. And putting your dog in a stroller does not mean that you can now take the dog into the grocery store, pharmacy and everywhere else with a NO PETS sign.
Get a leash, and walk your dog outside. It will be good for both of you.</p>

<p>If your dog is elderly, overweight, or has short legs, please don't take them on your run. I know, they love to be with you but dogs really aren't runners (excepting a few breeds created/trained for that purpose.) A dog is a sprinter...not a jogger. If you are going to take them along, moderate your speed. Keep an eye and an ear on how they're doing. Check their pads during the run and afterwards. If you need water half-way through your run so does he. Leave them home entirely if it's a hot day or so nice that you can't resist an extra mile or two. </p>

<p>And please, people, don't leave living things in a car during the spring and summer. Everybody knows this...why do we still have stories reported every year about babies and dogs dying in overheated cars?</p>

<p>You should have worked on this assignment yesterday. Also Friday evening. Also since you first got it. Working since 10 AM and not being done with even the outline is ridiculous. No, you cannot fake two peer reviews; if you don't have them, 'fess up to it, or get two peers to review it in the morning, maybe on the way to school, or during lunch, before you have to turn them in. If I find out you've lied about the peer reviews, you're toast. I don't know what I'll do, but I promise it will NOT BE PRETTY.</p>

<p>I told you about my new boyfriend as a courtesy not so you could judge him or give me the third degree. I haven't talked to you in a couple of months so how in the world do you think you know what is best for me? I figured you would rather hear about him from me than from another family member, I thought it would make you feel good.</p>

<p>I am an adult, able to make my own decisions about who I want to date. I have talked to my boyfriend more than I have talked to you since the last time I saw you. I don't think you have any idea about what is best for me, and just because my relationship may seem unconventional to you and maybe to everyone else doesn't mean that you get to judge it. I don't know if I even want you to meet him; I want to be able to deal with the dating without getting my crazy family involved at least for now. </p>

<p>I don't think the age difference is weird, I don't think his personal life is weird, I think we're very similar in a lot of ways, and I'm glad to have him in my life. Does that mean I think the relationship is going to be perfect? No, but I do think I'm lucky to have someone so special in my life. So be happy for me because I found someone who is considerate and respectful rather than judging him. Being judgmental is just going to make me push further away from you, not make me want to tell you more about the special person in my life. If I can't explain it to you in a way that makes sense than fine, you don't understand, but you don't need to think that the guy I'm dating is weird because his history doesn't match your expectations and because we're vastly different in age. We care about each other and we want to see if that can be enough to make a relationship work in a way that it should, I'm not going to share every detail of that relationship with you because we barely talk any more. I realize that you think for some reason that you should look out for me, but I've been on my own for a while now, and I don't need to be taken care of. If you want to actually help me just be happy about the good things in my life, don't downplay them just because you've made different decisions. I'm not you, and I have no desire to be, I like who I am and the decisions that I have made in my life, if you don't then tough luck.</p>

<p>You three were employed by my father as care aides while he and my mother were still alive. He paid you well and gave you holiday bonuses, and you were all thoughtful and caring people. When my brother and I got to a point in settling Dad's affairs a few weeks ago, we decided it would be appropriate to send you each some money, in a thank-you card, as additional thanks for the care you provided our parents. We see from the bank statement that you've all cashed the checks we sent.</p>

<p>Couldn't even ONE of you have acknowledged the gift?</p>

<p>Dear Husband..the car is dead, it can not be revived, well almost dead...and one scary thing to drive...and you worry that your D is driving on the freeway in that please please please don't put any more money into is dangerous and if your D gets hurt you will be sorry you were penny wise and pound foolish</p>

<p>let it go....and we can afford a decent used car...please please please.</p>

<p>Stop blocking the hallways when you're making out with your boyfriend and stop talking about him incessantly. I don't care. You two just started going out in the middle of this school year -- you're talking about getting married? Seriously, I have lost all respect for you over this, you're clearly in over your head. And frankly, I hope you realize that you're an idiot for deciding to follow him to an urban university with an unsafe repuation just because "(name) will never let anything happen to me". I can't wait to see the two of you broken up by Thanksgiving.</p>

<p>Don't talk on your cell phone to your friends while you're in the bathroom stall next to me! Gross!</p>