Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>I have no idea why you randomly chose to pick a fight with me in the car tonight. You already knew the answer to the question, so why did you ask it? And then when you tried to argue me out of it, and I answered your arguments, you threw a fit and said I always accuse you of things. I was not accusing you of anything, I was merely responding to YOUR comments. Obviously something is stressing you out and it was easier to pick a fight with me than to deal with it. You can say I don't trust you, but I'm never going to blindly approve of everything you ask to do. I do NOT think you're a bad kid, but I'd be a bad parent if I smiled and let you do whatever you wanted to without at least asking a few questions.</p>

<p>And do NOT ever ask me to highlight your hair again. I only did it because you asked me to, and if you don't like it, don't blame me.</p>

<p>Dear Collegeboard:</p>

<p>Your "no discussion of multiple choice questions ever" rule is plain stupid and is an outright repression of intellectual freedom. One of these days I'm just hoping for a big Supreme Court case against you.</p>

<p>Dear Horrible Woman who thinks she can flaunt the rules whenever she pleases because her money will smooth any troubles over. When will it get thru your VERY THICK SKULL that your kids are trouble makers because you do not hold them accountable. Thanks for providing the neighborhood with the perfect example of what NOT TO DO. Your kids get booted from sports teams because of bad sportsmanship and disregard for adult authority, kicked out of summer camp because they steal from other campers and you have kids who cheat, get caught and have Mommy bail them out. Your kids are not yet teenagers and you have set them up to become the university (name of school you are going to buy their way into here) drug dealers of the'll bail them out then too...won't you?</p>

<p>What the heck? This was on page three!</p>

<p>Can you NOT read??? No wonder you're being sued. What must be done is spelled out in black and white. You can't make up your own rules when it suits you. You are a real *** I hope you lose your license.</p>

<p>To all teenagers and young adults out there:</p>

<p>Your parents are not stupid. Once upon a time, we moms and dads also came home from high school and college and decided were knew more, and were more intelligent than our folks. However, let me warn you to be prepared. Something odd happens when you grow up. In all the business of being a responsible adult, earning a living, and caring for children, there just isn't the same amount of time to spend bettering ourselves like you're doing right now. And all the adult information we need to keep on tap has pushed some of the rest of our knowledge to the background of our brains. I know the family's sports schedule by heart, but forgot the name of capital of Myanmar. I'm sorry. The fact that we can't remember the plot of The Grapes of Wrath or how to do calculus does not mean we are ignorant clods. Be kind to us.</p>

<p>You can't stop for one minute. You always have to keep pushing yourself harder. The big thing you have been training for for years was only days away from being in your grasp. But you kept pushing when you really didn't have to. You got hurt and now have lost your golden opportunity for doing the thing you had hoped to spend you career doing. All that work..gone. My heart breaks for you as I know yours is broken too. Sorry is not a big enough word.</p>

<p>Just who was it who decided that an extracted tooth was now hazardous medical waste?</p>

<p>But thanks, Nurse, for looking the other way while the non-patient pocketed the evidence. :)</p>

<p>To the Association:
No I am NOT going to trim the ficus. Not while the hummingbird is nesting. Go paint one of the other 45 units first. I won't have a painting crew and a lot of ladders and ruckus in my courtyard till the eggs hatch and the are birds safely flown away. I'm locking the gate so just go away and leave us alone. So sue me.</p>

<p>Why must teachers and administrators chose so many wrong kids for the senior awards? The popular kids who are out drinking on weekends are the good models of citizenship, while the quiet kids with the sensible values are overlooked over and over again???</p>

<p>Why is every tech support person I call in the Philippines? Why do they all read they same script? Why do I spend three hours being told to go back and forth between tech support at Vendor 1 & Vendor 2? And all the people answering the phone sound like they are in the same office? And I still cannot install the program? It would be nice if anti-virus etc would fully uninstall and not intefere with the new program, it would be better still if after 3 hours i could now have anti-virus protection :(</p>

<p>Along Janlake's line, why are the kids who had to go to court for being Minors In Posession still "Peer Leaders"? Exactly what do they have to do to get kicked off? And why are the current PL's the ones who choose the incoming PL's? Is it possible that maybe they might pick their friends, instead of the kids who have managed to avoid throwing drinking parties while their parents aren't home? </p>

<p>D has wanted to be a Peer Leader since the day in 8th grade when the PL's came to the middle schools to talk about high school. Her freshman year she happened to be in the hs lobby when the 8th graders arrived for their tours. Only a couple of the 100+ PL's in the high school showed up to lead tours, so D volunteered on the spot, led a tour, and by all accounts did a great job. But she still wasn't chosen to be a PL, while the kids who are only doing it to get the T-shirt and put it on their college app do NOTHING, get in trouble, and are allowed to keep their positions.</p>

<p>Please stop making your grandson feel guilty that his school doesn't provide enough graduation tickets for all of your relatives. He is not trying to exclude you or anyone else. He has no control over the situation. Get over it so he can at least not feel miserable at his own graduation because he can't ever please you.</p>

<p>When we are all working non-stop around the clock to support your business from averting a crisis and we are now at the most critical time to either pull this all together or have it fall apart and need last-minute leadership decisions, how can you, as the CEO, possibly decide to leave town and take a 4-day weekend?</p>

<p>To the "IDK my BFF Jill" girl from the phone commercials: I want you dead.</p>

<p>Only 2 more years. Only 2 more years and I can wipe the dust of this school system from my feet and my children's feet forever.</p>

<p>To the college student in my house who is home after frosh year:</p>

<p>Go out and find a summer job. The job is not going to come here to find you.</p>

<p>Thanks for taking your brother in. I won't soon forget, however, that I had to listen to my sister's extreme distress, and my finally demanding that she call you with the truth - that he was on her doorstep half the time begging for a bath, to warm up, for another night on the couch, while his three sibs did NOTHING for him, for weeks on end.</p>

<p>Now all we have to worry about is his son's failing HS grades, which I am sure having Dad live in his car in the park contributed to. But at least you did finally act.</p>

<p>To my college student who is now home for the summer. I have opened your 'emergency' mastercard bill. An emergency is not where you order food for all your friends, pocket the cash they give you and charge the whole bill to the mastercard. I guess we will spend the summer discussing once again what is considered an emergency. Maybe when you go back at the end of the summer, it will sink in.</p>

<p>Even though we're much too young to say, I think this might be permanent.</p>

<p>(I know it sounds silly; it isn't a speculation I've made public -- hence the confession.)</p>

<p>remind me not to try and reason with mentally ill people</p>