Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>To my D's driving instructor: I am paying you to teach her to drive, not to improve your teenage sons' social lives. I did not expect you to leave her sitting alone in the car in your driveway while you went inside to get your lunch, while your teenage sons were out in the yard. I did not pay you to have a cell phone conversation with your son later as D was driving, in which he discussed with you how "cute" she is. And I did NOT expect you to tell her to text your son anonymously during the time I was paying for her to be OBSERVING another student driver! D said you thought it would be funny. Well, the kindest term I can think of is INAPPROPRIATE. I wonder what the driving school owner will think when I tell him about it?</p>

<p>Guard gate woman- I know that there are terrorists out there, I know that it is your job to keep the private enclave of manufactured homes safe from the bad guys. But, seriously, really, when my DD has the official company printed pet sitting paperwork and the poor little sick man forgot to call her in, seriously, you make her take 30 minutes calling every one she knows who lives in that community to see if they can let her in, as well as calling the sick man. When no one answers on the sick man's # or his son's cell, you still won't let DD in to feed and exercise the animals??? Really? That is the service you think your residents are paying for?</p>

<p>She is a professional, she found a friend to drive to the place and drive her in (some one already on the list) and spent an hour for a 15 minute pay slot- thanks.</p>

<p>And, I am really appreciative of your snotty lectures- she has only had friends there and been in and out for years, I am sure you could not possibly recognize her! B!$&^</p>

<p>To "Penelope" - You're going overboard with the bragging about your prodigy kid. Nobody cares. Give it a rest already.</p>

<p>I have just returned to work today from a weeks vacation. Imagine my joy when I had close to 250 emails to read. How come everyone thinks that a appropriate response to emails in my absense was to say " Let's wait until she gets back from vacation and we can advise then?"
What if I got hit by a bus or better yet became a millionaire overnight, then what would you all have done? Come on make a decision while you are filling in for me.
At this rate, it will take me to my next vacation in October to respond to these. UGH...welcome back to the real world.</p>

<p>Dad, I can't deal with you anymore. You clearly don't want to see my brother or me, because your underhanded money-related guilt trip is absolutely repulsive. Still, my masochist sibling seems to think that we should visit you anyway, so we shall. I can only ask that, for once, you won't berate me for everything I do. And tell your wife that my deciding not to go pre-med is not some kind of betrayal: I just don't like Biology that much. Please just let us get through a couple days together without making me want to punch you in the face.</p>

<p>And you people wonder why I would ever want to move to Europe. 2000 miles is just barely far enough away for comfort.</p>

<p>Why do you feel that everyone else is just a little bit better than you? Why can't you risk being yourself and show everyone how truly great you are? Hanging back and trying not to be noticed will never bring you the happiness you truly deserve.</p>

<p>Dear dog</p>

<p>You are house trained. You can last the day without doing your business on the floor and you usually do. So what is up with you? Why have I been greeted with a stinky mess each time I've returned home the past few weeks? Our routine hasn't changed. Your diet hasn't changed. I can't figure out what has caused this change in behaviour. Are you unwell? You don't seem unwell but maybe a vet visit is in order just to make sure everything is ok.</p>

<p>I love you dearly and I love the excited greeting you give me when I come home. However, I don't love the awful smell that greets me 2 seconds later. Please, try and hold on til I get home and we go out for a walk. And if you really can't hang on, can we come to some kind of compromise? Can you please try and do your thing on the tiles, not the carpet? That would make my life a LOT easier. Thank you.</p>

<p>Wrong thread, but
something I have been trying for years to have happen seems to be working!!!!
Yeah world!</p>

<p>(Also involves huge amount of work with no real direction... if you pray, I could use a "clear minds" kind of prayer...)</p>

<p>To the Director, retire already. It's time. You walk around looking like an old man. Grumpy and nothing nice to say. I have stopped speaking to you or acknowledging your presence because I decided I'm not going to figure out what kind of mood you are in today. The Doctors that work for you are good guys and dedicated, leave them the @#$% alone. The nuress and doctors have little respect for you because you are transparent and leave them out to dry. You have your favorites that you talk and spend your time with. They are usually younger, blond and you fall all over yourself. YOu are dismissive in your actions. You have more conversation and animation for ther stranger than for your own staff. YOu are phony and have lost touch. How can you sleep at night? you are such an A..H...</p>

<p>To the kind old man at the out-of-the-way gift shop who took the trouble to get in his pick-up truck to help me find Brick House Hill Road and make sure I got there without losing my way when I was so incredibly lost and without a cell phone last weekend:
Thank you so, so much.</p>

<p>To the nice cashier girl and manager-type guy at the local Rite-Aid who let me use their phone when I couldn't figure out why my car wouldn't start today (and was again without a cell-phone):
Thank you.</p>

<p>To myself:
Bring your cell phone everywhere. You've been getting stranded/lost too often ever since you got your license, and not everywhere is as devoid of people with criminal intent (beyond public drunkenness, that is. We are a college town, after all) as Middle of Nowhere, USA. Also, finish the god**** article already; it's a week late as it is.</p>

<p>Please, tell me how you feel.
Give me a chance.
Talk to me.
I can't stop thinking about you.</p>

<p>To the neighbor: you saw something strange going on. Why the heck didn't you call the police? You called x at 11:30 pm. What was that going to accomplish? </p>

<p>To the idiots that broke in: burn...</p>

<p>I hate you. I denounced you as my dad a long time ago, and for good reason too. You have no idea what you sound like, ever. You can never be wrong and all you're doing is killing Mom. Leave us alone.</p>

<p>Dear _____,
I am done as the go-between. You know why she doesn't want to talk to you and it's your daughter's fault.... your daughter chose the rich sorority friends over family. After this both my daughters swear they are never getting married. I hope we can fake it through the next month.</p>

<p>Ok, I get that the school administration might not know the difference among possessive pronouns, plurals and contractions. But when English teachers start abusing apostrophes, I have to wonder what the world is coming to.</p>


<p>Dear Dad,
It has been interesting watching your siblings out-do you in this career/money shenanigans even though you had "the lead" as a teen/young adult. Please get over yourself and let me be excited about my cousins' vacation. I am excited FOR them. Imagine that. </p>


<p>How very, very blessed I am to have you...</p>

<p>It's not that I don't treasure my family. But I do really have to call you three times a day, every day? Other students call every week!</p>

<p>When are you going to call my son and approve this project? He first contacted you July 11 and had hoped to have it well under way by the time school started. Instead, he's still waiting on your "final OK," and school starts Monday. Grrrr.</p>

<p>Oh, and while I'm here, some people need to just take a deep breath. Get over yourselves.</p>

<p>Wow! What an awesome thread. To all the people out there who call me weird: You. Are. Sheep. You lack originality and empathy and generally humanness. I hope one day you find out that once you stop worrying about what other people think you'll have more fun. By the way, colleges, employers, and fellow humans like people who stand out.</p>