Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>Dear Superintendent;</p>

<p>I am so sad to hear you are resigning at the end of the year. Frankly I don't blame you. No one wants to preside over the dismantling of a once-proud school system. The voters in this town made it clear they don't give a hoot about education when they voted down the budget increase last year. After the huge layoffs that followed that vote, my kid now has 28 - 31 kids in all her hs classes (except health with 41, and phys ed with over 100). There is no sign that things will improve for the future, either. Thank heavens my last kid only has 2 years left in this system. </p>

<p>I really wish you would stay - you're a great superintendent, and I can't imagine anyone wanting to take this job. I fear there will be a steady stream of teachers and principals following you out the door - the good ones, the ones who care and are frustrated and burnt out by trying to do their job without the basics they need. </p>

<p>This really stinks.</p>

<p>wow the first day of school and you are already behind on your homework... and fighting with me... what a fun year this will be!</p>


<p>Oh man, you should watch your step colleague. That "joke" email you sent to a senior staff member could really have backfired. You're lucky he laughed it off. This firm may be fairly relaxed but that kind of behaviour in the workplace is unprofessional and very risky. At my previous firm, that joke would've earned you instant dismissal under the equal opportunity & harassment policy. I've seen it happen for lesser "crimes". So watch what you do if you value your job. That kind of joke is fine with friends but doing it to management could land you in very hot water.</p>

<p>Oh and by the way, I would've said this to you directly if it wasn't just another episode in a long line of unprofessional behaviours but talking to you is like banging my head against a wall and I'm over it. It's not my job to tell you what's ok and what's not. But I needed to vent.</p>

<p>Dear Rude woman I've spoke of before...well you've done it again. Gotten another one of your kids off..this time for cheating! Go ahead and threaten the school and district with a lawsuit...your child was caught cheating and in a BIG way...there was no mistake made. Yes, you got your kid off yet just can't allow your kids to face the reprecussions that they should...the penalties that just might help shape them into good citizens of this country. Your rescuing won't work forever and it alienates all those who cross your path. You are raising the worst kind of people that we have in this country. Cheaters, liars, sloths, scammers....WAKE UP!!</p>

<p>Note to self:
Learn to say no.
It will save you being angry at the people who are using you.
It will help you get your own job done without wasting time doing theirs also.
If you keep jumping to the rescue they will keep calling.</p>

<p>Please evacuate NOW !!</p>

<p>To the people of my rich yuppie suburban former hometown: </p>

<p>At times I can't believe you all. Mostly the young ones of my generation, but yes, the adult townspeople are guilty too for they facilitate their children's behaviour. You're not afraid to flaunt wealth on your facebook profiles and photos and show off the fact that you go to a dozen vacations every summer.</p>

<p>I still have some fond memories of you all, and the town. But while I was there I never realised our own conceit and shelteredness. Warmth, support and friendship in your town only comes when they are allied with money. Come a divorce that led to the father abandoning the family and the finances in tatters, all the "friends" that we made over the years simply vanished. I'll call you sometime? Maybe later. Suddenly all the neighbours who had been so free to chat at the common garden boxes, long after the busses had returned with the schoolchildren, were too busy to open the doors. You're just like slightly older versions of your spoilt prep-culture children. It was probably a good thing in the end I left your hypocritical little town, even if I'm still recovering from the effects. </p>

<p>Eight years on, most of you seem to act like nothing happened. Enjoy your big mansions, your perpetual upper-class tans, and oh yes, I suppose at some point during those eight years some of you were broken into wild drinking. Everything in your town is perfect, with no concern or attention or even acknowledgment of the less fortunate just outside your borders. Why it's easy to raise an outcry about suffering overseas when they are so far away. </p>

<p>Fittingly I suppose I can only gloat over the outcome of the college admissions game. Remember in second grade when one of you told me and my sister to "go back to China," never mind that we were from Singapore? Clearly because you were so much more capable, elite and superior, right? Well look where you are going now -- one that evokes little name power and has the oh-so-impressive acceptance rate of 69%. I mean, that's not much more competitive than the in-state and still-respectable state flagship. But it just HAD to be an expensive private college because your parents wouldn't have it any other way, amirite?? Oh how I love karma. The chickens are coming home to roost. And for those who are going on to the big names (at least no one disagreeable has made it to your "rung" thank goodness), fortune has blessed you so far, and I hope one day you may open your eyes to that very fact.</p>

<p>Please, PLEASE chew with your mouth closed. Otherwise, I'm not sure I can have lunch with you anymore. I saw something fly out of your mouth and into my salad today.</p>

<p>I hate computers, computer networks, Microsoft, Dell, wireless modems, multigig anything.
So just stop me while I hit "buy" on the Dell website. THey have a cool laptop in a cool color. If I call and can talk them into Win XP Pro instead of the Vista crap, I have myself a new computer!</p>

<p>Dear people who love to arrive early -</p>

<p>You are not "helping" when you arrive early by half an hour or more for a volunteer event. The "paid" (you should pardon the expression) staff needs time to organize and arrange the set-up and materials. We are not "disorganized" because you have nothing to do when you get there an hour before you were asked. If we thought you should be entrusted with one of the professionals' tasks, we'd assign it to you. But we don't think so, so get a cup of coffee or run an errand rather than getting in our way. You are not more special or valuable than the other volunteers just because you are more inconsiderate.</p>

<p>Also - when I come into work on my own time, it's to work on a special project or meet a tough deadline, not to talk to you or to assist you with something that should be tended to during regular office hours. And when I say I'm working on deadline, it does not mean "so come on in and sit down for 20 minutes." It means "GET THE !@#$ OUT OF MY OFFICE BEFORE I HAVE A SEIZURE."</p>

<p>Man, I hate this job.</p>

<p>To her friends:
Thanks so much for excluding her from your shows. And then inviting her into a group in which she's the only one not in the shows. Way to rub it in while you're all talking about rehearsals, costumes, etc. And then make her feel like you don't want to hear about her disappointments - no shoulder to cry on here!</p>

<p>Great friends.</p>

<p>To the crabby lady at the Dept of motor vehicles-
Since when did getting a handicapped sticker (with all the correct documentation) become a mass of bureaucratic red tape? And then, when I ask a simple question about transferring the title of one of our cars to our son out of state, did you decide to take it upon yourself to cancel the perfectly valid registration and license plate?!?!?!?! What kind of idiot are you? Did I ask you to make his and my life any more difficult and complicated than it already is?? You know those "comment cards" sitting on the front of your desk? I took one-- and I am contemplating just exactly what choice things to say about crabby, power-mongering witches like you.</p>

<p>To my sister in law....just because I am not fluent in your language, I do recognize enough of it to understand your rant about me ( when I signed in my email account on MY computer ) , thus bumping you must know how to sign on, since you figured it out the first time.
Oh and when we go out to a restaurant, we tip and you should not try to take the money back from the waitress because you think she makes too much money.. when in Rome</p>

<p>To my D's team - you weren't expected to be very good, at least not as good as last year's team. All but one of the "stars" graduated last June. Yet here you are, 4-0, coming from behind to win, not playing "tight" or panicking, keeping your positive attitude, never giving up, supporting each other, and working your butts off. I am so proud of this team, your effort and your attitude. You are going to surprise a lot of people. </p>

<p>I just hope this year that you won't be the only team COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN at the Senior Athletic Banquet in June. Last year's banquet featured photos from every varsity team in the hs, EXCEPT yours. They listed off all the teams from the hs that won league championshships EXCEPT yours, and yes your team was co-champions of the league. All the other banners in the gym have been updated to reflect championships and titles won last year, EXCEPT yours. </p>

<p>You are a real sport. Every year, the coaches are forced to "cut" players during tryouts because more girls want to play than the team can handle. No one on last year's team had any type of discipline issue. Everyone seems to recognize that you are a great team... except the Athletic Director. Maybe it's because you're a girls team, and you play during football season, and the AD is the football director - maybe that explains why he can't remember that you exist. Although you do play your 10 home games per year right outside his office door....</p>

<p>I'm not sure if this friendship, this tangled, confusing, lopsided mess of roles and people and minds and topics, is worth it. Maybe it's bad idea to become friends with someone who cares about you less than you care about them...</p>

<p>Coach, your blatant favoritism isn't winning your "pet" any friends... in fact, the team is turning on her, and you. You made her captain, and she let it go to her head. When Pet misses a play, it's "Good effort," but when other girls do the EXACT same thing they get yelled at. When my D messed up in a game, you blamed her - and rightly so. But when pet did the EXACT same thing the next game, you blamed the girl next to her, and sat that girl out for the rest of the game - even though it was clearly Pet's error.</p>

<p>Coach, the whole team is starting to snicker behind your back at your unbelievable favoritism, because if they don't laugh they'll scream in frustration. When the team is practicing their butts off, but you're off in the corner whispering with Pet, then you look up and say, "Oh, are we on the next drill yet?".... the team notices these things.</p>

<p>Yes Pet, I guess sucking up did pay off for you. Don't forget who your friends were... because if you keep acting like you're better than everyone else, they WILL forget you when the season ends.</p>

<p>Why does this have to be so difficult? Pick a day. I have ceased to care.</p>

<p>board of education for my county you drive me crazy!! you pay lip service to science math and technology but when your kids place at intel's isef or society for science and the public's middle school science fairs you give them no love... however, make sure to give a lot of press to the sports teams!!(obvioulsy i'm a disgruntled nerd mom!!) just venting!</p>

<p>No, I do not think your inability to wake up early is a good reason to drop your 8 o'clock class. Get out of bed!</p>