Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>To my D's AP English teacher: these students deserve more than a "template" to use when writing essays! Ripping apart an "example" essay for ten minutes and then spending less than a minute on another that earned exactly the same score is only teaching my D that you like other students more! And sorry my D got a 5 on the Language exam last year- in a course YOU didn't teach! Grow up you rotten witch!</p>

<p>To my D: This problem with your best friend has more to do with jealousy than you are willing to admit. You get everything, and this is the only thing she has. I know you want it, but so does she. And if she's "winning" at the moment, you have to accept that and just keep doing the best you can.</p>

<p>To her former best friend: You don't have to tear other people down in order to build yourself up. Stop with the sneaky behind-the-back stuff. It's going to backfire on you, because everyone else knows what you're doing and they are going to turn their backs on you if you don't go back to being the nice person they all knew and loved. This isn't you. That's why my D is so frustrated and heartbroken. It's not because you have what she wants. It's what you're doing to get it, and to keep it, and the way you've frozen her out that has her in tears.</p>

<p>To the obnoxious neighbor: you have your own recycling bin, why are your beer bottles in MY recycling bin?</p>

<p>Why do places like the post office and hospitals, where you wait and wait and wait, advertise so much? They can't seem to handle the customers they already have. How about taking all that advertising money and hire a few more people so we don't have to wait so much?</p>

<p>In clothing stores, when a particular type of garment is on shelves...and the smalls are on the top shelf, and the XLs are on the bottom shelf. </p>

<p>I wear size 15 shoes. If I go in any shoe store, and ask for my size in a certain style, the response is always, "We don't have any in that size...we usually only get maybe one or two pairs in that size for each style, because we don't sell them." They don't have any because they don't get many, but the ones they did have are all gone. Am I missing something?</p>

<p>I love how soccer players can do all sorts of fancy things with a soccer ball. But ask them to put it into a goal the size of a school bus, and the whole team is lucky to get 2 goals in an entire game.</p>

<p>Dear husband - you have made clear over the past 30 years that it's my job to take care of the family relationships. You like it that way so that it can't be your fault when something goes wrong. So if you happen to overhear my end of a conversation with one of our kids, and I'm offering comfort/advice, do not freeze up and ask "is everything all right?" in a tone of dread. If there's something I can use your help with - and there won't be - I will let you know. If you cared all that much, you wouldn't say "here's your mother" every time one of them calls.</p>

<p>you two broke up a few days ago. i saw it on my facebook news feed and laughed.
sorry i'm a horrible person, but now that it's out of my system we can be friends again.</p>

<p>To the neighbors around the corner who blocked the adjacent road for their block party so that I couldn't get out of my driveway: not only were you rude to do it in the first place, but then to come knock on my door and tell me I should happily inconvenience myself so that you and your cronies who live in the same houses you grew up in can enjoy themselves went off the scale of rudeness. You are the same people whose kids will, no doubt, be dumping their large plastic bags filled with empty beer cans in my yard in the future. Just because you think you are more important than everyone else in the world doesn't mean it's true.</p>

<p>To myself:</p>

<p>The whole "college is amazing and the best four years of your life" is not true in your case. You're never going to have that amazing college experience. If you do get readmitted to a university more than likely you'll have to commute. Not only that, but add a part time job. Your friends have found new friends and don't want to hang out with you anymore. Yep. No social life whatsoever. Just earn that degree and pray to the heavens you'll get into a decent graduate school. Oh, and try finding a job with your major since you're stubborn and refuse get a vocational degree.</p>

<p>Just to add to my rant:</p>

<p>Do soldiers today really protect our freedom? Would America would be in shackles and be slaves to terrorists? Maybe I'm being unpatriotic and ignorant but I don't think you protect "our freedom." I appreciate what you're doing, but to me you are not a hero. I don't buy the in the whole "rah-rah GO AMERICA!" thing. May I should move to Canada. Yea, that's it.</p>

<p>Reading other posts in this thread made my heart break a little. </p>

<p>Oh I hate NY City. It's overrated. It's Disney World for yuppies. The economy is doing so bad so there won't be any yuppies. . .uh oh.</p>

<p>PS to the neighbors: You really are small-minded people who peaked in high school. Dumping dog poop on someone's front steps is absolutely the most juvenile retaliation I have ever hear of this side of a frat house. Grow up.</p>

<p>To the campus psychologists:</p>

<p>I can't believe I ever trusted your immature, unprofessional asses! I regret telling my Mom not to make a scene tomorrow because I want her to tell all of you off! You can trick me into getting hospitalized but you can't do a damn thing to her!
Don't think I'm crying to Mommy either, I told her how lame and unqualified you are and she asked if she could show up and demand to know how long I have to go to these stupid sessions. Basically, she asked and I said yes.</p>

<p>From all the years of psychology courses and maybe even grad school, you've never heard of my form of OCD? I can't believe I had to suffer so much just because you didn't pay attention in class! A simple internet search could have helped you find out the problem, but noooooo, you had to panic like a bunch of dumbasses! </p>

<p>Stop acting as if I'm the next Virginia Tech shooter! I never said I was going to kill YOU or anyone at the school. I don't even have a history of that crap. The people who overlooked Cho Seung-Hui were STUPID not the notice the signs, even his classmates knew he was gonna do it! You won't hear that about me from anyone at our school! </p>

<p>Deep inside, you don't know anything and you're lucky you even got a job. Admit it.</p>

<p>To my parents,</p>

<p>I'm sorry I have irrational fears and intrusive thoughts about harming my sister. I don't hate her and I am not jealous even though she is now living the life I wish I had. I brought her the book she always wanted and wrote her a long card of advice and encouragement before she left for Fordham, to show you that I really do care about her and I hate how my OCD makes me feel uncomfortable around her. </p>

<p>I'm sorry for all the burden I have caused for almost twenty years. Mom, you're right when you said I've had issues like these from day one. I never see you cry, but I the day I saw your eyes water, tore me up on the inside. I know you cry when I'm not around. I knew you cried when I stopped talking eighteen years ago, then my speech lagged severely behind and I ended up with no real friends throughout school. I know you wished I was normal because if I was, I would have been the perfect daughter.</p>

<p>To the sororities at my d's school, why can't you actually give people a chance. Why do you think that a 5 min conversation is enough to know and reject someone. Sometimes shy isn't snobby or aloof - it is just shy and, with a bit of time, the fun, social girl would come out. Some people never have things come easily.</p>

<p>Dear in-laws,</p>

<p>It's been eight days since my dad's funeral. Not a note from you, not a card, not a phone call. Yes, I know you told your son to pass along his condolences to me when he called to give you the sad news. Apparently you think that's enough. Guess what? You're wrong.</p>

<p>I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so rude to you. You were trying the best you can and I wish I accepted your apology right away. I know none of this was easy for anyone involved and I should have considered your feelings as well.
It was a huge misunderstanding and at the time I didn't have a clear answer. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I wish I could call you right now and say this but my family does not want me revealing anymore to you. They say you don't understand, which is true, but they understand even less. When I go somewhere else, I'll visit you like an old friend someday. You can e-mail me anytime. </p>


<p>You made me feel like the black sheep of the family today. I also felt like I was the retarded kid everyone talks about as if she's not in the room. I felt weak, stupid, embarrassed and the most depressed I've ever been since taking the medication. Your words today made me realize why I rarely go to you with my problems. Possessed by the devil? You were half serious and don't want to admit it. God can't save me, church won't change my mental state and I won't admit this happened because of jealousy or anger! Of all the people the devil can possess, why me? I've done NOTHING compared to most people my age.</p>


<p>I hate myself even more because of how you acted today. I get it, I'm a burden and a loser. You didn't say that, but I get the vibe that you feel this way. </p>

<p>I wish you could see this article: Intrusive</a> thoughts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Too bad it would be a waste of time to show you because you're set on your opinion. I can't reason myself out of this nonsense. I'm sorry, I feel really pathetic and you don't need to make me feel worse.</p>

<p>I think I know why we're in this mess. Could be you didn't do your job???</p>

<p>I'm doing everything I can to make this thing happen, but I feel like you're lying to me.</p>

<p>I'm screwed.</p>

<p>the local cheerleaders decorated a local restaurant and helped raise a few hundred dollars for charity... huge spread in the paper. one county child got to semifinal at intel and another is in the middle school national finals for science fair and not one word printed.
then the next day you run a big article about the problems in the school system in math and science education...maybe help increase positive publicity for the county's good students and successes??</p>

<p>To all you people who drive while talking on your cell phones....</p>

<p>You think you're driving perfectly is fine, but it's NOT. You cut the corners, slow down, swerve, and cut people off without even realizing it. You're so oblivious, you don't see the near misses, or the other drivers shaking their heads at you. In the past 2 days I've had 3 near-collisions with drivers who were so wrapped up in their cell phone conversation they didn't even realize that I had to take "evasive action" to avoid an accident!</p>


<p>OK, I know the "first real girlfriend" experience means your time and attention will be totally focused on that relationship, and that juggling the intensity of that happy time with your need to keep up your grades and your desire to have fun with your buddies will mean you're less likely to be keep in touch with your family back home.</p>

<p>But to watch from afar as you befriend her mother on facebook, and then read her mother's comments about how she's really going to enjoy seeing you tomorrow, when your own mother hasn't heard from you in a week (and couldn't "see" you if she wanted to, being on the opposite coast) and never gets any response to her own occasional hellos through facebook, just sort of... hurts a teensy bit. And to avoid being a shrewish mother, I will never be able to tell you so.</p>