Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>To the elitist wealthy preppish school full of spoilt bigoted students in the neighouring yuppie suburban town: Despite your better funding and the donations made by wealthy alumni to your school, one thing none of your students got this year was AP National Scholar. You don't even have a slot for it on your boastful awards web page. You have been defeated. Despite the full-page newspaper spread boasting about how your valedictorian was an "AP Science" student and how she loved French because her family apparently had enough money to spoil her on a trip to Switzerland, the neighbouring working-class high school beat you in that area instead. And from now onwards I have plenty of ammunition to publicly berate you with accusations of rampant grade inflation (at least for AP courses), while the students in the poorer school had to deal with teachers with an actual sense of virtue and honour. I mean, despite the lower grades the poorer school beat you in the AP exam area! And the real reward comes with all the free credit hours (a whole year and half's worth for me) that arrive as a prerequisite. Enjoy paying for those credit hours out of your wallet, suckas! What full page spread are you going to put in the newspapers now?!</p>

<p>Dear mom and step dad,</p>

<p>Please stop talking about how my boyfriend's family is much more wealthier than ours and can afford to pay what his financial aid offer didn't cover when actually, they are more financially savvy. You bought a $10,000 boat last summer and you never bothered to save any money of the child support my father sent for the past 10 years, even after at 16 I asked you if it would be possible for you to save some after the payment readjusted by a few hundred dollars a month. I know that you deserve the money you work for, but I hate it when you made jokes about how poor I was going to be in college. As you aren't contributing to my education, I would also like it if you stopped bragging to the neighbors about how smart I am and that I could have gone to a much better school. I also don't think it's fair that you call my sister at least once a week and have yet to call me while I'm away at school.</p>

<p>Co-workers: GROW UP AND GET A LIFE. You talk for literally hours and hours about how someone got 15 more minutes of overtime than you did even though you have more seniority. Is this really important to you? Does grousing to each other and annoying everyone around you make you happy? Do you think you're accomplishing something by watching different worksites to see who leaves at what time, and figuring out who is getting overtime? You aren't even assigned to that worksite! Do you know how pathetic you are? Our company laid of 50 workers a few months ago, but you want the union to file a grievance over 15 minutes of overtime. OMG, take a minute, step back and look at yourselves. YOU NEED TO GET A LIFE. I know your real issue is the promotion you applied for and didn't get. Did it ever occur to you that maybe you were passed over because of your lousy attitude and ability to stir up trouble?</p>

<p>Thanks for nothing. </p>

<p>That's all</p>

<p>To my brother in law who raised 2 sons badly - thanks for saying that my husband and I have had it easy because we had girls. They are good kids, independent and kind, worked hard in high school and have gotten in to schools they love. He thinks that hubby and I sat on the couch for 18 years, eating bonbons and watching tv while the girls sprang up to be the people they have become with no input from us. I comfort myself in knowing that his one son is in and out of jail and the other is barely functional. I don't know how he rationalizes this with the many people he knows who have raised great sons, but he manages somehow. Ah, I feel better now!</p>

<p>To all the loud, annoying youth of the world:</p>

<p>STOP ACTING TRASHY AND GHETTO! You have no excuses, so don't say anything like it's part of your socio-economic status or culture, because I known and witnessed tons of people who grew up just like you and don't act like such a disgrace to society. </p>

<p>Not only are you loud, but you're loud for no goddamn reason. Half the nonsense you say isn't words! It doesn't even pass for slang! I know I may sound like a bitter old lady or a ranting bigot, but at this rate I don't care. The further I separate myself from idiot-jerks like you, the happier I am to be considered a snob, elitist, or simply mature.</p>

<p>Sigh, I wish there were higher standards for society. I wish the government seriously took steps to eradicate stupidity instead of trying to accept everyone for exactly who they are no matter how annoying or burdensome. You are all the products of political correctness going way too goddamn far. If it wasn't for PC, you all would've been shamed out of stupidity or end up laughed out of the classroom to get cast out into the role of the village idiot. Instead, your bombastic, immature, wiseguy crap was encouraged by classmates and seen as cute or cool by dumb teachers who were too stupid to go out into the real world, therefore they decided to vicariously live high school through all of you. </p>

<p>Too bad I don't have the money to get out of this intellectually barren environment, otherwise I would've left a long time ago.</p>

<p>I remember in the past where I wished that something, anything in my life could happen in my life that was eventful, just so I could feel alive. I wished too hard and got doused with bad luck. It's so weird, everything was fine a few days ago.
Sorry for being whiny and sounding so ungrateful, but I'm sparing the people in real life this annoyance by being here.</p>

<p>To my dentists:</p>

<p>Sorry for lying about my conditions and the medications. It's just that I've known many of you for years and I didn't want any of you to look at me differently. You're familiar with my entire family, so it was too personal to disclose. Especially when one of you is very rude and would probably use it against me somehow. I didn't want to deal with the stigma and embarrassment.
Thanks for doing a great job on the wisdom teeth surgery though. It was way easier to deal with than I expected.</p>

<p>To everyone else who is involved in this nonsense:</p>

<p>I'm not comfortable with taking four different meds. Therefore I'm only taking the stuff for the wisdom tooth. I can't wait for this week to be over, so I can resume back to my normal routine. Seriously, why would anyone want all that stuff in their body? Isn't that how Heath Ledger died? </p>

<p>To an acquaintance,</p>

<p>Please grow up and realize you're 19 years old. You watch way too much anime and act as if the world is a cartoon and we're all caricatures. I'm not angry at you, I know you don't have the easiest life, but please learn how to be realistic before reality slaps you in the face. </p>

<p>To my sister:</p>

<p>You're having the experience I wish I had. I'm glad you're taking full advantage of going to school in the city, being surrounded by intelligent and interesting people all day. You couldn't even name the most interesting person you've encountered because there are too many to count. You said there are no stupid people there. You'll have brilliant connections there. I really envy all of this. Good for you. You deserve this environment. </p>

<p>To the customers of any lame retail job I have to settle for:</p>

<p>Thanks for giving me a difficult time finding work. Whenever I find a job with you people, I constantly get reminded that I'm socially retarded. I can't believe I have to get treated like crap for minimum wage. I hate this invisible disability nonsense. I hate how I'm only entitled to the crap that nobody wants and none of the benefits that comes with the people who obviously have it worse. Since my issues don't slap you in the face, I'm just a stupid-ass worthless person, huh? Just an incompetent worker whose lucky she has a job anywhere. I'm sick of asking my parents for money and retail is the only place that hands out jobs like hotcakes. I guess you all have to deal with me! That's what happens in a bad economy! That's what happens when you vote for Bush! Oh well. Too bad.</p>

<p>To society:</p>

<p>Am I normal or not? I'm tired of everyone playing ping pong with this issue or only saying one or the other when it's convenient. Why do you have to confuse me like this? Make up your damn mind!</p>

<p>Why don't you see these kids for the punks they are? Great leasson to teach a middle-schooler -- as a football star, you get special treatment. Forget that the transgressions are caught on film and so there is irrefutable proof these kids are guilty.</p>

<p>Jeepers, folks. If you've got a problem with my work, don't send minions to tell me what you think I've done wrong.</p>

<p>It'd have really been a little embarassing to have three unrelated people be told that I'd screwed up... if I'd actually been <em>wrong</em>! As it were, before you send someone to challenge me on my design, do a couple of simple checks to make sure that I'm not instead doing something cost-effective, highly constructible, and rather clever.</p>

<p>Have a super day, and maybe a little more trust is in order.</p>

The small person harbors an envious spirit; the great person rejoices in the talents of others.


<p>--Chinese proverb</p>

<p>To the faculty:<br>
An "academic" pep rally should honor kids who are academically gifted. The winner of the battle of the bands really shouldn't play for half the time allotted, and there are more ways to be academically gifted than just having a high GPA. How about honoring the National Merit kids, or the kids who got high AP or ACT/ SAT scores? It would be nice to be recognized for my academic accomplishments to the same degree that you recognize the football players. </p>

<p>To restaurant patrons from where I work: </p>

<p>If you are too obese to fit in our chairs or our booths, you shouldn't blame me. Coming to this particular restaurant, where nearly all entrees are 1,000 calories+, will not help your situation. You are grossly obese, and I am not going to feel guilty because you and your equally obese family of four do not quite fit in the booths meant to fit six or seven full-sized adults. Although a few people really do have glandular disorders or genetic problems that cause weight gain, what you are eating indicates that you are probably not one of them. </p>

<p>If you are angry because we can't accommodate your party of nine screaming kids, you should have called first, and I can't do anything about not having a table for you. </p>

<p>If your food isn't that great, or it takes extra time to be made, don't punish the server. They have nothing to do with actually making the food, they cannot make it taste better or appear faster. Furthermore, a tip is not a reward, it is paying for a service. Servers made about 2/5 minimum wage, and when they only have two or three tables, they are making, per hour, how much you decide to leave them. Not tipping is stealing, no matter how unhappy you are about the food.</p>

<p>To my wealthy brother who met Sarah and Todd Palin and was so impressed with them being "real" Americans . REAL Americans - as opposed to what? Wealthy East Coast Elite Ivy league grads who live in big houses and send their kids to private school? Oh wait that would be DEMOCRATIC Wealthy East Coast Elite Ivy league grads who live in big houses and send their kids to private school - they're unAmerican. The Republican ones are true Americans. Just like you.</p>

<p>To the man at the table my friend and I shared with you and your wife. You and your wife were pleasant. I congratulated you on being an alumni of drug rehab. You joked about my drug dealing job (pharmacist). Wife mentioned sadness 5 failed. While I voted against it, I said nothing. Then you said "at least we got 8". I said I'm not, let's not go there. I am the same person, I didn't grow another eye, I didn't spit, I didn't even raise my voice. All of a sudden you changed, I would guess I repulsed you. I don't understand why you feel a drug "mistake" was ok in your world but being against 8 made me a monster. Please try not to hate.</p>

<p>Dear person I barely know but am forced to socialize with every so often,
The next time you ask someone what colleges their kid is considering and they get to the last school on the list, do not pop your eyes wide and declare, "What?! That place is a ****hole!" </p>

<p>PS I love this thread. WHat a great idea.</p>

<p>No real good place to say happy stuff, but I want to talk and it says "get it off your chest" so I oblige!</p>

<p>Our dinners with all the gal engineers are SO much fun, and I'm so glad that y'all came over here for dinner tonight. So much laughter, so much talking, and it's such a great contrast from sitting around, stressed to the max, calculating things under time crunched deadlines. Courageous women engineers rock, and I'm so glad to have girl time with y'all.</p>

<p>I'll write an e-mail to you guys later when the limoncello's worn off, but I needed to gush somewhere. ;)</p>

<p>To my snot-nosed "Kellogg" grad ("I went to Kellogg with him"--just call it Northwestern, jerk) boss: If you want me to do something, please ask me directly instead of telling me the situation, waiting for me to guess what you want, and then giving me a "dad" look when I guess wrong. I'm 14 years older than you are and really don't feel like any games, particularly with someone who doesn't know when to stop having kids and has the most holier-than-thou wife ever. </p>

<p>And, perhaps if you'd quit changing priorities without telling us we'd be able to finish projects when they need to be finished. Oh, that's right, though, you said recently that "consistency is the hobgoblin of the small mind." WHO SAYS THAT?</p>

<p>Dear Comcast: Are there any human beings there? Do you have a phone number? Apparently not. And when I try to get a person to help via online chat, you force me to enter my question, then give me a list of options of pre-canned responses, NONE of which pertains my question. I get it - you want to make it as hard as possible for me to bother one of your precious employees. I hope YOU get it when I give up and switch to Verizon.</p>

<p>^^Verizon is even worse. Here's my most recent rant. Dear Verizon: When I call you to find out why my Internet is not working, I am speaking to someone in India who has never heard of my state. After an hour on the phone, working through useless troubleshooting techniques, he prescribes a new modem. My old one, of course, is no longer under warranty. Two hours later, the Internet is working. By some miracle, I reach a semi-local customer service person who tells me there is really no way, ever, in a million years, that Verizon can determine whether there is a problem with the DSL service that is happening outside of my house. What is your problem? It was just as bad BEFORE it was all outsourced to India.</p>

<p>To the ones that laughed at me or looked down on me for not getting into USC and going to a state school,</p>

<p>I'm studying abroad in Japan right now! I can speak japanese better than you and I'm having a blast! That's all for today!</p>

<p>Be careful who you look down on!</p>

<p>To DS's Cross Country Coach who cut him from the Varsity team yesterday for going to a debate tournament instead of the last meet of the season. This is the icing on the cake of harassing him about missing an invitational meet to take the ACTs in September. I would be fine with this if the standards were fairly enforced, but what about the girl who missed every single practice because she is also on the field hockey team???? Is it OK to miss practice for another sport, but not for an academic activity?</p>