Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>Dear kitty-cat,</p>

<p>I love you, but I'm not sure whether you're in more pain for having to get all your lower teeth extracted today or whether I'm in more pain for having to pay nearly one thousand dollars to have it done.</p>

<p>This week for dinner you shall have tuna and I shall have Easy-Mac.</p>


<p>Thanks for the email. If I wasn't convinced before, I am now. Time for a serious approach to the job hunt. I'm sick of being walked all over, even if you really like me. BS</p>

<p>It's easy for you to say "it's only money". You're not the one paying the bills. You're not the one buckling under the stress of being the sole breadwinner, and sobbing in corners when nobody is looking.</p>

<p>Why don't YOU try being the sole support of this family for awhile, and see if it feels like "only money" to you then?</p>

<p>Neighbor, How can you send your children to private high schools and not have saved any money for college for them? Your eldest has 100,000 in loans for his masters and undergraduate education and wants to go to vet school. How? You say, it worked out for him so you will allow your daughter to take out huge college loans while you pay 20,000 per year for high school! Our local public high school continually makes US News, Top 100 Schools in the Country! You have no idea what payments are on 100,000 of debt! Your in debt up to your eyeballs and you think that's okay? It's a dream killer!</p>

<p>And for my other neighbor who last year bought his dream luxury car and takes his family on a cruise every year because it's family time, wake up! Your daughter is in high school, her grandparents aren't going to come through for her college, you have only two years, even instate will be costly. I can't believe you have nothing put aside considering your lifestyle! You have had her for 16 years for God's sake, couldn't you see this expense coming?</p>

<p>And so the early bird sometimes gets the "arrrrgh!" rather than the worm.</p>

<p>The admissions rep at the XXXXX college session said their supplementary essays would not change much from this year to next and suggested the applicants might want to look at same.</p>

<p>Was it on their website? Nope. Was it accessible on the Common Application website? Ah, no again because it provides an error message stating "It's past the deadline." As some of our kids might say, "Well, duuuuuh"</p>

<p>Once again you are not "available" to drive the kids. And I would never think to have the kids picked up from the movie by a taxi. Even if it is 5 of them. It is your kids birthday celebration.</p>

<p>To the roommate and so-called friends: it would have been nice if you had mentioned that you weren't planning to room with my daughter, who has been assuming that you were all taking a suite together next year and now has to scramble to find a new roommate and apparently a new group of friends, too. SO glad she hurried back to campus to support you in your play.</p>

<p>To Mom: I really was sick today. Why don't you trust me? Why do you trust your second husband, who's left you twice, over your daughter who would never betray you?</p>

<p>Why haven't you checked on me at all today? Why haven't you talked to me much since Friday? I feel like you're choosing him over me...and I'm leaving for college soon. You won't see me as much, yet you insist on making my final months here a living Hell. I bet you have no idea that I've cried every day since he's been back. You're making me eager to leave. I hope you're happy.</p>


<p>Note to self - stay away from Petfinder!!!</p>

<p>You are going to lose me as your daughter if you don't step up to the plate and protect me for the first time in over a decade. I'm tired of bearing the consequences of your actions.</p>

<p>I pay the mortgage, feed you and give you spending money so when I ask for you to clean your bedroom to my stds, than do it!</p>

<p>Coach, get a clue.</p>

<p>You troll! How DARE you hug my daughter as if everything was just fine. You, in essence, fired her. She had to go along with the stupid boss appreciation day but you hugging her to say thank you was disgusting. Go to hell!</p>

<p>STOP whining about the SAT prep class. I know it's not the greatest, but its the only one that fit with your busy EC schedule. You told me that you couldn't self-study because you knew you didn't have the self-discipline. Now you're whining about attending the classes, and you have yet to do any of the homework - how can you <em>know</em> it won't help if you don't try?</p>

<p>You're the one who is going to have to attend whatever college you get into. Don't act like I'm putting you down or comparing you to your brother in a negative way when I tell you that certain schools are probably out of your reach, and that you need to find SAFETY schools that are actually SAFE. I love you more than you know, but I think it's better to be realistic and tell you the truth then to tell you everything is great and you can get in wherever your little heart desires, only to have rejection letters pile up on the doorstep next spring. I'm not belittling you - I'm being HONEST.</p>

<p>Yes I hate SATs. No I don't think they show anything. But what you and I think doesn't matter. It's what your dream school thinks that matters - and they use them to weed out applicants. Don't blame me.</p>

<p>To my mother in law: Stop coming to my house with people (who I may or may not know) to show them our place. I have changed the combination on the alarm and the next time you set it off, the police will charge us. Stop it. This is not your house. You are NOT allowed to enter it EVER when we are not home.</p>

<p>Stop coming by at 8:30 or 9 on a SUnday and being surprised that we are all still in bed.</p>

<p>Stop criticizing our parenting. Look at our children. We have done a wonderful job... and I know your older 2 are NOT an expert on raising health human beings. The only reason my husband is near to normal is that you pretty much had given up on parenting by the time he came along.</p>

<p> are NOT allowed to "show off" our house to anyone. ever.</p>

<p>To my father in law: Have some guts.</p>

<p>Blair B, I am so sorry. :(</p>

<p>You are really not a nice person. Simply just not nice. You have no basic emotional intelligence and no real capacity for compassion or the most basic consideration for the feelings of others.</p>

<p>You are the most self-centered, selfish person I have ever met. I hate what you are doing to our family. You are plain greedy. You want all the attention, all the time. Grown up are 50 years old, acting like a preschooler. You are grieving, but you forget others lost their loved one also. Stop whining. Get a life. Think of someone else for a change. I have lost all respect for you, and I am almost at the point that I don't even pity you any longer. Once again: think of others for a change!</p>