Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>"Reply to all" button is EVIL!!!!</p>

<p>Internal clock--</p>

<p>Follows are recommended guidelines for human functionality:</p>

<p>1) Daytime is for being wide awake.
2) Nighttime is for drowsily nodding off.</p>

<p>Please revise and resubmit.</p>

<p>wherever did you get that enormous chip on your shoulder? You just blew a 30 plus year friendship right out of the water because you had to be an a**hole once again to my husband. I don't know why you think we're so above you. We are still the same people we have always been...trying to pay the bills, trying to save the $$, trying to raise the kids. Why you have to be such a condescending jerk I have no idea. Hope you enjoyed the dinner during the holidays, cause it's the last time you are ever invited over to our home.</p>

<p>Oh my friggin god....just oh my friggin god...I don't think I can take these psycho mothers anymore but there is nowhere else to go to get the training she needs.</p>

<p>You miserable hag of a substitute teacher ! Don't you know when you let the kids choose sides for kick ball , it lets them set someone up for humiliation ? Of course you do because you were clearly ridiculed yourself . Gym class shouldn't be a popularity contest. The next time you want something from MY business, you will get the same courtesy you showed those kids yesterday.</p>

<p>To all those parents who have kids in band, sports, choir, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, honor societies, etc, ad nauseum, and never, ever lift a finger to help. I've been PTA president, GS leader, team mom, band booster secretary, chaperone, cookie maker, yard sale chair, etc, ad infinitum because none of you ever want to step up. Well, S is a senior and I'm outta here. (And yeah, I have a full time career and during their elementary school and middle school years, I was a single what's your excuse?) (Whew, that felt great! Awesome thread!)</p>

<p>This should be fun. It should be fun to plan a party with all of you for your mom's birthday. But if you are going to send e-mails like the one this morning because you are in a bad mood and resent the world, then do the work yourself and leave me out of it. I'm trying to help you guys out but I don't need this kind of bile.</p>

<p>Your refusal to attend your granddaughter's college graduation is the straw that is going to break the camel's back. I've endured 52 years of your slights, put-downs, casually cruel remarks, and to top it off, your attitude that because I am shy and bookish means that I am "bad" and have never deserved normal, loving parents. You moaned and b***ed about attending my wedding (and contributing a couple of thousand dollars), flying to New England to see your first grandchild (the one now graduating from college), and visiting for any reason or holiday. After blowing off her high school graduation (because you didn't want to be around my in-laws), you gave me your iron-clad promise that you wouldn't miss the college ceremony. She knew that that promise was BS all along, but I was enough of a fool to think that you'd keep it.</p>

<p>I now acknowledge what I understood so many years ago--you are abnormal people. You are profoundly negative and antisocial. You really did mean it all these years when you said that getting married and having children was the worst thing that any human being could do. That is because having normal human relationships interferes with watching TV 24/7 and sleeping on the sofa. Don't ever call me again and waste hours of my time blabbing about the Miss USA pageant or whatever inanity you fill your mind with--interspersing your conversation with references to Helen Mirren's or Condi Rice's success because they never had children--and speculating endlessly about your son's life--the one who won't give you the time of day, except to demand hours of free babysitting time.</p>

<p>Mom, I know the reason why you won't come--because of your resentment and jealousy you feel toward any person with a college degree. That's why you've never once congratulated me on my academic success nor have ever once mentioned my Ph.D. I hate gambling, but I'd eagerly put down money that you don't have the slightest idea what I majored in in college. You love to speculate about whether my daughter will marry a man without a college degree--nothing would make you happier. And Dad, why not just admit it? You just don't care about me or my family. </p>

<p>Both of you are right--you should never have had children. And only inertia has kept you married for 54 years--getting a divorce involved too much effort.</p>

<p>Too bad getting it off my chest doesn't make me feel any better at all.</p>

<p>Don't pi** on my shoes and tell me it's raining.</p>

<p>To my mom:</p>

<p>I'm sorry for turning off the phone when I was out with friends. I'm sorry for staying out very late at a school night, but I just didn't want to go home. I'm twenty years old, but sometimes I feel like a twelve year old. For the first time in years I have truly felt free to be myself. A side of myself that I never knew came out last night and everyone loved it. I finally get to have a LIFE. </p>

<p>I think you would like my friends, they are very trustworthy people.
I know that you pay the bills and I'm nowhere near independent and I'm probably asking to get treated like a 12-year-old, but can you support me in trying to be like a normal twenty year old? Do you even remember that I'm applying for a paid internship? I'm trying to be as independent as possible. I'm making an effort, but for some reason you don't warm up to change.</p>

<p>I might seem ungrateful, but sometimes you don't realize how lucky you are to have children like my sister and I. We are extremely well behaved compared to most people our age. It's sort of understandable that dad went to the campus searching for me and I feel guilty about that, although my friend thought that was a bit over the top. I know it's a scary world out there and young women get harmed all the time, but I'm not as naive as you think I am.</p>

<p>P.S. Stop bringing up that moment from last summer every time you argue with me. That needs to be put in the back of everyone's minds forever. That wasn't anyone's fault. I just didn't want to see you overreact, so I went to a "total stranger". Please let me move on with my life.</p>

<p>You may find this hard to believe, but your situation isn't unique. It's happened to hundreds of people before you. That's why those threads have been stickied - so it's easy for people like you to find them.</p>

<p>I guess you can't read. Or use search.</p>

<p>I need to make the time to make a change.</p>

<p>Ditto rrah. I need a change in my life. Memo to self: get moving and do something!</p>

<p>Well you really did it this time. Be prepared for some uncomfortable consequences.</p>

<p>To My New Friends:</p>

<p>I hope we don't drift apart since I'm a sophomore and most of you are graduating seniors. You guys are the perfect group. You are all intelligent, but none of you are pretentious or pedantic about it. None of you are vain, but you all care about your appearance. No one is too normal, too geeky, or too anything for me to make a connection with. We are a group with diverse interests and interesting lives. I feel like I finally found a group of people I can truly be comfortable with.
Please don't forget about me or lose contact with me. I hope we can hang out over the summer. I don't want to sound desperate or clingy, but it would be nice if we had a lasting friendship.</p>

<p>If you think TP'ing houses is harmless fun, explain to me why you get to decide how I spend my first free Saturday in three weeks (every spare hour was spent working on YOUR after prom!), why it's okay for my husband to risk his life and my family's livlihood to remove the sad source your pathetic jollies and why I shouldn't press charges against your sorry, directionally challenged (WRONG HOUSE @$$#*!%), pubescent butt! Next time, TP the home of some vacuous parent who shares your miscreant mentality!</p>

<p>are students allowed to use this thread as well? or just parents? well, im going to go for it.</p>

<p>what entitles you to handwritten letters from brown as a sophomore? i know you're awesome because you play varsity field hockey and varsity soccer, but you dont even like it anymore! you dont want to do your dumb summer camps/teams, but you have to because otherwise "you need all As in all honors classes to get into a good college". well what about me?! we have been best friends since second grade. gone thru the supposedly aweful years of junior high girls together, and this is the first time you have hurt me so badly. are you really so insensitive so as not to realize that your best friend doesn't have the athletic ability you do? does this make me any less desrving of a good school??? i take such harder classes than you, work myself so much harder, and do community service not for the hours, but BECAUSE I CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its just so unfair. so have fun at your ivy league. just wait until graduate/law school when acceptance won'e be based off of your takent on the field, but how dedicated to your education you truly are.</p>

<p>that felt really good</p>

<p>This thread is not just for parents... all may vent as they see the need!</p>

<p>Look, you are my brother and my only sibling and I love you. But I can't give you any more money. You have been "borrowing" money for years and never pay any back, despite the many promises and the sob stories. I'm sorry your life turned out this way, but you chose to leave a good job and try to raise a family with no income other than a meager retirement. You're 53 years old. You have two adult children still living at home. You don't have a job and neither does your wife. But you manage to send your youngest to a private elementary school. My husband and I don't expect to see any of the thousands of dollars you owe us. But please stop calling up and making small talk and acting like there is no issue between us. There will always be an issue as long as you owe us this much money and make no attempt to pay us back.</p>