Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>TO Parent posters: Your comments are sometimes thinly veiled insults to the children of others or directly to the children themselves. Remember when you respond to the kids on these boards that they are kids afterall.
To Parent posters: Your experiences from your days at college x or y are irrelevant since they are at least 20 years ago. It is a different world out there and most of us would not have a remote chance of being accepted today at the same school.
TO Student posters: Don't post on here you received a likely and get the other kids all worked up when you know that either 1) you did not really get a likely or 2) there is a specific reason you received it that you somehow failed to mention.
TO me: Don't seek advice or confirmation from strangers
To my kid: Arrrghhhhhh. you're driving me crazy
To the trolls: get a life
To OP: thanks</p>

<p>Teachers and coaches: Please remember how helpless you also once were when you were a child! Did you have control over what your parents did or didn't do? Did you choose your parents' careers or volunteer work for them? Your students don't either. I know it's human nature to reciprocate for kindness or help, but please remember that one child isn't more deserving than another because his/her dad schmoozes with you, her mom runs the snack booth, his father is on the school board, etc. It isn't the student's fault his parents have to work certain hours at their jobs and can't attend games and school events, or volunteer as much as others, or at all. </p>

<p>Think of how that one girl and others like her must feel. Her mother moved away and her dad is so busy coping he has no time for her. She wears ill-fitting clothing and seems so forlorn. Her life is tough enough without you slighting her in favor of the kid whose dad strokes your ego every day. I'm sure she wishes her dad would do the same, but she has no say in that.</p>

<p>Please be fair! Kids need to believe in adults.</p>

<p>Uh, favoritism... The 3 most under appreciated kids on the team did really, really well at the competition, earning the best scores on the team. Not your expected result, perhaps, but numbers don't lie. Congratulate them sometime, publicly, OK?</p>

<p>Why do YOU call ME then the first thing out of your mouth is how busy you are with this or that, can't talk long, etc. If you are so darn busy then don't contact me in the first place. I really wouldn't mind missing your call. It does hurt when I find out your excuses for being short are lies. And it hurts even more when I confront you and you tell me it's just my imagination. If you don't like me, don't call me. It's as simple as that.</p>

<p>To my friend: I really DON'T want to hear about all the special assistance you're getting for your perfectly able and bright child so he'll do better on the SAT. It's cheating, even if you've deluded yourself into thinking little junior needs all that extra time. It will help him only in the short term, and cripple him forever with either a feeling of inadequacy or a feeling that he is SO ENTITLED to extra things.</p>

<p>Have a nice life at Harvard, *****. They have no idea what they've gotten themselves into.</p>

<p>I know you're really proud of your son but you don't have to post an answer to every question anyone asks on his college's board - some of them are really meant to be answered by students, not moms. And now that he's a sophomore you can slow down the bragging on how great he is - we get it.</p>

<p>Yeah, I get it - girls don't carry purses anymore. But if you can't be bothered to remember your license, then I guess you will fail your driving test - because you haven't practiced enough. I'm done with endlessly reassuring you. When you're ready to learn how to drive, you'll remember your license, and be ready. Not my problem anymore.</p>

<p>Driving....argh! Daughter, please stop complaining that everybody else drives except for you. I have offered countless times to practice parallel parking with you, but you always have something more important to do. If you want to take your drivers test, learn to park. It's not going to happen by magic and it's not that hard!</p>

<p>That was a totally inappropriate abuse of your power and position! Parent your own kid and we will parent ours.</p>

<p>To car drivers:</p>

<p>I'm taking the lane on the blind curve because I don't want you to pass me on a blind curve. Yes, I know you're there behind me, but just because I'm riding a bike and you're driving a car doesn't allow you to pass when it's unsafe. All cars sold in the last fifty years have had brakes. Use them.</p>

<p>One day, some idiot motorist is going to cross the double yellow lines to pass me on a blind curve and run headon into another idiot passing another cyclist going the other way. As the other cyclist and I pull your bleeding bodies out of your ridiculously expensive cars, inside we'll be glad that you two finally got what was coming to you.</p>

<p>How many times a week do you need to ride around your yard on your fancy new riding mower??</p>

<p>I'm going to go take another Sudafed now.</p>

<p>I've tried so hard to be supportive of you, but I can't do it anymore. I'm falling apart trying to keep you together, and you don't notice or care.</p>

<p>Things are different now..I can work for $8000 or I can work for $100. Which do you think makes more sense ? Either way, I am not on your payroll so you have no choice</p>

<p>'Dear' classmate, and 'friend,'</p>

<p>I am not stupid, and you aren't particularly clever; the underhanded insinuations you continue to make about me are not lost on me. Yes, you are an international student; yes, it was harder for you to gain acceptance at a top institution, nevertheless, I doubt that a 13% admittance rate magically becomes an 80% acceptance rate for URMs. Also, I am tired of your suggestions that your writing skills are much more developed than mine because of your higher SAT writing scores. If this were so, you would not have been begging for my help with your college admission essays, and my English grades would not be consistently higher than yours.</p>

<p>To N,</p>

<p>I get that you have issues, but I have issues, too. I have never deflected my anger towards you, so why can't you pay me the same courtesy? If you want to have a boyfriend who constantly walks all over you, insists our friends and I do his homework, and tells his ex-girlfriend (and our common friend) that if she had stayed in our city, they would still be dating, be my guest. I will ask, though, that you stop being angry at me for telling you about the common friend incident; I was not the one forcibly grabbing her while she complained, or telling her inappropriate things. If my boyfriend had done something that stupid, I would have wanted to know. I thought you would, too.</p>

<p>To my mom,</p>

<p>I love you, thank you. Even though I say this constantly, I don't think I do it enough. You don't deserve a son that's so faulty people think he was made in China; I hope one day, when I tell you, you'll understand.</p>

<p>To all of my relatives and my mom's friends who can't understand that my mom's husband is not my 'father,'</p>

<p>I am sick and tired of having to hear you moan and berate me every time I go visit about how I should treat my mother's husband with more 'respect.' My presence bothers him, he has said so himself; I've adopted a policy of not speaking to him, isn't that enough? I don't annoy him, I try not to be in the same room with me, I don't slam doors, I don't give him any snotty looks, I do absolutely nothing to him. We have no physical, verbal, economic, social, biological, or spiritual contact. Why can't you understand that after what he did to my mother, he is not worthy of the respect I would offer a cockroach. Even so, I already have a father; remember the guy who got my mom preggers that used to take me out way before my mother remarried and have me over on the weekends until we moved to a different continent? Yeah, he's my dad; please stop telling me who my father is, and who my father is not. I can tell by myself, thank you. I swear, if you badger me about this when I go back this summer, I WILL explode in your face.</p>

<p>To this boy,</p>

<p>Please stop smiling at me. It makes the butterflies in my stomach jump. </p>

<p>To the IB exams,</p>

<p>Please stop soon. Ever since I began the DP, you've cut into my gym time. My physique is ruined, and so are my sleeping habits. Go ef yourselves.</p>

<p>To Rice,</p>

<p>I love you.</p>

<p>To A,</p>

<p>I love you, you said you loved me. You wrote me, I wrote you. You didn't write back. For what it's worth, I miss getting ridiculously drunk with you and doing inappropriate things every weekend. Have fun in Germany, and never forget me.</p>

<p>To Korea,</p>

<p>You are so freaking amazing.</p>

<p>Dear senior executive of the engineering firm I work for,</p>

<p>Never, ever, ever follow through with verbalizing a sentence that you feel the need to preface with the phrase "I hate to sound sexist, but..."</p>

<p>It is not something that will end pleasantly for you, even if I smile and nod and you don't immediately see the consequences of your words.</p>


<p>There are 10 employees all going thru this major transition at the same time. We cannot "coddle" your wife for the next week because she's "nervous." Her job is changing less than mine, but you don't see my husband calling my boss to ask her to "coddle" me. I've heard of helicopter parents, but helicopter husbands of 60 year old women are beyond me.</p>

<p>And to the rest of you in the training session - we don't need to hear every thought that passes thru your head. SHUT UP ALREADY. TRY LISTENING - your questions might get answered! And if they're not, raise your hand and ask! Every time the trainer asked if there were questions, the silence was deafening. But as soon as he started explaining something important, the whispering and muttering and asking each other questions began again. </p>

<p>I'd really rather herd cats for a living.</p>

<p>I am tired of all the nonsense just be honest, if people were honest about life everyone would feel better that heir life is not perfect either-because nobody's is.
Also your kid will never be smarter than mine just more manipulative!</p>


<p>To the gentlemen of ...: more than 50% of you do not wash your hands after using the bathroom!!! Yuck. Nevermind your PhDs and MBAs, you need to go back to kindergarten and learn about proper hygiene!!! Swine flu on you, pigs!</p>