Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>Some people say, "What goes around, comes around." I certainly hope so. May you get everything you rightfully deserve.</p>

<p>Hey Moron, you've had my D in your class, and you know she's blind. She's one of 10 kids to attend the science fair, and you can't look for her? No, she and her dad have to wander around for 15 minutes looking for our school's table. And you have the nerve to tell my husband that SHE was supposed to find YOU?! What an ass. I'll bet you even complained to the other teachers how rude my husband was when he replied, "Dude, I've never met you, and she can't see you."</p>

<p>To all women who pee all over the seat, why can't you at least lift the toilet seat for those who can't do the hover? What, is your butt so pristine that it can't be tainted by sitting on a public seat, but it's OK to ruin it for everyone else?
And what is it with spending 10 minutes in the bathroom talking on your cell phone when you know there is a line?</p>

<p>To my parents:</p>

<p>I know graduation is great and all, but I can't stop crying whenever I think of all the friends I'm going to be leaving behind in high school. It was hard enough to make friends in four years of high school; college is gonna be horrible in that dept.</p>

<p>To my twin sis:</p>

<p>You shouldn't be going a school practically 11 hrs. away from me. I respect that you want a religious degree in our denomination, but did you have to be so far away? You're the closest friend I have.</p>

<p>To my sister's "best friend":</p>

<p>You're nothing but a mean, white trash ***** who can't keep your mouth shut. I remember all the times you treated me like crap and made my sister cry b/c of it. You made our lives hell, and if you say on the last day of school that we've been such great friends, I will have to try not to reach over there and slap you.</p>

<p>P.S. J's wolf backpack was cute and nice. Just because everyone isn't like you doesn't mean you have to say they're "immature" or some variant (you probably don't even know what variant means, though).</p>

<p>I tried, but I can't bring myself to post what I really feel.......maybe later!</p>

<p>Why can't you respond to a simple question. What happened - what did she do? How hard it is to be honest when it's over anyway?</p>

<p>I'm so sick of people that complain about how I'm doing my job, but don't realize I can't do certain things if they do not cooperate. I want a new job. I'm sick of the stress and sick of being treated like dirt.</p>

<p>To my son - I have lost all sympathy for your penniless state, since you refuse to apply to McDonalds, even though they are the only place in town with a “help wanted” sign. There is nothing wrong with working at McDonalds - you might even learn some valuable life lessons. Don’t ask me for any more money. And don’t call me if you run out of money next spring in Europe. </p>

<p>To my neighbor - SELL YOUR HOUSE. BUY A CONDO. You are clearly not capable of maintaining a house and yard. Why did you build this house and move in 16 years ago? The house has never been repainted, the bushes have never been trimmed. The “lawn” consists of dirt and patches of knee-high weeds. A broken screen was propped against your garage door for over a year. When a neighbor offered to help you with the yard a few years ago, you politely rebuffed him. You’re in your 40’s and don’t have any visible physical disabilities. If you do not want to care for your house/yard, or if you are unable to do so, then hire someone to do it, or sell the house and buy a condo! You’ve lived here 16 years, even with the current housing market you could sell for more than twice what you paid! I’m not a yard snob - my yard is certainly no showpiece. But at least my house doesn’t appear to be abandoned, like yours. I’m just glad you live at the opposite end of the block from me.</p>

<p>To my dad:</p>

<p>I feel like I’m wasting your money by going to college. I also feel like I’m wasting my time in college. College has shown me more of what I cannot do than what I can. I will never become a doctor, lawyer, or i-banker. I will never make an impressive amount of money. It seems as if you raised me for nothing and I am sorry for this. What’s the point of going to school if my lifetime salary may never be high than yours? Mom did not go to college and she only makes a few thousand less than you because she is a talented hairdresser. I wish I had a talent so I can just drop out and not waste everyone’s time.
If I drop out right now, I’ll be even more worthless because everything I’m decent at requires schooling. I cannot think off my feet and do creative things to be successful. I am not an entrepreneur.</p>

<p>Putting political correctness aside, isn’t the point of having children to have the next generation become more successful and to eventually make your life easier and secure in return once you get older? Unless I can afford to give my future children everything, I’m never going to have any. I do not want to deny them opportunities because of my failure.
I do not have the audacity to use people for their money or connections. My conscience is too high to pretend to genuinely like someone to get a piece of their fortune. I used to think that my classmates back in high school were stupid and unambitious for wanting to be trophy wives, but I later realized that they were using their lack of talent and intellect to a cunning advantage. Sometimes I wish I had sociopathic tendencies and did slick Machiavellian techniques to get ahead. I feel like a horrible person as I write this, but it is the truth.</p>

<p>I have a feeling that you always wanted me to be great. That you secretly wished that I was gifted somehow to proudly say you have a brilliant child. Why else would you often mention child prodigies and geniuses when I was younger? </p>

<p>I’m sorry for being average. Hopefully I can overcome this to make you proud.</p>

<p>Why, why why why do you insist on breaking my heart every single chance you get? You promised it would work this time. You promised you would do anything to be with me. You promised you would never leave me, never love someone else. What did I do so wrong? One simple mistake that you can’t forgive, and that’s it? Really? After I’ve forgiven your countless screw ups, you pick my one to end it over. I’ve always loved you, I always will. Why can you say the same, yet end it? Why don’t you just want to be with me? You know it’s perfect when we’re together. You know you find something to make it miserable when you end it. Why can’t you just forgive me? </p>

<p>You’ve broken my heart for the last time. You’re not going to have any more opportunities, because it’s not going to heal this time. How could you do this to me? After four years, how? What happened to love? What happened to steady as we go?</p>

<p>Karma. You, Mr. Choir Director, are reaping what you sowed. You can’t possibly raise a family on part time pay, can you? I guess you’ll spend the Summer finding a new job; good luck with that. Hopefully the school will find a sweet young thing who, despite working only part time, will rebuild the program you’ve spent your three years tearing down. Perhaps with enough students the program will acquire the funding needed to restore the position to full time. Don’t let the door smack you in the patootie!</p>

<p>You were my D’s best friend for 7 years until you began to devote all of your time to a BF. I hope he has been worth losing a very loyal and caring friend. Your treatment of her, like she’s disposable, has been unkind, immature, and ignorant. She really doesn’t expect much of anything from you anymore and has managed to find other friends and interests. To “maybe” attend her graduation party is the final icing on the cake. She is the only girlfriend you have left. When you and the boy break up, and it’s quite likely you will, don’t expect her to be around. </p>

<p>As a mature adult, I do realize the above is quite immature. Sometimes, when our “cub” is hurt, the mother lion takes over.</p>

<p>Dear neighbors,</p>

<p>I’m sure your guests thought it was lovely of you to host the after-prom after-party outdoor sleepover last night (or rather this morning). Perhaps I’m just a mean old b*tch in thinking that it was inconsiderate instead. How could you think that, by placing 3 tents within 20 feet of our house, you somehow wouldn’t disturb us between 4 and 6 AM? They’re well over the property line into our yard, forpete’ssake. Why couldn’t you have put the tents in your front yard, or on the other side of the house, so they’d be closer to your bedroom instead of ours? Get a clue - even if 30 high school seniors are “only” talking and laughing, when they’re doing it outdoors at 4 AM within 20 feet of my house, they’re going to keep me awake!!!</p>

<p>You’ve had a tough year and we’ve been neighbors a long time, so I’ve decided to keep my mouth shut. Though it’s too bad our lawn was mowed yesterday, because my husband would love to have been out there at 7:30 this AM for a little payback. </p>

<p>I just really would like to know why you feel you have the right to impose your socializing on your neighbors. Is it because it’s only once, for your youngest child’s senior prom? I wasn’t thrilled when you had a dreadful live band “play” all afternoon long when kid #2 graduated high school, either. Though that was at least during the day, and we had the option of going out. (And just because you invited us didn’t make the band any less excruciating.) But really - why do you have the right to disturb the peace within our 4 walls? How many times have we done that to you? (Answer: never).</p>

<p>Please - no live “band” when this one graduates.</p>

<p>I can’t even get it off my chest here - I’m so tired, annoyed, and over all this
 and worried that it will just never end.</p>

<p>Crossing my fingers and toes and waiting for your dad to get home so I can vent - again.</p>

<p>Dear Over-sized theme park,</p>

<p>I appreciate that you called me in for an interview for a seasonal server position because I am looking for a second job, but at least interview for what you advertised! I drove 40 minutes and wasted $10 in gas/tolls to be told “we are out of server positions, would you like to apply for cashier?” Not when I would be almost losing money driving out there to work! I have the experience to be a server, and even if you just decided to renig the offer, at least shoot me an email or call me! Have you heard of common courtesy?</p>

<p>Sometimes I wonder how we became friends in the first place. i feel like our best friendship is a lie. the only thing that ever really bound us was all the drunk parties, when we werent even really ourselves. thats why we dont hang out as much. thats why im always busy or grounded. because if i cant feel myself around my best friend, i really dont know what to do. i wish we were the same as we once were. with all my heart i do. but i just dont know how to make that happen. i have absolutely no idea what to do and its somewhat killing me.</p>

<p>It’s 8:20PM, the night before your project deadline. You are the project manager and I am the project engineer. I’m unlicensed, in training. You’re out playing softball while I finish up the design
 and I’ve done pretty much all the design. What the heck am I supposed to do now that I’ve found a huge error in what you told me to do, and there’s nobody to be seen to tell me how I can fix it?</p>

<p>This is ridiculous! I could scream!</p>

<p>Please take care of yourself.</p>

<p>Dear security,
The man trapped my coworker and then approached me because he knew he could. Security was not in sight. Today you had 4 watch outside. Thanks, but was it necessary to make sure everyone knew I was the one who called you? When is calling for help a crime?</p>

<p>You know you made this whole week that should have been such a joy feel like I was running a very bad marathon. My D is very talented. I am sorry that you feel like your D is always standing in her shadow. D is a very gracious young lady who has never done anything to make you feel like that. Yes, she is better (talent wise) than yours. But why did you spend all week asking her friends if they were tired of standing in her shadow? It really hurt her. Her friends were all very proud of her success. They thought you were being mean too. She has tried being nice to your D, but your D has made it very clear that she doesn’t want to be friends. My D wants to know why we are still friends, I am asking myself that question too.</p>