Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>I missed you so much and worried about you.I am the one who mailed you the things you wanted, I am the one who handled your college stuff you couldn’t take care of & I am the one who handled your finances. ( not to mention I am the one who went without sleep for years to take care of you)
but I haven’t even gotten a hug from you or I am glad to see you.
Just that you don’t want to be here.
It really breaks my heart.
I know that transitions are hard for you & I can attribute a lot to that but still, I guess- I don’t know how to respond to you-it is hard.</p>

<p>A thread where I get to be a self-righteous *****? Sweet!!</p>

<p>To my music theory teacher:
I tried to like you, I really did. However, you are a pompous, arrogant, mediocre ass. I learned everything in your class by reading the book and from asking my friends to help me. You never had a solid lesson plan, and you never followed through on what you said you were going to do. You never even graded our final, which we worked damn hard on for weeks, and I actually wanted to perform it! But nooo, you just collected our rough drafts, and made comments that didn’t help us whatsoever. You are a musical elitist and you favored the people in choir. And thank you oh so much for being passive-aggressive in letting me know that you think little of my singing talent. I GOT SOME OF THE HIGHEST SIGHTSINGING SCORES IN THE CLASS, YOU *******. AND I SCORED HIGHER ON DICTATIONS THAN YOU DID! And when you insulted MJ that one time in front of the entire class, that was really mean. And you shouldn’t wear sandals with socks. And you look like a turkey.</p>

<p>To some of the people on CC:
I don’t care if your kid got into a top 25 school or an ivy league or some hoity toity private school. After college most businesses won’t care where the hell to went to school as long as you graduated! Yes, it will make a difference if you’re going to Harvard or Yale or somewhere like that, but most of aren’t going to Harvard or Yale! I’m going to get just as good an education at my hippie-infested public school as you are at your elite private school, because education is about the effort YOU put in, not how highly ranked your school is! And I’m going to be HAPPY. Stop ragging on schools you know nothing about!</p>

<p>To one of my peers:
I got a higher score than you did on a geography quiz sophmore year. Ha.</p>

<p>Wow that felt good.</p>

<p>Dear Dad: You said I couldn’t, but I got into college! Also, it’s my reach and dream school. So **** you.</p>

<p>Dear petty, self-serving people who somehow got themselves elected to our local board: please realize that your neighbors/constituents are not impressed. You’re really not very impressive. You already receive a stipend - that does not mean you should also receive free lunches that senior citizens have to pay for, or free admission to a fundraiser for a youth program. You look piggy when you gobble at the public trough that way. </p>

<p>You didn’t need to be rude to the teen-aged kid (mine) who asked for your admission ticket at last night’s event. She doesn’t know who you are, because she doesn’t care. So she didn’t know that you were, um, “serving in your capacity as a public official” when you showed up to sneak your family in to a dinner other people were paying $15 a head for. (So that less taxpayer money would be required to support local youth programs, actually.) She asked your wife for her ticket too, and got an earful in return. But my kid didn’t recognize her as the First Lady of Nothing Special - again, because * my kid doesn’t care.* Did it make you feel important to oink at her that way?</p>

<p>You and your cronies squeezed out a municipal employee with 27 years here - one of only 2 guys on staff with any kind of work ethic or ability. Were you afraid he’d make a fuss about your lack of integrity? How do you steal a man’s job in such an underhanded way and still pretend to be human beings?</p>

<p>And, very large man who walked away from me in disgust when I was explaining something during the event set-up - you really shouldn’t get all aggravated like that when you need to retrace your steps. Your blood pressure is probably already less than ideal. Exercise is your friend.</p>

<p>Thank God for this thread…I have a lot to get off my chest.</p>

<p>To my BFF:
Over the last few years, you have become increasingly snotty and preppy. If you don’t care about our 13 year friendship, just say so, and I won’t talk to you anymore.</p>

<p>But instead of telling me if you actually care about our friendship or not, you almost never talk to me at all. And when you do, you come off as extremely shallow.</p>

<p>Let me make of list of the things you’ve said to me over the past year.</p>

<p>Regarding college: Yes, it’s nice you’re going to your “dream college,” or so you believe. I would love to tell you everything I know about Liberty U, but I’ve refrained from doing so because I know you won’t believe and you’ll just start b----ing at me in your ignorance. </p>

<p>I know for a fact you’ve looked up nothing about Liberty U. You are completely oblivious to their rules, their reputation, and even their offered majors and classes. You don’t even know an estimate on how many people attend the college.</p>

<p>As soon as you saw the label “religious,” you immediately dedicated yourself to an institution that admits over 90% of it’s applicants and has crazy rules.</p>

<p>I hate listening to you whenever I bring up the college topic (that’s why I’ve stopped doing it) because you go on that it doesn’t matter how good you do in school anymore or how good your SAT is because Liberty is easy to get into, so therefore those things don’t matter. </p>

<p>So tell me, what will you do if you realize Liberty isn’t the great place you thought it was? With a crappy SAT and transcript, do you really think you’ll be able to transfer? You used to be such a good AB student, now you almost have zero A’s and all your B’s are close to C’s. But then again, “it doesn’t matter because I’m already basically accepted into Liberty,” right?</p>

<p>You didn’t even bother to look at other colleges, and acted like there are no Christians anywhere besides Liberty. You could have least looked at some cheaper schools, but no…</p>

<p>The one time I asked how you were paying for college, what scholarships you were applying for, grants, etc…do you remember what you said to me?</p>

<p>You scoffed. Yes. Scoffed. and said to me: “What do you mean? My parents are paying for college. Duh.” In the snottiest, most stuck-up tone I’ve ever heard you use. And you were completely serious. I have never been so angry at you. You don’t deserve to have your college paid for if you will so blatantly disrespect what your parents have done for you all your life. You are lucky that you have parents that would even consider helping you pay for college. And how do you repay them? You don’t even bother to look for scholarships to help them out. You don’t even know what FAFSA is. You haven’t gotten a job to help save up money. Nothing. You don’t care about the real financial world as long as Mommy and Daddy are dishing out all their money for you. They should cut you off, or at least make you get a job. But they won’t. Because they love you. And they expect you to eventually pick up responsibility for yourself. Too bad I’m almost positive you won’t.</p>


<p>To be “BFF” continued:</p>

<p>Regarding your General Attitude Toward Me: What happened to acting like a friend toward me? What happened to asking me how I was in the morning? Or even a simple “Good morning” at all? Those seemed to have disappeared in the last few years. </p>

<p>Though I always make it a habit to ask you how you are in the morning (even though you almost never respond or you’re b----y), you never return it. You never even bother to ask if I’m okay even if I’m obviously sick, which I always do for you. I always ask what’s wrong if you look upset or hurt, but you never do the same. </p>

<p>Whenever I miss a day of school, you never bother to call and see if I’m okay, even though I do that for you. But I notice, on an off note, whenever one of our other friends seems upset, you always look worried and comfort them. What? Am I invisible to you?</p>

<p>I must be since you always ignore me. I always listen to all your problems. All your boyfriend problems. All your other friend problems. All your family problems. I also make a habit of paying attention to you when you speak, even if it’s about something I dislike, like Twilight or American Idol. I always listen. But whenever I start talking about something that’s important to me, you blatantly ignore me. For a while I always thought that maybe I was talking too quietly (my nature of course), until I repeated something one day because I thought you didn’t hear me. Do you remember what you said? </p>

<p>“I heard you the first time. I’m not paying attention because I don’t care.” Well…gee, did you ever think of telling me? Or maybe pretending to be interested like a good friend does even their friend is talking about something don’t like. Like I do 90% of the time?</p>

<p>If you don’t care about what I say and you don’t care about my well-being, then why are you still calling yourself my friend? You obviously don’t care about me at all.</p>

<p>And I’m tired of giving you chances to prove you’re actually my friend. </p>

<p>I’m glad we only have one more year of high school. I hope you make great Christian friends at Liberty and live a happy life doing whatever it is you want to do (I don’t know what you want to do because you haven’t bothered to tell me).</p>

<p>You probably won’t hear from me again after graduation. But then again, I don’t really think you’ll care anyway.</p>

<p>[/“BFF” rant]</p>

<p>To my friend:</p>

<p>I’m sorry that I assumed that you ditched me this summer. You are going through so much right now and I was selfish for feeling the way that I did. I’m glad you were able to confide in me. You are so strong for going through all of that in one month and you do not deserve any of this. I’m glad you were able to trust me even though there isn’t much we can do except to avoid them. You were probably the best thing that ever happened to him. You can talk to me anytime.</p>

<p>To her ex-boyfriend:</p>

<p>I don’t know whether you are incredibly gullible or an *******. Either way, snap out of it. She seriously misses the old you. You’ve been together for so many years and were almost engaged! She has done so much for that that it’s unbelievable. Seriously, people like her don’t come around that often. It’s rare that there is someone who cares about a person so much. I don’t get how you are so brainwashed and gullible on even the basest level unless you were possessed by that devil.</p>

<p>To the sociopath:</p>

<p>No one was joking, you are the devil. You are incredibly mean and proud of it. If there is a hell, I hope there is a spot reserved for you.</p>

<p>What are we doing? We are doing the EXACT same thing we’ve done for the past five years. Why is that so difficult to remember?</p>

<p>I’m kind of shocked how quickly you bounced back from your break-up, even though you initiated it. You took all of half a month to find another woman to become your other half, while your ex was still getting over the shock of your sudden exit. It’s weird to be with you and this new woman as if everything is normal. Normal for you maybe, but I’m sitting here wondering how you can be so incredibly selfish. And how on earth can you even want to play house with this new woman (girl, really)? As you get older, your
GF’s get younger. Don’t you want a meaningful life anymore? What happened to your dreams? You’re giving them up for material success. You’re selling yourself short and you’re copping out. I’m not sure I want to be friends with you anymore.</p>

<p>And to my other “friend”: I’m not sure you’re worth it either. I’m tired of your perpetual need to be the center of attention, your drama, your competitiveness. You blame everyone else for the drama that you create. I’m tired of these sick social power games you play. </p>

<p>I need some new friends.</p>

<p>Dear manufacturers of rewritable CDs: </p>

<p>I really don’t get why you must make the cling wrap so damn hard to open. The wrap well … clings, forcing me to fiddle around with pen and scissors for 5 minutes. And you don’t seem to provide a more convenient “pull me” tag either. I guess ease of opening doesn’t usually play into supply and demand, huh?</p>

<p>Are you out of your mind? How dare you approach my 14 year-old daughter behind my back. Who do you think you are, calling her in the middle of the night, insisting she talk to you after she said she couldn’t because her family was all asleep?! </p>

<p>You are a parent! If some jealous, jilted boy facebooks you about my 14 year-old daughter’s friends all being “pot-heads,” and claiming “she wants to try it too,” you should tell me, her mother, at an appropriate time of day. You KNOW his assertions are completely ridiculous, and you even know his motivation for lying about her. </p>

<p>It’s clear you want to be friends with your daughter’s friends. Who else chats with her daughter’s friends on facebook? That is downright strange and inappropriate. Don’t you have any friends of your own? Be a mother. Leave your daughter’s friends alone. </p>

<p>I would like to confront you but my daughter handled you beautifully, and you seem unbalanced. The less contact, the better. But if you do it again, the gloves are coming off.</p>

<p>Dear My Wife’s Parents,</p>

<p>Just because you’re not educated doesn’t mean that the rest of the world is somehow bashing you whenever the subject of school comes up.</p>

<p>Especially when it’s your own grandchild, and he just wants to share his enjoyment of school and his future aspirations with you.</p>

<p>He loves you and wants to share his excitement about school with you. Remember when you were kids, and riding dirt bikes and fishing and camping were all you cared about? Well, he feels that way about school. It is not necessary to point out how college isn’t everything, or how there are other things in life besides studying. It’s what he wants to do, so just listen and appreciate that your grandchild is happy about something.</p>

<p>Stop being so wrapped up in your petty indignation and be the adults for once, if that’s possible. And if you can’t do that, then don’t complain when he never calls or comes to see you when he’s grown up.</p>

<p>P.S. Soon it will be too late for you to salvage your relationship with his younger sister, too. Remember her? Your granddaughter??? She’d like some of your attention, too, if you can stop chain-smoking for a minute or two.</p>

<p>You’ve got to be kidding, right?
No I certainly am not going to hide my dog inside while you show clients your listing next door. He likes laying in the sun in the patio. You say you don’t want to take the risk potential buyers might not like dogs, or that he might bark, so you can make a sale? Aren’t you supposed to have your clients’ best interest in mind? They’ll find out anyway won’t they? Let them decide if they can’t live with a dog next door. Oh, right, by then you’ll have your commission.
Good grief, it’s a gated space, and you live down the street and know he rarely barks anyway.</p>

<p>Don’t bully me anymore. And remind me never to recommend you or to use your services if I ever want to sell my house, ok?</p>

<p>To the “boys” who come over this summer to hang with my d. You’re what…17? 18? Do you think you might put the seat “UP” when taking a **** in my powder room? You think I’m going to scrub the pee you left all over the seat and back of the toilet. Think again. My daughter will clean it and she will learn how disgusting you really are. Maybe you should hang out at the public park where you can make a mess of the public restrooms.</p>

<p>To whoever schedules the interviews: come on already!</p>

<p>To my neighbor: that was entirely uncalled for. Who honestly comes over and shouts at a 14-year-old girl because she’s upset that this girls parents are opposing someone she supports in a local election? No one cares about local elections. People do care about crazy people who verbally assault 14-year-olds for no good reason. I should have called the cops on you. When I heard that your husband left you for his mistress, I felt bad…for your kids. No one deserves all of that in addition to a mother who should be wrapped up and placed in a room with nothing sharp.</p>

<p>To a certain classmate: many, many things are not your business, and you shouldn’t pass judgement on me when you know nothing about me. I’d thank you to just shut up.</p>

<p>To whoever started this thread: thank you. So, so much.</p>

<p>To the arse-hole administrators of the posh veterinary hospital: your policies are inhumane and insane. “We will not call the doctor in for assessment of your pet unless you commit to surgery NOW”. WTH? You can tell my pet will be a candidate for surgery without even seeing it? Wow, who needs veterinarians and X-rays and diagnostic tests when hospital administrators can diagnose everything by phone? I’m telling my friends to stay away from your place!</p>

<p>Why can’t you learn to shut the **** up once in awhile?</p>

<p>To all the engineers, brand managers and packaging specialists: why do you continually insist on using non-water soluble adhesives on stickers/labeling attachments on food contact and food prep items?</p>

<p>The last thing I want to do is spend a half-hour hand scrubbing and trying to soak off an adhesive that only xylene or acetone will remove from my new saucier or its handle. WD-40 does not mix well with typical seasonings and ruins the sauteed onion mushroom mix.</p>

<p>Please set foot in a kitchen, commercial or otherwise and get with the program. </p>

<p>The FDA regulates us to death… does this application not classify? </p>

<p>End of rant.</p>

<p>You’re leaving, and it’s like you don’t even want to say goodbye. YOU set the first date for us saying goodbye, and then you changed it to two days later. Then you pushed it back another day. We’re supposed to have lunch, and it’s 1:57. Saying goodbye is hard enough, but now I feel like you don’t even care enough to see me again. I know you’ve got other friends, but stop making me feel like I’m always the least important person in your life.</p>