Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>No. 1: I don’t know why that irritates me so, but it does. I certainly understand chasing the money.</p>

<p>No. 2: Don’t put my kid on a pedestal, especially because you’re having trouble with yours. I have a feeling you’re building him up and hoping for a fall.</p>

<p>Just because someone mentions race, or points out someone’s race in the natural course of conversation, does not make him or her a racist. The fact that you can’t hear the word “black” or “Chinese” or “Jewish” without launching into a rant about the speaker’s racism says nothing about the speaker and everything about your immaturity and grating self-righteousness. I thought it was great when my Jewish friend let you rant for five minutes about how anti-Semitic he must be, before he casually mentioned that he’s Jewish, too. You looked like a real idiot, and deservedly so.</p>


<p>I schlepped into the City four times to meet you and your “team.” Three of those times I was supposed to meet your boss, and two of those times she turned out to be “unavailable.” When I finally dazzled you enough, and had jumped through enough hoops, to get an offer, you made me an offer to be a contract employee. Whoa!!! You never mentioned that during the seven weeks I interviewed with you. You never breathed the word “contract.” Talk about a bait and switch. You can take your job and – well, you get the idea. I know it’s a tough economy, but I can do better.</p>

<p>And on another note:</p>

<p>Stop calling our phone number and hanging up when I pick up the line. You do it whenever the dogs are outside and barking, so it’s pretty obvious who you are. We now only let the dogs out between 8:00 AM and 9:00 PM, which I think is quite reasonable. Stop being so passive aggressive and say something when you dial my number.</p>

<p>Ooooo – I haven’t been on this thread in a while. I think I have a lot pent up.</p>

<p>8am on a Saturday or Sunday morning is too darned early for your dog to be outside barking! And barking non-stop from 8am to 9pm all week long while you’re at work when it’s right under my window is more than annoying, it’s downright disrespectful and rude! </p>

<p>(sorry VeryHappy, I’m sure you don’t do that. It just pushed one of my buttons. And yes, I did ask them nicely and directly to do something about it several times over the last 15 years to no avail)</p>

<p>Ah, better…</p>

<p>over30, thank you for the advice.</p>

<p>As an FYI, if you are unfamiliar with the purpose of this thread, the intent is for it to be a place to vent and a place for individuals to rant. There have been a couple of points throughout, with moderators’ reminders, as some rants can (and have) evoked strong reaction or responses; thus responses to a diatribe are discouraged.</p>

<p>Seems the consensus is to just keep the thread as a place where anyone can howl at the moon, get it out of their system, and thus be cleansed.</p>

<p>Again, thank you. I shall give it a swirl.</p>

<p>to the police officer who pulled my daughter over infront of our housethen tried to give her a ticket for a bad uturn (it was legal) and than gave her a ticket for no headlghts due to “fog” …you didn’t have your own headlights on!!! and it was 530 and it was barely foggy and I see all your fellow cops on worse days with no lights on!! </p>

<p>and after you give her the ticket, you flirt with her!!! OMG…my mother wanted to smack you</p>

<p>oph and the 200dollar ticket and the pont on her record don’t make us any happier either-</p>

<p>she was in our driveway when you “pulled her over”</p>


<p>I’m really really tired of being the “newbie” in every work situation I end up in. I know you have a year more of experience in this particular group than I do, but you are not in charge of me. I have a masters degree from the top program in the country and you say that you baaaarely made it through your bachelors degree. I have a year more of work experience, not even counting grad school, than you do. You are still scrambling to pass the licensure qualifying exam, which you’ve already failed once, and I’m starting the paperwork for taking my final licensure exam. The work we do in this group is so pedantically easy in comparison to what I <em>was</em> doing, what I was <em>hired</em> to do, that I’m chronically technically unchallenged. I ignored your patronization at first, but your leaning against the wall of my cubicle and trying to phrase all your two years’ worth of “war stories” as qualification that you can “check over my e-mails” to make sure that the drafters understand what I’m telling them is not helping-- it’s just making me mad as hell. I will ask you questions about things IN THIS FIELD where you have more experience than I do, but your offers to help me with general work communications, client interfacing (I do better with clients-- quit chalking it up to the fact that “they just like working with a female better”!!), and other things that I clearly have more experience in are REALLY starting to irritate me.</p>

<p>I’m tired of everyone telling me how incredibly impressed they are with my work ethic, my dedication, how quickly I learn things, how accurate my work is, how well I work with clients, how efficiently I run meetings, and despite all those accolades from all of those people, I never get anywhere at all. I’m tired of it, I’m frustrated, I’m getting sick of working in this stupid field, sick of trying to work on the projects that I always thought I would love working on just because the people in the industry can be such jerks about everything. I’ve been treated like a first-year intern for four years now in different work groups and I’ve just about had it. I have gained SOME knowledge during my career so far. I should get SOME respect. Haven’t I paid my preliminary dues by now? I don’t want to be treated like an expert-- I’m clearly not an expert yet. I just want to be treated like I’m somewhat more capable than someone just out of college.</p>

<p>Clearly I need to make a work playlist for my iPod and start it off with a little Aretha.</p>

<p>Dear boss, you can’t have your cake and eat it. Please make up your mind about what you want us to do ASAP, we’ve got three weeks until the point of no return!</p>

<p>To the RN who called me to tell me we can’t do one less invasive proceedure(after waiting for days) and then said someone will call re more invasive or not, but couldn’t stay on the phone and answer my questions-call me when you can talk! Cancer is scary enough as it is- at least try and look like I am more than a faceless nobody who counts!
I am scared enough re this as it is.</p>

<p>You arrogant blowhard. You ranted on and on at dinner last night, getting louder and louder, like that would make your point more valid? So you think health insurance companies are entitled to set low budgets and then intentionally screw their clients and the doctors because it’s a free enterprise and they are entitled to make a huge profit?? And the low man on the insurance co. totem pole is entitled to deny claim after claim because she ges a bonus for doing so and she only makes $35K/yr? What kind of twisted logic is that? Yes, I finally lost it with you because you have no clue what you are talking about. You are not in healthcare, even though you used to be a bureaucrat for the state govt many years ago before you retired. Oh, and that fat, good ol’ boy retirement deal that you dont want anyone to touch? That retirement that pays your cushy healthcare benefits and 95% of your top salary that you were earning when you retired, while your sister, our dear neighbor, works her butt off as a teacher and had her salary cut beacuse of budget shortfalls (but how dare anyone consider the shortfalls caused by plum state retiree deals you old geezers have, which lets you play golf on expensive courses all day) Please shove it up your… or fall on one of those golf clubs of yours.</p>

<p>Rain, rain go away.</p>

<p>I am so tired of dealing with you. Always expecting somebody else to pay your way. The worst part is that all the money I’ve spent protecting my credit and finances from your shenanigans could have gone toward our children. I’m tired of working two or three jobs at a time to cover my share of the children’s expenses and your share of their expenses. Don’t pay, I don’t care anymore. Just do us all a favor and go away, you a@*hole.</p>

<p>Wow, you are really unprofessional. I can see now why dh says some people have trouble working with you. Ignoring my msgs and not returning calls seems like a power trip. I guess I’ll just show up and 9 and hope you’re there.</p>

<p>I got up, showered, dresssed and drove halfway over there, and THEN I receive a msg that the job has now been pushed back again until tomorrow. I’m sorry, but the lame excuse that you texted me the info two days ago and then it occurred to you that maybe I don’t do text – and I don’t – just doesn’t cut it.</p>

<p>She came to you in April to get the guidelines for the job. You did not give her guidelines, just a vague response. She has worked full time this summer and gone to school at night to meet the requirements of the program, in addition to looking for that job for the fall. She found the perfect job that satisfies the requirements and now you say the job will not meet the requirements. How can you say that? I am in the “business” and I know this job will be an appropriate one. You are being a narrow-minded individual and refuse to think outside the box. She is heartbroken and I don’t blame her. You have been no help. What a jerk!</p>

<p>This used to be a nice quiet family neighborhood. Why suddenly over the last year did so many of you decide to have noisy outdoor parties lasting into the wee hours of the morning? Do you not know or do you just not care that neighbors would like to be able to leave windows open and read, watch TV, etc. without having to listen to your drunken screaming and yelling? And do you not not hear your children screaming outside for hours every afternoon and why do you have to be the host for the block anyway? And yeah, the dog barks under my window and why doesn’t it bother you too? Whew! That was almost as much relief as finally calling the cops last night at a quarter to one.</p>

<p>Dear Father,</p>

<p>You’re racist, sexist, homophobic and just a general ******bag. No one tells you how much they hate you because they’re afraid of you, which I can understand because you have serious anger management issues. You think you’re the only person person who knows how to conduct himself “appropriately” and seem to be an expert in all subjects. You try to tell me how to live my life by disparaging anyone and everyone, including people I love, and then you deny being a backstabbing ■■■■■■■. You criticize people for doing things you deem inappropriate and then say “I’ll do whatever I want” whenever someone calls you out on anything. Well, guess what? I’m going to do what the hell I want!</p>

<p>I know you want the best for me, but I hope to move away from you as soon as possible and find convenient excuses not to come back. The only reason I wouldn’t completely cut myself off from is because I love my mother, my sisters, my relatives, and my friends at home too much to do that to them.</p>

<p>Finally, you don’t know ANYTHING about me.</p>


<p>PS. I could think of one thing, hell more than one thing, about you to post in this thread for every day of the year.</p>

<p>Dear Mother-In-Law,</p>

<p>Your husband is an adult. He is capable of buying groceries, cooking, mowing the lawn, and feeding the dog. You are way out of line asking us to drive four hours each way to do these things every time you are out of town. If your husband can’t perform the basic functions in life, maybe natural selection should weed him out via starvation, a cooking accident, being eaten by the dog, or getting lost in a jungle of uncut grass. In any case, it’s not our problem.</p>

<p>To my boss - you make 4 times as much as me, yet I pretty much do your job. Top management didn’t buy all this expensive software so you could ignore it and do your job the old way. Telling your boss that “My assistant handles all the computer stuff” was kind of dumb, because it’s 2009 and its ALL computer stuff. Your old-time cronies are moving on, and the new people have noticed that I’m the one who does all the work in our dept. Don’t be surprised when they start asking you when you’re going to retire. And don’t blame me - I do NOT want your job. I just want to work for someone with an ounce of professionalism.</p>