Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>I hope you get what you truly deserve.</p>

<p>I donā€™t like you. Iā€™m not your friend. I was nice to you once and now you think Iā€™m such a great friend of yours, and you repeatedly text me during the day while Iā€™m at work. I actually work at work. This is something you donā€™t understand, seeing as how youā€™ve repeatedly been fired from most of the jobs youā€™ve ever had. You donā€™t even understand my jokes, you just like to hear yourself laugh. I try to be nice, but reallyā€¦ you are the pee in my summertime swimming pool, the sticker of fingers in my birthday cake, the fly in my homemade soup, and I donā€™t need your complications in my life right now. Donā€™t text message me. Donā€™t call me. Donā€™t be the first one to comment on every single Facebook update I make. And please, please, PLEASE donā€™t make me overtly tell you that I donā€™t want to be your friend-- I never initiate contact with you, I donā€™t invite you to go anywhere, Iā€™m ignoring you and trying desperately to give you a graceful way out, but I donā€™t have the energy to take in strays who need friends right now. Please leave me and my overly-stressed life aloneā€¦</p>

<p>I negotiatied in good faith, but the exact opposite of what you promised is happening. Please donā€™t make me take this to the school board.</p>

<p>Iā€™m sure one of the reasons you built a home in this neighborhood is because of the natural beauty. The forest and the creek are special. When I came home today and saw the chemical grass killers at your house it truly pained me. Do you realize those chemicals will wash down into my little forest and eventually into the creek? They are not good for the environment. There are natural fertilizers and weed killers available. There are also other types of grass you can plant that donā€™t need the constant watering. I would love to tell you about some. FYIā€“if youā€™ve not noticed very few of us here try to eliminate the weeds on our multiacre lawns. Expect a profusion of dandelions next spring because I will not kill them. </p>

<p>Also please clean up after your dogs more frequently. Last week the smell of dog doo doo kept floating over to my house, and itā€™s not like our house is right on top of yours. Gross. </p>

<p>School boardā€“When my son and I canā€™t get up in the middle of the night to watch the meteor shower because he has to go to school, school is starting way too early.</p>

<p>To the neighbor who cleans houses full time under-the-table and gets food stamps:</p>

<p>NYS is stupid to give you $200 per child for back to school supplies. You wonā€™t spend it on the kids, youā€™ll go to the racetrack.</p>

<p>Please stop telling me how miserable it is to be old. You have your health, you have no financial worries and you can do anything you want. You are actually complaining about being alive! You could easily live another 10-15 years. Get off your butt and start enjoying this gift of a long, healthy life!</p>

<p>Stop laying a guilt trip on me for not calling you. You have a telephone, and Iā€™ve told you that Iā€™ll gladly call you right back so you donā€™t have to pay for the call. Furthermore, I have a job, and you donā€™t. Iā€™m happy to talk to you, but if you canā€™t be bothered to press a few buttons, then neither can I.</p>

<p>In the interest of good karma, thank you for resolving the issue and keeping me from taking it to the school board.</p>

<p>You dumped your spoiled kid with me because you knew that I was going to spend the day at the ocean with my college kids. Just because you are family doesnā€™t mean that any of us like to spend time with your bratty kid. One day alone with my sons before they leave for college is all that I wanted today. Instead, I spent it listening to your whiney kid. He complained about getting sunburnt yet refused to put sunblock on. I told him over and over again to put more sunblock on and he refused. After telling him to put it on about 6 times, I gave up. So, when your kid comes home with severe sunburn, blame him and not me. Heā€™s going into 6th grade for crying out loud and unlike you, I refuse to treat him like a baby. </p>

<p>By the way. Your kidā€™s obsession with swords and knives is not something to be proud of.
You say heā€™s creative. Everyone else (including me) thinks heā€™s a serial killer in the making. Drawing scenes of decapitations and the chopping off of limbs is NOT CREATIVE. He searches the internet looking for info on swords, knives, and anything else that can cause bleeding or death. You actually buy into his story that heā€™s researching Medieval Times. Duh! Why did you go out and buy a swiss army knife and a saber for your kid when has an obsession like this? Are you in denial or just plain stupid? </p>

<p>Well, I hope you had a fun relaxing day while I spent a good part of my day listening to your weird kid whine and complain. When are you going to realize that your son needs some counseling?
He is not creative. He is weird, spoiled, and manipulative.</p>

<p>I am begging you to shut up.</p>

<p>To all of those kids who diss people with opposing views on college forums- arrgh. Of course a parent is judgemental when telling a kid who asks for chances their opinion that he may not succeed with his stats. Of course those students know everything and we canā€™t know anythingā€¦ Telling kids to ignore opinions because they donā€™t like it when opinions were requested.</p>

<p>That feeling goes for the OP on another thread with lousy stats fishing for approval- and refuses to take the honest answers. Donā€™t these kids read the collegeā€™s website? Canā€™t they interpret a simple chart?</p>

<p>Iā€™d really love to ask all of the students at my college if they canā€™t read simple directional arrows in the parking lot or if they just think theyā€™re too special for the rules to apply to them. Do they really think they can negotiate the slanted parking spots when they drive the wrong way for the aisle?
Also, why does one of my fb friends post on a regular basis her request not to be included in any of the games, quizzes, etc. saying she doesnā€™t have time. She posts more status reports (3-5 per day) than anyone else I know. She is clearly not as busy as she says. Just be honest and say you donā€™t want to do those things! Or better yet, do as many of do and ignore those things, chain e-mails, etc. and keep quiet.</p>

<p>I just canā€™t believe it. First you lay off thousands of people. Then you are too overwhelmed to notify them when you terminate their health insurance ā€“ which is not when you said you were going to, but two months earlier. You donā€™t send out COBRA paperwork in a timely fashion. You canā€™t so much as process a change of address. You tell people incorrect information that people (who are now jobless) make financial decisions based on ā€“ such as that they will qualify for subsidized COBRA payments and then you refuse to authorize what you promised. The list goes on. And you are the institution that is supposed to be educating the children in this city. You canā€™t do the most basic things in any kind of professional manner. I hate that my tax dollars go to pay for this.</p>

<p>Whatā€™s wrong with people like you? It took me a good 15 minutes to negotiate myself out of my parking spot inch by inch with 3 strangers directing me because your car was parked in the middle of the lane, with suitcases and boxes all over the place. Yes we were all moving our kid into the dorms this morning and I was lucky to get a spot at the end of the dead end parking lot next to the dorms because I came early. But there were plenty of open spots elsewhere. So just as soon as Iā€™m actually home free, you all come running out of the entrance, gleefully pleased you can park in my spot now. There were 4 of you and you couldnā€™t have one person check to see if somebody needed to get out??? You were blocking a good 8 cars. I waited like 20 minutes to see if the carā€™s owner would notice somebody needed to get out.
No apology, no anything. You are the type of people who just donā€™t care. As long as you get what you want and to heck with inconveniencing other people. What happened to plain civility between people??</p>

<p>Why do you have absolutely NO RESPECT for other peopleā€™s belongings? I brought in my wedding album in because you asked, personally, to see it. And not only have you managed to bend pretty much all my photos, youā€™ve also broken the album. What the HELL is wrong with you?? </p>

<p>If you werenā€™t my boss I would go yell at you, you callous moron.</p>

<p>If my ds has success in the college hunt, please donā€™t assume itā€™s because of one factor.</p>

<p>When you told a group of teenagers something that wasnā€™t correct or safe, I politely corrected you privately, assuming you would correct the error. Then you, behind my back, told the teenagers that ā€œMrs.___ was wrong, but whateverā€¦ā€ To top it all off, your husband bad-mouthed me and my son to the kids, 2 of whom told my son all about it. Well you ruined my sonā€™s trip, which he had saved all year to pay for. Grow up. Admit you made a mistake. And donā€™t gossip about my kid.</p>

<p>When I politely tell you on the cellphone that I am out of town moving my s back into college and walking to dinner with the family for dinnerā€¦ then 5 minutes later, when I can get a word in edgewise, tell you I am standing outside, under an umbrella in the rain and that the family is waiting for me, it means I HAVE TO GET OFF THE PHONE. I appreciate the referral and look forward to the call in my office when I am back. But this was not an emergency and I really needed to talk to you later.</p>

<p>I MISS you. I know youā€™re busy- really, itā€™s completely understandable. I know weā€™ve both been saying for weeks that weā€™d talk less now that weā€™re starting college. And I know itā€™s only been three days. But weā€™ve talked to each other almost every day since 5th grade, even though we were in different high schools. I didnā€™t realize I would miss you this muchā€¦ I donā€™t want to bother you by texting, but I wrote on your Facebook wall and you didnā€™t respond, even though you changed your status. Please spare your friend a text or somethingā€¦ Iā€™m nervous enough waiting for Swarthmoreā€™s orientation to start as it is. I just want to know if youā€™re having a good time.</p>

<p>I didnā€™t say anything when I was a new employee and you handed me a copy of a stupid diet from a tabloid newspaper, excusing your behavior by saying ā€œIā€™m giving everyone a copy of thisā€, I suppose so I wouldnā€™t feel singled out. When I returned from ā€œvacationā€ that included a death in the family and someone left a tube of face cream for the treatment of ā€˜rednessā€™, I know it was you, out of what passes for kindness in your mind, but I was already feeling bad enough and really didnā€™t appreciate your efforts to improve my appearance. As it happens, I threw it in the trash. Iā€™m only sorry you werenā€™t there to witness it. When I called to tell you I wouldnā€™t be able to return as planned because of the terminal illness of my loved one, you didnā€™t have the courtesy to tell the person in the office with whom I am the closest, so that when I did return and she asked with a big smile on her face ā€œhow was your vacation?ā€ I had to tell her Iā€™d spent most of it in ICU, a funeral home and cemetary - yet you told other co-workers. And by the way, when our co-worker, with whom you are close friends, had a similar death in the family, why did we all contribute to an expensive floral arrangement but the only recognition I received were the spoken condolences of SOME of my co-workers? I was just recovering from that slap in my (red) face when I walked in on you and three of my co-workers, laughing, until the one who saw me first said ā€œsheā€™s right hereā€ and the laughter stopped, heads turned, and the conversation died. Well, that wasnā€™t the only thing that died. I know the environment I work in and have adjusted my expectations accordingly, but I expect more, I really do, from my supervisor. You are a disaster. You should not burst into tears when youā€™re on the phone with someone from the public. It is not cute for someone in their 50s to play the ditzy girl. Itā€™s not charming that you canā€™t remember your cellphone or keys when you leave. You should not tell people you are ā€˜helpingā€™ that you have to leave to get your son off the bus. They donā€™t care, and it might anger them. I feel sorry for you when the big boys huddle for their high level meetings and you are left out, but Iā€™m not even sure you notice. You should notice and you should demand to be included. The fact that you donā€™t, and arenā€™t, only increases my lack of respect for you. And by the way - your sonā€™s behaviors, and teachersā€™ comments, that you regale the office with are not charming. Good luck when he reaches his teenage years. You think 8 is hard? </p>

<p>Ah, that felt good. Thanks.</p>