Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Nothing like being on the phone with your kid who is standing on the side of the road after being hit by a hit-and-run driver (one of those weaving in and out types) to put things into perspective. Even things like “I know the current car registration is in here somewhere but I can only find the expired one” and “yes, I have the flare, but I can’t figure out how to use it” and “I really really need to pee” … but the police are there now (after 2 hours waiting) and the car might even be drivable since the cop had her drive off the exit ramp. Kid’s ok, which is the important part.

H - next year for your birthday let’s go out for dinner or lunch with our friends. This open door, all day, house party is exhausting business for me. I’m just done cleaning up so it was 10 hours of effort plus the cooking time yesterday and the shopping time the day before that!

It was a beautiful fall day and I would have much rather gone on the Weird House tour or to the forest festival or whatever it’s called and made a reservation for someone else to feed us later. I have to laugh at the thought of you even attempting to do something like this for my birthday. Time to collapse…

The mature, well balanced parent in me is rooting for you to get that dream job. The one far away.

The less mature, ‘mommy’ parent in me is silently asking ‘hey, would the second choice locall offering be all that much less interesting and exciting. Please stay near the nest’.

The internal fight is to make sure the balanced parent is the one who gets to speak.

I’m secretly thrilled that S is talking about moving back to HI from DC as he figures it’s best now rather than when he’s even older. He figures at age 30, he’s still young enough that he can do anything and he sees folks starting to plant roots.

I’m so curious as to where this new path will lead and thrilled he wants to live in HI.

“I don’t like eating artificial stuff you eat.”

Is that why you are, I don’t know, 320lb 5 feet 4 inch woman while I have lost so much weigh in my diet? How on earth does coconut flour “artificial?” or “natural sugar alcohol?”

That went much better than I had anticipated. Maybe, things will work out after all.

She’s right. You are a doll, and he is a – rhymes with stick.

White is for the BRIDE. You are the bride’s grandmother. I am furious at your “friend” for putting us in the position of telling you the dress she so “generously” loaned you was inappropriate. It’s going to be a long year if she insists on stirring the pot every chance she gets.

We have been loyal subscribers to you, local paper, for many many decades, and we like to actually hold the paper in our hands when we read it. But the massive delivery and customer service problems we have had, coupled with the increased number of “vacation holds” (ie paying for papers we don’t have delivered) we request due to travel just makes the cost you want to charge unjustifiable. I have been clear that I will pay exactly what I paid last year, and you have kindly offered to credit me for the vacation holds.

You have come down on the monthly rate each time you reach out to me, but apparently you are willing to lose a long time loyal customer over a $20 difference for the annual rate. I will not budge, especially since if I do continue, I can expect continued delivery and customer service problems and many vacation holds that are not credited to the account. I cannot justify paying more for bad service and fewer papers. If you meet my price I will consider it. And no, I will not pay the $5 for the papers you continued to deliver after I told you multiple times that I was cancelling my service. Oh, and today I had to sit on hold for 15 minutes just to tell you AGAIN that I was cancelling. Sorry, but tata. And don’t waste the stamp trying to bill me for your delivery errors and thinking we will pay for your errors. That would be a “no”.

Why do you expect college acceptances and notifications to be fair or on your timeline? If you’re that disappointed, rescind your application and get on with your life.

Wow just Wow

You leave me a voice mail saying how upset you are that you believe that my (not your)
neighbor left one large tree after cutting down some 17 trees. You “cannot” believe that they
would do this.

Just WOW.

First of all these non neighbors of yours, who you have not even spoken to/or met about these trees,
do not own the tree you are agonizing over. ALSO! WE have paid with these neighbors to have the
17 crappy unhealthy trees taken down for the health of the trees and to regain views.

“How nice that so many trees have been taken down and I want to thank you for helping
with the decision and with paying for them. I am wondering about that one large tree and
wish that had been taken down. What is the story there?”.

You are such a silly princess. AND you just spent 30 days at a Jesuit meditation silent retreat
with mentoring daily. What do you think that is suppose to look like in daily life???
Once again you approach with hysteria. It is tiresome.

Wish we could value other witnesses, instead of tearing them down to fit our own life experiences and biases.

“We have two ears and one mouth,” the wise person said. “We should listen twice as much as we speak.”

That goes for you too, entrenched “expert.” You never wait before weighing in. Eager to snark and make others feel small, even thousands of posts don’t make you seem smarter. You just seem bitter, ungenerous, and mean–with a terrible, almost daily need to feel superior.

–Are you disappointed by where your kid ended up, despite all your supposed expertise?

You’ve got too much riding on status, all the way around, from what I read. Try to be simpler and happier. You’re making kids here miserable, and they’re already the types to be worried.

Maybe take a walk instead of posting, every once in a while?

To my ex-dh. I tried for 20 years to get you to lose weight.

You are now morbidly obese and can barely walk, your teenage dd wants nothing to do with you because she feels like if you loved her you would attempt to do something about your weight. Instead you lay in bed and sleep.

Now today I find out that you are only using the FMLA and taking unpaid leave and while you are supposed to make twice as much as I do you are bringing home only $200 dollars every other pay check and less than I am on the other paycheck.

How in the blue blazes do you think that you are going to pay your half of dd’s college’s costs. I have scrimped and saved so i have my half if she goes to a modest school but you don’t have your’s X( X( .

So I’m going to have to sit DD down and tell her that she is going to have to apply to schools that give a lot of merit aid or go the the community college for two years while I scrimp and save and put back more to cover your half.

All of this because you wont do anything about your weight and you think that counseling is “not for you”.

You have serious unresolved issue with your mother that is the cause your weight problems that need to be resolved. You are going to die if you keep this up!!! What is that going to do to dd?

Even though dd is so mad at you, you don’t think this is going to upset her even more??? I know you are depressed and your knees hurt because they cant support your massive bulk so do something about it!!


Yes. I am working 16 hours on Thanksgiving just to deprive you of roast turkey.

The fact that changing adult diapers all day at double pay is necessary because my pastoral job and moonlighting is insufficient to cover all of our usual expenses and have enough left over for all of your medical procedures this month is totally irrelevant. While you refuse to contribute to household expenses from a job that pays more than my two combined.

I wouldn’t mind being home on the holiday. But that thought wouldn’t occur to you.

So you treat me like an idiot, giving me instructions for tools that I bought, that I use as much as you do, telling me that I’m wrong when I say I like my food a particular way and there’s “no difference” if you do it differently, even argue with me when I ask you not to do a chore when I tell you that I’d rather do it my way, and YOU get upset when I call you out about it? And won’t discuss it? Real mature.

After all these years, I’m done with it. I have always tried to smooth things over before. Not this time. This time, the apology had darned well come from you.

Hard to believe someone can fit all that much pretentiousness into a single post. Bravo!

Oh, my gosh. I love getting an email from a contractor that says they’re about to get back charged on a project, the implication being that I am delaying things. I have asked the same three questions in July, September, October, and November. I am a cordial person until I run into nonsense like this. :frowning: Ha, my Texas accent will come on on the conference call tomorrow (that’s what happens when I get upset).

Good to know my coworkers continue to support the Dysfunctional November tradition.

Saying it here as a warning to others: MLM companies have discovered that they can target folks via LinkedIn. Beware of unknown to you “professionals” that ask to join your network to discuss some seemingly legitimate stuff. Then the sales pitch and recruiting begins!

Dear S.
Yes, I am about at the end of trying with you.
I texted you and DIL tonight about YOUR need for a Hep A and flu shot and for the trip
we are taking you on.
And some other information regarding that we gave you $100 too
much the last time we gave you a check for the wedding clothes.
I asked you to buy some tire socks for your Prius through Amazon.
And what I got back from you is “stop texting so much, we are both working”.
Seriously? you say yes–so I ask when is a good time? Tell me and that is when I
will once in a month text you…

You are super self centered. I have not texted you in weeks.
Nor have we heard from you.

DIL is lovely. She will get back to me when she can.

Ok then, game is on. I think that I have tried too hard to keep the peace.
You called it!

And you need to understand that I do not think family is the end all of everything.
I believe in responsible and respectable relationships and if that is not the truth then
the other becomes the truth.