Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Ugh, took me 2 hours to finish that Chocolate cake with cointreau buttercream. I completely forgot about his birthday, so I hope he likes it.

The reason so many women donā€™t report domestic abuse is because of your reaction. I am sorry the news inconveniences you, but she really needs your support right now, not your irritation or your anger. You need to do whatā€™s right, not whatā€™s easy.

You didnā€™t hide your impatience and boredom. Just know I feel the same way but I try to be polite.

As S was leaving I realized that with everything going on this weekend, I really didnā€™t get any time to talk. Thankfully his plans have changed and he will now be here for Christmas.

Weā€™re taking ChoatieLT to the airport shortly. We didnā€™t get much time to talk either. I always feel this great sadness when he leaves but try to keep it in perspective knowing heā€™ll be back in a few weeks. Then, heā€™ll leave again. Youā€™d think Iā€™d have figured out how to deal with this recurring pattern long ago. Iā€™m not the rock he thinks I am.

Awumbuk - a word of the Baining People of Papua New Guinea - the feeling of emptiness after visitors depart.

Really trying very hard not to start the spiral.

Saying it to put it behind me. I was supposed to head to Disney World with my daughter today. Glad I knew husband was going to be unemployed before laying out money at least. Rather be here than spending money I couldnā€™t afford and Iā€™m not good enough at living in the moment yet to have ignored that. (Although last year knowing my headlights were on back at the Philadelphia airport was good practice!).

Frustrated at how expensive mechanics are, Iā€™d love not to pay ungodly amounts on my car for ā€œspecialā€ marked up parts.

Yes, he is retired. No, he doesnā€™t need your help figuring out he will do now. Heā€™s a big boy.

I seriously would like to line all of you up and laugh, laugh, laugh in your faces.

How come some people can never get anything done in a timely manner?

Every day is a new adventure around here. Do you not understand the need to tell your financial aid director about this new and wonderful thing you are offering? Because you sure as heck had better do what you say we are doing.

Sheā€™s a freshman going back to school. Cried. Heā€™s a senior so Iā€™ve had lots of practice at this back to school dance. Still cried. Thankful we are able to financially do it. Countdown to Christmas begins in 3ā€¦2ā€¦1ā€¦

Sad to the bone to see yet another thread devolve into evaluating a college education by salary outcome.

Bear with me, please ā€“ I have nowhere else to write this ā€“ I am so pissed at my ex and so proud of my daughter that I am about to burst. I picked a crappy year to give up drinking.

My daughters went to their dadā€™s for their Thanksgiving with him on Fridayā€¦and IN SPITE OF THEM REPEATEDLY TELLING HIM THEY DIDNā€™T WANT TO GO, he forced them to go to the farm he just bought this past spring for his latest too-young-for-him girlfriend. He had invited all his relatives to the farm show off this new purchaseā€¦and he apparently told them all that his daughters LOVE the new place and are fine with his latest new girlfriend (just 17 years younger than him as opposed to 28 years younger, like the last one wasā€¦my daughters are emphatically not okay with any of it).

My girls had told him all during the past two months that they did not want to go to that new place at all, let alone for the holidays (he had told them he wanted to spend their Thanksgiving at the farm) - they know it was bought for a girlfriend, and they know he spent most of their future inheritance money on that property. I have told them they should make their own way in this world and not to rely on inheritance and they get that, but the recklessness at which he spent a ton of money on a much younger woman that he had met just four months before making that purchaseā€¦it rubs us all the wrong way. Their father had told them okay, that they wouldnā€™t go to the farm.

So they have their Thanksgiving meal with him in his house and then he tells them they HAVE to go to the farm after all or they wonā€™t be able to see all their relatives. I mean, whatā€™s wrong with them, donā€™t they want to see their relatives?
Etc. He had apparently lied to his relatives about the girls not being at the farm for the Thanksgiving meal itself so they would continue to think his daughters are fine with his lifestyle (and the fact that he spent a majority of his savings and their inheritance on some woman he had only known for a few months).

This is where I am so so proud, and also so so heartbroken at the situation in general - my courageous and strong and deeply hurt older daughter went to the farm (the girlfriend was thankfully not there), and then, with her terrified younger sister by her side, told ALL of her relatives that neither she nor her sister felt comfortable there because of all of the ā€œrecent sudden changesā€ forced on them by their father, and that they didnā€™t want to be there at all at any time for any reason whatsoever, period. Then she insisted that she and her sister be taken back to the regular house (an hour away) immediately. Her father drove them back to his house right after her announcement.

My older daughter related all this to me in texts. She let me know that her relatives were very kind about all of it and that they seemed to understand (Iā€™m not surprisedā€¦my ex is a pill but his sisters and one of his brothers are good people).

I hate that my kids were put in this position to begin with. I hate that this man tries to buy everyoneā€™s affection, I hate that he tried to use our kids to try to make this purchase seem okay to his family, and I hate that my kids have a completely self-absorbed ass of a father.

I pick them up from him in three hours. If you see on the news that a woman punched a guy in the face right outside a local police department this afternoon around 4pm, then youā€™ll know it was me. :confused:

Dear church treasurer, it is not my responsibility to make sure the thermostat for the Sunday School wing is turned down after worship. It is also not my responsibility to be sure all interior doors are closed. If you recall, I rush out after the benediction to start a service at another church.

And no, the heat is NOT supposed to be turned down in my office and it is NOT up because of the hermit crab on my desk. It is on to heat the organ pipes outside the door and to keep the water pipes in the bathrooms on that same thermostat from freezing. Crab lives there because the heat has to stay on, not the other way around.

1 foot+ of heavy, heavy, wet snow. Why do I live here?

Please post. Iā€™m worried about you.

Once again my 10 years of nagging to move from Chicago to San Diego has justified itself. But do you ever thank me? You could be shoveling that one foot of heavy wet snow if not for me.