Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

We’ve been lied to. Time is not constant. There’s no way in the world time passes at the same speed when one is enjoying life with their lads and extended family as it does when one is waiting for a dental appt, having a rougher day at work, or similar. The former flies by at incredible speed. With the latter one can watch the clock tick by ever so slowly. (sigh)

I’m positive the playlist on my phone coming up with Puff the Magic Dragon (A dragon lives forever, but not so little boys), The Story of My Life (Neil Diamond), and Cat’s in the Cradle as the last three songs before I arrived home was set up by some Grand Pumba to both teach me about the accurate rate of time and make me glad for the choices we made as we’ve gone along in life. It’s still too bad things need to end. Where was Time in a Bottle? (It’s on my playlist somewhere too.)

And this morning dear treasurer is texting with complaints about the new organist. I agree with her (loveable personality but not so talented) but so not appropriate to gossip and back stab.

Good thing about living with a bully husband is you learn to deal with other ones as well!

I got back from Texas about 1 am. It was a very productive trip - cleared out closets, got legal papers signed, talked to companies that will help my parents with an estate sale and moving, toured their future retirement community (it’s beautiful!), etc. My sister and I worked together really well. Now I’m exhausted and kind of sad. It had been two years since I’d been to Austin. I have to get down more often.

Very, very worried for you, your beautiful family and your sweet husband. Although all the current indicators do suggest a relapse, please know that we are all praying for another miracle.

People, PLEASE get your kids professional counseling if they experience any type of trauma! ANY type at all!! Why are people resistant to this? :frowning: At least an evaluation!

Fingers crossed for all my students applying to transfer. This is such an anxious time for you, but hang in there!

I hate how I was given BCG when I was a baby. It really complicated my immunization record because of False positive TB resutl…

Thanks for your complaint, it may trigger administration to finally push for something that I have tried to make happen for years. I wish you could have talked to me about it first, but if it moves our site towards a positive change I don’t really care.

OMG my new laptop works perfectly. I deserve this.

Today I count my blessings, after hearing about a good friend’s 22 yr old son who had a psychotic breakdown and ended up in a mental ward.

Please, please, please let my husband get the job he applied for in Michigan. And move.

“Yes, I think I could handle it”. What I really wanted to say was “H$&@ yeah!”

My mother told me last night they are not celebrating Christmas in any way this year. I am finding this very sad.

If you don’t want people to make fun of your child’s name perhaps don’t name her Abcde.

Thank goodness this week is over. This was the week from hell.

Google really is awesome. All the information one needs just from the input of a couple of words and the intelligence to know what is worthy of reading and what isn’t. (Many thanks to those who put credible, valuable information out there, of course.)

Kids today have no idea how fortunate they are to be able to miss the long hours in the library looking up info that is quite possibly outdated as they research. My mom’s generation has no idea how much is out there at the touch of their fingertips - esp those who shun computers completely. I suppose this is one case where I feel I’m at the correct point to really appreciate what’s there having the contrast of both worlds and not being afraid to use it.

Of course, it also makes one wonder what’s next that will make my grandkids feel we’re the old fuddie duddies!

I’m sure the daylong stomach upset was just a coincidence after eating at that restaurant/

This is the time of year when H and I are engaged in the thermostat wars. He’s always trying to edge the temperature up and I am always insisting it be lower. Ugh, 3-4 more months of this… 8-|

Purple (and gold) reign(s)!!! PAC 12 champs!!! Yeah!!! Go Dawgs! Rose Bowl - yeah!!!

Was that a lie? or an oversight? Laziness? Getting tired of the same behavior over and over.
And, yes, the normal thing to do would have been to ask me not act and then defend yourself. But then it really is always about you.

so many decisions coming out in the next week—i’m so anxious i can barely sit still