Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

My son is actually wearing the coat I bought him this year, and he decided he would take the boots I bought him a couple of years ago too. He even took the new pants that have been sitting in his closet for a couple of years, and the new shirt. (You’d have to know my son to understand why this is Noteworhty).

Dear Nordstrom, your commercial is great except that part where a guy walks through the store with a giant labradoodle is just awful. I have been a loyal customer for many years, but I am so sick of tripped over these spoiled pooches in your stores I am seriously rethinking my shopping strategy.

You chided my daughter and asked her to trust you and she felt bad about that. Make sure you stay trustworthy, she is counting on you to meet the deadlines for her letters of recommendation. She respects you so much, this is her life. Don’t disappoint her, please.

I am so hesitant wheter I should email my advisor/director and ask when I will get the letter or just wait it out…it’s been 2 days since they said “the letter will be email within a few days”, and I am nervous because the bill statmeent is due 4th.

Oh, son, things you post on Facebook have consequences. I know you have noble intentions, but this one could backfire big time. Your dad and I have learned, more than once, that it does no good for us to say anything. You’re an adult now and will have to deal with this yourself. :frowning:

When I shop for and prepare three dinners on Sunday, to be served throughout the week, and two of them are snarfed down by household members who decline to be involved in meal planning and who won’t eat the same dish twice in a week, don’t be surprised when you are on your own on the nights I have evening obligations.

I get an extra day off this week (condolences to the Bush family). I wonder if that makes it less likely we will get the day before Christmas off? I have more than enough leave, but it’s still fun to get unplanned paid days off.

Thanks for being trustworthy and following through.

Good thing that NCSU will cover the immunizations. I guess my undergrad health insurance is just a garbage then because I remember paying for every cent of immunization!

I like the new “Agree” button but what we really need is an “Everyone heard you the first time, shaddap already” button along with a “Boy, has THIS gotten off topic” flag.

Word of caution to any students on this forum. Take all acceptance threads with a grain of salt. Every year there are disingenuous students who stir the pot and wreak havoc by posting inaccurate or outright false outcomes. I see some have already started .

So thankful my son has a case manager who knows what she’s doing and is helpful!! :slight_smile:

No amount of college stress, or bad grades, or failing out should make any student ever consider suicide. If you are feeling despondent, please, please, please seek professional help.

I know we all have some blind spots about our kids, but yours are the biggest I’ve ever encountered.

I really really do not want to do this. I hope you step up today or it will be the last time I put myself out for you.You have interfered where you should not have and now things are going to be a mess. This mess will impact my life as well as my relationship with my kid. Shame on you for being so self centered and not seeing the repercussions.

So you have been unemployed for 5 months now and earned $1500 for schedule C income this year and don’t want to hand over a penny for taxes because you “don’t want to work for nothing”.

In other words you want me to work 70 hours of changing adult diapers to net enough to cover your taxes. In addition to all the other hours so you can get a weekly allowance and to cover all of our expenses.

Sounds fair to me. Said no one ever.

Ross-Simons I am not happy with you. Your customer service department said you would likely repair or replace my item for free. So I paid to send it back, and now you’ll do NOTHING. Why did I get my hopes up? Great customer service… NOT.
ETA - when I received the necklace I thought the Stone was much too heavy for the lightweight chain you put it on, but I didn’t want to hur my husband’s feelings by returning it. Now you say it can’t even be fixed. ARGHH!

DS was empaneled on a jury today.

Yes, I encouraged him to dodge the summons, which arrived like clockwork, while in college. I helped him stretch the truth, to avoid having to appear. It simply wasn’t possible for him to be present. No way would his mind have been available to fairly and without prejudice sit in eventual judgement of another.

Now, as an adult who is able to manage the rest of his life in a way to make this service possible, the defendant is danged lucky to have him sit in that box.

He and I would do it all in the same manner - again.

So now you called and say you have cancer. How sad that my first thought is that it’s another one of your lies. And my 2nd is to wonder how long it will be before you ask for money. it wasn’t today but it’s really like waiting for the other shoe to drop. I’ll probably feel guilty if I’m wrong. But based on past history, I’ll be much more surprised than guilty.

That’s the price of a lifetime of lies followed by attempts to “borrow” money - No one believes you whether it’s good news or bad.

My kid’s school has decided to cancel the only section of one of her full-year core subject AP classes midyear, so that the teacher can babysit a section of credit recovery (kids who fail a class are required to repeat it as a self-paced online class, so it literally is just sitting in the room and making sure they’re at least pretending to work - no actual instruction).