Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I do stuff for people anonymously, because I don’t want gratitude. Someone else’s kid is not less deserving of nice stuff than mine is, and kids don’t choose their family situation.

i just spent the whole afternoon editing a video. how’d i let myself get so distracted? i should’ve been studying. now it’s 2 am and i have school tomorrow.

When you announce that you will be leaving for supposedly greener pastures, please just pack up and go. If you do plan on being here for another week to tie loose ends, do spend your last days doing something productive instead of turning them into a non-stop farewell party fest. It is seriously disruptive for the people around you. Someday, someone will inquire about your performance at this place… and the partyfest will be the last thing they will remember.

I just wish you were tidier.

My previous surgical experiences have been pretty negative, from pre-op through recovery. This time the nurses were all wonderful. They were compassionate, helpful and professional. When one had trouble completing a task, she didn’t let ego stand in the way of calling in a more experienced colleague. That minimized my pain and made me feel better about the day to come. The anesthesiologist listened when I relayed prior adverse reactions and was sympathetic as he adjusted my planned meds. To top it off, afterwards the surgeon called me at home just to check in and make sure I didn’t have any questions or concerns. I sent a note to the hospital but sadly I only have the names of the two MDs. It’s a shame the nurses can’t be recognized. Next time, dh will bring a notepad and pen.

If you fired her because there’s a backstabber in the office, I’d really like to know who it is. And she deserved better. I pick diificult and knowledgeable over cheerful and incompetent every damn day.

Despite the odds, self-doubt, peer pressure, I got accepted. I was hiding alone in my room, preparing for the worst and this acceptance came out of nowhere. Hard work does pay off. Keep hustling.

grrr I hate that I have to pay a HUNDRED buck for the lost key! I swear I put it in my bag

As much as I enjoyed being out there on business, it’s so much better to be home. Now if someone would just come along and offer to do the two weeks of accumulated laundry…

I wish I had a magic wand that I could wave and make all this hate in our world disappear.

Not a popular move. I get it. You wouldn’t believe the backstory so I won’t bother to explain it.

11 hours in the ER today with my son, almost all of that time in a hallway. I know the medical professionals are doing their best, but really? I gave you his list of meds on arrival. When I later asked when he would be given them, you checked the computer and asked me about what it showed - the dosages were totally wrong! Off by a factor of four in one case. That is very scary. DH complained to a doctor and she said she would file an incident report.

Here’s hoping the Army game is nothing like the Michigan game.

Go Army! Beat Navy!

Sure, your company can call me to ask why $18.20 of an older bill is over a month late. Of course, I want to ask why the company diverted $18.20 of the bill I paid and applied it to the next month’s bill - totally different appointment. How did they even decide on that amount???

Yes, I saw the two come in with the one marked “overdue - pay immediately,” but honestly? I laughed and figured they could just get the whole thing when I paid the latter bill - on time. BTW… that was paid a bit earlier this week. I have the reference number in the email I got in return, so getting a call about it this morning sure seems odd. Glad you saw it all when you looked it up and I completely understand your frustration with your company too.

Medical billing never ceases to amaze me.

Oh, the irony.

I continue to be amazed at the blessings we receive. Lots of prayers answered - big thank you going up!

it continues to disappoint me that so many people have to focus on negatives. It’s poison. Also disappointing that a thread that was so dynamic for so many years is such a big bore now.

I am having SO MUCH FUN returning to CC after all these years. :smiley:

Another day in the hospital, another annoying nurse: If there are med orders for my son, fricking FOLLOW THEM. Just because you’re not used to administering a med for a particular condition does not make you an expert. When I finally got to see the doctor, hours later, he admitted he didn’t know why the med wasn’t given. He had to go out and convince the nurse to give the med!! I’m so annoyed. Every day in that place feels like a battle. I’m not usually a confrontational person, but I am now!

So your doctor who hasn’t even examined me knows better than my doctor? Really?