Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I tried, I really tried. I’ve never understood your fascination with that TV show, so this time I just shut up and watched with you for – what? An hour? Two hours?? And I still don’t get it, at all. I love you, but not your taste in entertainment.

‘Tis the season for the parental humblebrag. Always within the context of an unrelated 2018/2019 post. Your kid’s 1550 SAT in 2010 has a lot of staying power over the years. Merry Christmas all. :slight_smile:

Next episode in the hospital saga: Our son was unresponsive all day Saturday, at least until I left at 3:30. I called to check on him at 9 pm. I asked if he’d been given any fluids or nutrition. “Do you think you should give him fluids by IV?” The nurse’s exact words - “That’s a great idea!” @*#@($# Are you kidding me?? MOM has be the one to ask for fluids? DH was livid and insisted that someone call us. A doctor called us and we let him know we were not happy.

After that, we got more assistance. I’m sure we’re known as the PITA parents now, and I don’t care. I got to talk to two doctors today, one of them twice.

DH and I are both at the point that we don’t know how we can keep going, but we have to.

Peace on earth, good will to men.

I’m a little jealous of you. Your child has been admitted to her top choice and is done while mine will have to wait until March for results. I would never tell you this because you’re a dear friend with a child who deserves all the best, and I would never want to do anything to put a chill on your joy.

It’s finals week. Probably a tad too late to be asking for tutors, complaining about poor wifi when the school sent a emails and posted lists last summer telling students to bring ethernet cables, and unintelligible profs who are suddenly not going to eliminate their accents this week.

Not sure if parents are taking on their kids’ stress but it’s certainly not doing the students any favors to make excuses with them.

I sure wish the forum would require new posters to read the rules/policies and how to do search of the forum before posting the same, basic questions over and over and OVER.

MODERATOR’S NOTE: I’m using my moderator status to respond to this post (which is usually not permitted):

We DO require that. They don’t listen. They act insulted when we suggest that to them - “Nobody reads Terms of Service or site policies!” Sigh.

Someone hacked into my email account, I think because I was using public WiFi at the hospital. They sent out thousands of spam emails on it. They changed my password and locked me out of the account, although I was able to go in and verify it was my account and then reset the password.

They deleted all my emails, too, but fortunately those went into my “trash” folder for some reason (that doesn’t usually happen) so I didn’t lose them.

They signed me up for hundreds of newletter subscriptions.

They also ordered a $420 Apple watch to be delivered to our house! So I had to report the fraud and I will be getting yet another new credit card.

And now I get to go to the hospital and fight with the staff to take care of my son. Things will get better, right??

Hey, AT&T, if I don’t answer the phone the first time, calling back twice right after that isn’t going to have a different outcome. If its important, leave a message. If its a sales call, don’t.

You must hurt so deeply on the inside to be such a miserable person on the outside.

I’ve never understood why people feel totally comfortable telling you how to spend money for college. Would you be so willing to tell me how to spend my money on my home or car? Unfortunately, the people that would tell me how to spend money on college would also have strong opinions on my finances in general .

I know that several people on this thread could use good thoughts coming their way, one in particular. Sending good wishes & virtual hugs for better days ahead for all.

I tripped in my driveway and sprained my ankle. It’s a ton better but still swollen.

Just explaining all my posting today :wink:

Frivolous lawsuit of the moment - a person who lives in my very rural village is suing the village to ban camels. Yep. Camels.

Why, in the name of all that’s holy, would you not look at the actual CT scan before performing an invasive procedure? And now you casually flip off my concerns because you “didn’t find anything” and so had nothing to biopsy. I am NOT comforted by this. If we missed our chance to nip this in the bud because of this, there will be consequences. “I couldn’t find it” is an excuse I heard from my teenage sons when they couldn’t find a notebook or pair of shoes, and not something I’d expect from a hotshot JHU expert.

Dear Child, your text Saturday complaining about the school bus and how uncomfortable it was brought be back decades. As I texted back, imagine taking that bus everyday for four years at 6:45 AM in the dark and coming home after 5PM just to escape a bad neighborhood and attend a good high school. Spring forward many decades and you (my own) are on a school bus so protected and pampered that you have never even ridden on one. LOL. At a BS that costs more than most people make in a year. Crazy. The circle sure does come around. I do know that all I ever wanted was to have enough money and education not to live in a bad place and work for minimum wage. Thanks to the generosity of donors, I got a great college education. Glad to be able to give you a great education. Giving money to schools is so important this time of year. I love doing this. Not so you can ride a better bus, but so someone else can ride the bus at all. I hope some day you will understand the advantages you have. And give back.
Yes. The middle of the bus has the best temperature. And yes, you kids are pampered pooches. Thanks for being able to laugh at yourself.

Yay, the hospital finally got my son a regular room after he was in the ER for 73 hours! I think his care will be better now.

After a day serving very ill people, working as an elf is a great relief. At
MaryChrisMess House

Dear Little Brother,
Now that you’ve had a heart attack at 55, are you finally ready to quit smoking??
Please take care of yourself. We’ve already lost one little brother and couldn’t bear to lose you, too.
Your Sibs