Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

First time making CHallah…wish me luck

O.K., I don’t mean to sound like a Grinch, but … seriously…in my 30 minutes at Nordstrom yesterday, there were not 1, not 2, but 11 dogs. After tripping over one when I first arrived (sorry, pooch), I noticed them all. Really??? It was frickin’ busy with shoppers looking at lists/phones, many carrying bags and many excited children, yet these owners seemed convinced that the dogs would have a great time at the mall. And to the owner of the one I tripped over–I would not have tripped if YOU had been paying attention to the dog YOU dragged to the mall. Don’t be giving me your snotty attitude…leave your dog at home if you can’t watch it.

Aw, gosh I hate it when I don’t look at CC for a few hours and then the thread is closed before I even read it!

Not that I would have had anything to add to the excellent discussion, but that I so very much wanted to
“like” some of the lengthy, thoughtful comments our seasoned CCers gave…

You know who you are!

Edit: Just realized that I could still “like” and “agree” with comments on a closed thread. You all gave great advice - i hope the OP takes it to heart.

I hate to wish my life away, but I so wish I were old enough to retire. I don’t want to learn the new system. It doesn’t make one bit of sense to me, and I’m not dumb. It is not logical or intuitive. Totally horrendous. And I get stressed just thinking about it. I’ve been doing this line of work for 37 years. I’ve was here when everything was done with paper and a typewriter (I loved that IBM Selectric!) so I’ve embraced a whole lot of change over the years, but this one is totally ridiculous.

Need a hugs or a dislike ? button - sometimes agree like and helpful don’t quite fit (especially on this particular thread).

Challah bread was success!

Five invites for one on one Xmas get togethers with five different friends on five different nights over the last 10 days…every single one postponed. One was sick, one had a sick kid, one found herself too busy at work that day, one no excuse, one had already spent her allotted personal budget ?? What? …if I had done the initial invite call I’d think it was me but each of you called me to set something up. My time is also valuable, not to mention that I scheduled my the two work weeks accordingly. Thankful for a call late yesterday from an old friend that wanted to catch up and I was free then and there…we had a fantastic dinner and holiday martinis, it was a fun night !

I’m not sure what is going to happen. I’m not sure what I want to happen. I need to trust everything is going to work out as it should. Patience is not my thing.

To the anonymous person who plowed 90 year old FIL’s driveway clearing it of 13 inches of snow, thank you. I’d tell you in person if I could - and he’d pay you plus thank you if he knew who you were. It’s really, really nice knowing there are still awesome people out there willing to help with no pay or acknowledgement desired when the unusual happens leaving someone in need.

Are you really going to butt in front of me in a viewing line? We waited outside in the cold for almost an hour to pay our respects and once we are inside the wait is another 30 minutes. You and your adult daughter come in a side door and knowingly cut the line? And then to hear you speak I want to ring your kneck! Gossipy!
Then you get to the receiving line and you stand there and talk for ten minutes! How could you not see how uncomfortable you were making everyone? Trying to call people over. Can you not see my son next to you trying not to cry as he is waiting to hug his dear friend who lost a parent so young? Mind blowing.

I love that you shared that. It really warmed my heart.

It’s great that all the doctors agree on what the problem is and how to fix it. But…who is going to fix it, and how soon? It’s a major problem affecting her life. Do your jobs and provide the treatment. Today.

I cannot wait for this semester to be over. 6 days and 14 hours to go.

I cannot share with IRL friends, but I just found out from the mother of my 13 y/o’s best friend that she needs to go into hospice. She is not even 50 y/o and has three daughters at home. There was a rare progression of her cancer and she has no treatment options left. She was blindsided by the news yesterday. She was only diagnosed about 18 months ago. I’m devastated for her.

Why bother starting a thread with a bunch of questions to others that the OP really should answer as well?

Same old, same old.

Our neighbor gave us a beautiful watercolor of our house that I know was meant for me, since she wanted to do something for me. You took it and bought a horrible frame and got a mat cut and mounted it. Now I have to look at it in a frame that is WAY too heavy for the art. And it drives me crazy every time I see it. You have never gotten anything framed, even for your office. I always do it. There is a reason. I’m sure you meant to be nice, but I want to pound my head on the wall, because I cannot and will not say anything, like, “would you mind if I bought a slimmer frame and used the same mat?”

I know it sounds petty, but I find looking at it literally painful.

I will be silent. I will be silent…

Today I added you to my gratitude list because you are one marvelous bada##. You go, girl!

Very relieved - DS is doing so much better today! He was alert almost the entire time I was at the hospital. It looks as if he will be there a couple of weeks for intense treatment, but we are really encouraged. I called DH and he came down immediately. It’s the first time DH had seen DS alert since Friday. I feel like I can breathe again.

But I don’t want meds. I just want to feel better.

Oh, how I wish I could delete or “mark read” threads I care nothing about. They are ALWAYS there. :::::sigh:::::