Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I can’t believe in this day and age someone would reffer to a baby as “it” if they didn’t want to use or know the gender specific pronoun. What happened to using them/they?

BULLY- you know who. Repeat after self- we will survive this- history proves it. Time and time again. 2 more…

No more Christmas music 24/7! Got my oldies back. No more sappy same plot movies for another 11 months.

Hug your kiddos tight - life is so precious. S19’s classmate and teammate died in a car accident last night. They should be planning for college next year and now the family is planning a funeral.

To my middle son’s financial supporters: Thank you SO MUCH! It’s because of you that his goal to help Syrian refugees in Lebanon is possible. There’s no way we could swing it with two kids in college. You are making the world a better place, and probably changing the opinion that Lebanese people hold of Americans.

Dear Facebook “friend” keep your opinionated posts to yourself. You don’t know the family or even the late young girl’s name. Whether or not she wore a seatbelt is not public knowledge and does nothing to help those grieving. I will now unfriend you as I don’t need people like you even remotely in my world.

Speaking with d tonight. Would go to med school anywhere. I mention you are fluent in Spanish, what about Mexico if that was an option. Like a good family friend did and has been super successful pediatrician.

D. No way. Too dangerous and kidnapping. Way too scary there.

Hadn’t even crossed my mind. But she is probably right.

So sad. We have to be able to help a country so close to us and with so many dual citizens in USA. It might help with the poor migrants if the economy was more vibrant and opportunities.

I don’t know. Just feel bad how it is for so many in 2019.

I get my kids back for the holidays today! Merry Christmas for us happens on the 30th this year. I’ve been avoiding a lot of social media over the past four days, but now I don’t need to anymore. The tree still looks great, their stockings are hung, and all their presents are waiting. :slight_smile:

Also - my oldest turns 16 today! I am
so proud of my fierce, intelligent, sweet, brave daughter. And what a fun time for her - she will wake up this morning in her friend’s house surrounded by her best buddies before being transported back home to me, and I am so happy she gets to spend a lot of time with her good friends AND her family on her birthday.

I need to realize that you will never stop complaining. You don’t want to make your situation better. You want to wallow and have a pity party. Just understand that it makes it miserable for anyone to be around, and you will alienate your friends and family.

I told you TWICE to cancel the service on 30th, but you must have been smoking weed to have put 28th instead…I hate you comcast.

You were absolutely hateful at a family wedding and close family member’s funeral this year. Why send a Christmas gift? We put that ritual in the rear view mirror, same place you put your relationship with our family. Some things can’t be unheard and no need to go through the motions on our account.

The 7 levels of hell, Verizon ~X(

I have not looked at Silicon Valley RE in ages… holy JPMorgan! We here have long ways to catch up with that insanity!!

Thinking about it all in retrospect – it was extraordinarily difficult. I really feel bad that you had to go through all that by yourself.

How the #%#%#% did you let yourself get into that fix? Why didn’t you tell us sooner? Digging out of that mess is going to take longer and be much more expensive that it needed to be. I just hope that your mom is in better shape than you are.

The job is not coming to you!!! You are graduating in May and your resume is not even done!!

I wish I could be a daughter again instead of a caregiver. How nice that sister can still claim that and brother can still be a son. Someone’s got to do it though, since it won’t be either one of them, but it’s taking its toll on me and my health. The decline of the both of you is substantial but I will try my best to keep you both in your home.

Ugh, the fun just keeps coming. Middle son was driving on icy roads last night and flipped our old car. Good news is that he wasn’t hurt. Remember that discussion about getting kids short-term medical insurance? I couldn’t get him a policy for December because of his bleeding disorder. He will be on our Anthem policy starting January 1. If he had gotten hurt, we would be up a creek. The car is a total loss, but it had 190,000 miles on it and was on its last legs, anyway. I’m tired.

Ha, I’ve been lurking for roughly a year and finally joined a few months ago since DD is now a Sophmore. I just noticed the little icons, for example, “helpful” below each post. So many times I thought posts were so informative or I heartily agreed with them. SMH, old age eyes I guess, lol. Oh the joys of being middle aged. Well, thank you fellow CC’ers for all your “helpful” posts. Know that you are appreciated more times than not.

I don’t mean to sound like the Grinch.

But a couple of really lovely friends and relatives are driving me to distraction on facebook.

They’re big animal people. I get that. But they post thread after thread after thread urging everyone to adopt a poor defenseless animal.

I’m on the verge of unfollowing them simply because I’m getting really tired of being berated on their choice of charities.

We all do what we can to help those we can. But I’m really sick of being lectured every time I check into facebook to see how my family and friends are doing.

Let’s make a deal: I won’t barrage you with my pet causes if you’ll do the same, OK?

And, PS, I already have a dog, 3 kids, a husband, a full time job and an elderly mom. I give extra help every day after school. I have an extra curricular activity at school. I picked up an extra Calculus class-- a course I haven’t taught in 18 years-- just before Christmas when one of the teachers got ill. I tutor 3 hours a week on top of teaching. My time and energies are pretty well spoken for.

So what are you doing for my pet causes?

As Medina often opined, numbers will not save you.