Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Looks like we really will have no kids at home starting Jan 1st. They all graduated from college, and youngest (May 2018 graduate) is moving into an apartment in January. He was hit from behind recently, and his car was declared a total loss. He’s decided he’s moving close to metro and will do without a car. I think it’s a good move for him, and I’m really happy he decided to pay a little more and go with a place that’s very safe. His rent Is fairly expensive, but he is taking over someone’s lease, so it’s only for 7 months. During that time he can figure out what he likes and dislikes, and where he really wants to live. I’m already missing him, and our cat will be beside herself.

I have worried about our widowed friend disappearing from our lives 3 years ago. You have heard me talk about her and wonder if we offended her in some way. Tonight I nearly tossed a Christmas card from her that you never mentioned and you did not leave the envelope with it. Then you tell me to “calm down”? It would have been such a relief to have checked her zip code and see where she ended up. You at least made sure we have her current local address. There is not a chance in the world that I would have “forgotten” to mention the card to you. So yes, really annoyed.

OMG my mom got a job interview after she applied to Belk! I really hope she gets it…too bad the interview is on the same day as she flies into Jan 1st in the midnight. Wish us luck people!

Just exactly what does back off mean? I’m supposed to agree with everything, I’m supposed to be ok with this person calling me every time they have a problem and not care that they never call me to see how I am doing? Tired of being a doormat

You and your incendiary comments need to move on.

I’m sitting here in the other room, hearing you talk to each other. The love and respect is so evident. I am so proud of you, and so grateful that you met him.

People are far too politically correct these days everyone is so afraid of offending someone they say nothing and cannot make decisions. Scary world 2018! Lawsuits for anything said, done, pretty soon it will be thought too!!

Today may be the final day of youngest living at home.
Wow, they are growing up…

Please pay me for my 2018 work so I can close the books. Your delay is causing me stress. Plus I’d like to have that money.

Midnight just past here, Happy New Year! Everyone!

I think I am getting very old… I just don’t get the folks who are determined to stand for hours under pouring rain to watch the ball drop in NYC or to sqwat out a square foot of Canada goose-filled grass at Gas Works to watch the fireworks at the Needle.

Idiot Child has apparently gotten on an airplane with a phone that froze to death while trying to upgrade. How will she contact her friend who is going to pick her up? The friend whose phone number she doesn’t have memorized and whose name I don’t know (because everything with her has to be ultra private…). She can’t call Lyft or Uber so she’ll have to Metro somewhere and/or take a regular taxi. But does she know the address where she’s staying? Probably not. If she takes Metro to the Apple store will they help her? Yeah, probably some time next week!

And meanwhile her half feral dog is outside living in my shed and it’s going to rain for the next 3 days straight. Arghghghghghgh! Happy New Year to me…

I think they have monkeys working at the Social Security Administration. And not even trained monkeys.

Idiot Child somehow found her friend at the airport even though she had no working phone and no idea what type of car he would be in. Other friend fixed her phone. I should be happy but I’m a bit chagrined. Wish she had more of an imagination for disaster, like I do.

Her dog is not happy. Dog will likely give her grief when she returns.

You would disown me if you knew how much I’ve Googled this girl and her family. =))

There are nice ways to tell people that they are wrong. Just saying.

Mom, so good to have you - and in reasonably good health (considering your cancer) in 2019! You proved the “experts” wrong (though we all know the end is still in sight).

Would love to have you at your Grandson’s wedding in June… Just sayin’ - here anyway. Won’t say the latter part IRL because I don’t want you feeling bad if you can’t make it.

My son never heard from the apartment rental company, so he didn’t get to move in to his apartment yesterday. Now he may have to take a day off work for the move, but we will likely get most things taken care of Saturday. It’s frustrating because his rental car is due back Friday, and he has to work long days starting tomorrow. My husband and I will likely be making multiple trips with his stuff. But I’m happy to have him here for another couple of days.

Day one of the New Year and already you are starting fights with me and dad!!! Really, could not wait for Jan 2nd :frowning:

How you treat people eventually comes back to you. Users get theirs in the end, and I can’t wait for the other shoe to drop.