Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I’m so angry and resentful about some things at work that I cannot change. I thought I was better than this but I guess not. It’s only a been three weeks and so far I’ve been able to put a good face on it, but I can feel it beginning to crack. I think it’s time for me to take that kick boxing class again, it was a great release. For now, I will take a deep breath and focus on the work not the people around me.

Sometimes peace doesn’t flutter in as forgiveness, sometimes it comes through payback.

Saddle up.

No, there is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog.

It’s crazy how many people simply don’t know how to do their job. Out there just faking it.

So you can’t see your daughter’s first real solo presentation (that’s in front of a large audience of a national organization - this is a big deal!) because you scheduled one of your own many many talks on the same day? And you claim you need the money you are getting for that presentation for what.? The $700,000 farm you bought for your new (very young) girlfriend, or your brand new six figure Tesla…? Or is it that you really can’t stand it when someone else in the family gets public attention…? Could you at least apologize to your daughter for your imminent absence?? She’s a good kid and she deserves so much better. I wish your ego wasn’t more important to you than your own children.

Hubbies original Social Security card clearly states ‘Not To Be Used for Identification’. And yet the CA DMV requires it as proof of identity for the newly required Real ID. Government is a funny thing…

You don’t know your place. I’ll have to take care of this, because I won’t be happy until I do. I hate hate hate confrontation.

I promised myself I would just let it all wash over me … give me my paycheck & I will ignore what is going on. But it’s just so hard. A few months ago, I was an indispensable professional who knew my job backwards and forwards. Today I am … I am not sure what. Am I in the Twilight Zone??

One year to retirement (if I don’t get fired in the meantime). The count down continues.

You know I love you, but this week you have all been away has been the most serene, peaceful, and relaxing of my entire life. Practicing looking happy to see you and forlorn so everyone can be satisfied that I missed you all every single second.

Great new exercise plan: called a chatty friend as I was leaving a store- drove to the gym from the store, ran for 1/2 hr on the treadmill and then drove home, and I never had to say a word!

Nice to go out for dinner with DS tonight. Awful that he’s home for another wake today and funeral tomorrow. At 26 years old he’s been to more memorial services in the past 10 months than I have in the past 20 years. There’s something so wrong about that - and about him saying he prefers celebrations of life. He shouldn’t be thinking about that at his age.

His grandmother’s memorial service was the first and was sad but not tragic as she’d lived a long life and was ready to be done with fighting cancer. His 25 year old childhood friend and roommate’s fight against his glioblastoma was so tragic and so hard but all the friends were there to support each other. And all the parents were there to support all the kids too. Next was his college friend who had a sports injury that turned into a drug problem and OD’d.

Now it’s his best friend’s cousin who committed suicide the night before New Year’s Eve. The family we spend Christmas Eve with and who always welcomes us in. The 30 year old much loved only child. The service tomorrow is going to be so hard but we will be there to support our friends as they are mourning their nephew/cousin and know that their lives will never be the same. I can’t believe the deaths we’ve mourned in the past year - I really hope that this is the last one for a very long time. The young ones are so devastating to so many! But one bright spot I heard today - the local “kids” all chipped in for a wine basket for Christmas for the mother of their GBM friend. I’m so glad they have each other and that they remembered him with this gift to her.

I submitted precast concrete shop drawings to the architect a MONTH ago, and it took that long for him to answer ONE big question we submitted along with the drawings. He flat-out rejected the drawings without even reviewing the many, many other questions on the drawings. So I took 10 minutes to revise the drawings based on the one answer and resubmitted them yesterday.

So now when Mr. Architect returns the drawings in a couple of weeks, everyone will go nuts when I tell them I’m going on vacation for two weeks and can’t release the pieces for fabrication until the middle of February. Boo hoo.

You continuously post political propaganda and then take offense when someone calls you out? You will end a 20 year friendship because you believe they called you a racist? We are all playing with fire when we voice our opinions, if you can’t take it, don’t dish it. Many of us are tired of holding back when you never do.

Sure, UPS, I totally believe you. You tried to deliver a package to me last night. Amazingly, none of us heard the doorbell, not even the dog, who goes berserk when someone knocks or rings the bell. I also believe you “just forgot” to leave an attempt to deliver notice. I also believe you “didn’t feel comfortable” leaving my package on the porch due to “concerns about security of the package,” even though I have a stone arch at my front door which easily hides packages, and we have a guarded security gate who has no record of such an attempt.

Sure, I believe you…

FB friend, why are you posting photo after photo of snow from where you were 5 years ago? Snow in the parking lot, snow on your car, snow on the side of the road. Boring. Move on.

The IMF. I love it!!!

Laughing out loud!! A large chickadee chased the hummers off their feeder. Checked the feeder… his eyes grew large, “Yuck, what is THAT? Sticky, icky, not edible!!” He left in disgust. Go catch some bugs, fella!

I think it is very sad when women can’t stand up for each other. What they would give a pass for a man they wouldn’t for a woman. I never thought I would judge someone by the (political) stand they take.

Fighting with myself over my muffin tops and my love for See’s candy! Part of me despises the muffin top over my jeans, and the other part wants to just say,“Who cares?!? Eat the chocolate!”