Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

The nest is now empty, and the house is cleaner already. I LOVE my kids, and I have actually enjoyed having the youngest around since graduation, but I am looking forward to getting rid of a bunch of stuff and making the place neater.

You are not being careful. You want this too bad and you are not being careful.

Absolutely love our neighborhood and love that the grown up kids are still so close and are there for each other through the good and bad times. And the new spouses and SO’s are great too. They just need to find some for DS and his best friend who are both still single! The other guys have chosen so well and it’s nice to get to know the new young women.

And as an aside it was awesome to FaceTime with DD today! Really hoping that the next time we talk doesn’t have me conveying bad news from this end. Too much of that lately.

Dear Husband: I do love it that you took middle kid up to our cabin in the Maine mountains in the middle of winter. I trust you to be safe, I really do. But you told me you would be HOME late tonight. You texted me at 5:30 pm that you were still at the cabin. Fine. Then I waited and waited and waited, along with texting you multiple times to see where you were. AT 12:30 AM, you finally write, “A OK” and then “cabin.” WTH? Then you say you’ll be home by noon tomorrow. GRR!! Not even “sorry.” It’s going to be hard for me to keep my temper when you get home.

It’s surreal that you were here a couple days ago and now you are on the other side of the planet. I really miss you already, a lot.

Love our neighborhood but not sure I can pay these property taxes as I start planning for retirement. The monthly amount I set aside for them is getting too close to the amount of the house payment itself!

Here we go again. O’dark-thirty and we’re taking you to the airport. The holiday is now officially over for me and a bit of depression is setting in. It will always be this way, I guess.

On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog. Nuff said :o3

So while I’m trying to be so careful with a healthy, very low carb diet, you decide to make yourself waffles for breakfast? That was pretty thoughtless

You put the PRO in procrastination but, I have to let it go & not stress about it.

What is the value in this friendship if you only want me to cheer for your successes but never are there to be happy for mine?

We went out of our way to call you so you could talk to your GD before she left to go back to school and not only could you not manage two kind words to her, you berated her very ill grandmother, and made the call 100% about you. Worst yet, you have no idea how hurtful you are being to your family. Thanks for being the guidebook of how not to parent and grandparent.

All day long I think of (mean spirited) things to post here. Then I log in and can’t remember what annoyed me so much. Is that good or bad?

With the recent holidays and vacation time off, tomorrow starts the first five-day week I have worked in more than a month. And the boss will be back from vacation so I have to look busy, even though we are not. Just 5-1/2 more years. Seems like an eternity.

No wonder so many kids don’t think the rules apply to them when their parents believe the same thing. Personal accountability people. Personal accountability.

Stop cyber-stalking your former frenemy to see where she’s applying to college and where she’s accepted. It’s not your business. Yes, she’s a rude and spoiled kid, but you know what? She may very well get into an Ivy, who knows. Life isn’t fair. Sometimes nasty people get things they do not deserve. But who cares? It doesn’t affect your own life trajectory one little bit. Her acceptances this year will not affect your college admissions process (two years from now!) in the slightest. So stop wasting your time and move on – this is only keeping you in a negative energy state. Refocus your energy on your own schoolwork and ec’s. Her life is her own and yours is yours.

Whoever found my debit card - which I got 2 weeks ago - and reported it, thank you, and I wish you great fortune this year!

Before making recommendations regarding schools to look at for merit opportunities, it would be helpful if you actually knew what the requirements are to qualify and what stats the student has. Suggesting a school without knowing this information is not helpful .

Every time I see a “Chance Me” thread with a spelling error in the header I want to reply “0%”. When I see a “will i get in” title with no caps I want to reply “No.”. When I see a “Why didn’t I get into X” query with grammatical or sentence structure errors I want to tell them it was due to their poor proofreading. I don’t actually reply to any of the threads because it would be mean-spirited and unkind; most of the thread starters are on their phones and this isn’t an essay contest site. But
 I still want to.

Dear bank VP: when I needed to change account numbers because my checkbook was stolen and you asked for the outstanding checks with payee and amount written, that was supposed to mean that you would honor those checks. Instead of causing me to be notified by my mortgage holder and two utilities that I sent bad checks. And yet you did allow two other checks to be cashed. What the hay?

And I can’t write checks from my new account because I still haven’t received any three weeks later. Perhaps I should’ve changed banks instead of accounts!!

And dear husband of mine, if you receive an email from a utility company saying we’ve sent a bad check, do not assume it is a scam and wait an entire week to casually mention it.