Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Dear Wonderful Senator in My Wonderful State:

Thank you for getting in touch with me so quickly to help me resolve my Social Security mess. I hope this gets fixed really soon!!

Why do you feel the need to chime in and “correct” everyone? You aren’t listening to what’s actually being said. You don’t come across as knowledgeable, you come across as arrogant and obnoxious. Go find a hobby.

What a beat down!

The answer is 23.457. That’s how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. Geez. Enough already

My suffering through a botany class in college (OMG, that prof was a villain!) is finally being useful - not just for my home gardening crusades. :slight_smile:

An old friend of mine — we go back to when we were freshmen in HS — did something for me today that was unexpected, kind & generous.

I accepted graciously, but I feel a mixed up jumble of joy plus shame and questioning my worthiness.

I hope one day I can return the favor, if not to this friend, to someone else.

I really need to stop adding books to my “want to read” list! :smiley:

I feel very sad and a bit concerned. D has been sharing with step mom the thought of transferring. Really tough first semester with being quite ill and tough time making a friend group. As a validectorian with a super star profile she received options for full scholarships and passed them up for one of her “top” choices. 72k later and now this.

Step mom has convinced her to take advantage of free coping and counseling at women’s center. Not optional for us at this point and she is onboard. Break seems to have refreshed. And said will give it another semester. Grades came back fantastic despite a heavy course load. Lightened up a bit on heavy science except for two with labs for q2.

Just think being sick and heavy course load made it difficult. Especially friends wise. Probably some depression too.

I am very worried. About her happiness but also pulling herself up by the britches and dusting herself off for another inning.
That’s why we hope having someone to talk to professionally can help.

Two weekend retreats planned in the first month back. One on cape cod with other freshman at the school owned retreat and the other a women’s empowerment and mentoring weekend for freshmen girls. I hope these help her make some more friends and relax a bit too.

As a dad who loves her very much I just want to be supportive but I also know you have to fight through things in life too. Only child so I don’t have any other experience.

Felt like I was gonna cry on the first day, but I alreayd have some ideas for my thesis
hope they don’t blow up.

I wish people would figure out the difference between principal and principle and use the correct word in both spoken and written communications.

Passive aggressive behavior is not becoming, you know. Treat others as you would want to be treated.

Wish I could pound my fists on a table and still keep my job.

I’m going to sleep on it one more night, but I"m pretty sure I"m going to quit this interim, part-time job tomorrow. They pulled me out of a lovely retirement for it, and the money’s great – but so is my sanity. One woman is making me crazy, and I’m too old and life’s too short for me to bother with any of this. And when the grandbaby comes, I want to be able to fly down to meet him/her and not worry about anything.

I came to this conclusion tonight and since then, I"ve been feeling very relaxed. But, I’ll sleep on it one more night before I tell them.

It wasn’t easy reaching out and making that phone call. But I am so very glad I did.

Thank you to the Wells Fargo mortgage payment officer who agreed to speak on the phone to my blankety blank bank manager and tell her directly that “yes, your bank DID refuse to honor the check that you had designated as authorized before my account was frozen and that the error was the bank’s and not mine”.

Now, Fulton, how about paying my bad check fees for me since they weren’t bad checks but checks YOU refused in error?

It’s too bad when you’re in a group that is open to everyone, and then 1 person joins who is so obnoxious that over time everyone else ends up leaving. For this particular group I decided that tonight was my last night. I’ve a headache from the decibel level that this 1 person chooses to speak at, and of course he hogged the conversation and didn’t let others get in more than a few words. And then he kept bringing up politics in an aggressive manner (made me embarrassed that I’m with the same party). What a bore!

Surprised that Nordstrom customer service has deteriorated to the point that when an order is improperly handled and delayed over weeks, with error compounding error, that associates have no options but to cancel the order. This after hours on the phone to trace it down multiple times, it showing up as delivered on my account, though it had never shipped and failure to provide promised follow ups. Other retailers seem to move immediately into offering some courtesy mode (perhaps overnighting it?) without a request. Nordstrom policy prohibits any consideration of the customer and accountability on their part. I have been schooled.

Good managers don’t send out global emails to 100 people to reprimand “those of you who haven’t completed X.” That makes the 95 people who have completed X spend 20 minutes checking to see if they did or not (because X was a stupid task that took 5 minutes and was done months ago). While the five people who didn’t complete task X blithely ignore the email. Good managers take five minutes to write a personal email to the five people who didn’t complete task X telling them to get their butts in gear. If there was just a simple test of this knowledge before any managers were ever hired, the world would run so much more efficiently.

OMG, just when I think things can’t get worse, they do. We are furious that the hospital didn’t inform us how bad DS’s outbursts have been - three since December 17. Really, really bad. :frowning: If we had been told, we would have been down there immediately, questioning the treatment that seems to be connected to the violence. DS has always been the most gentle, kind soul imaginable.

congratulations, mom! After 2 weeks of unemployment you got hired by Belk! Now, get ready to commute for an hour until you get a car.