Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I would say that you people are worse than gangrene, but that really isn’t fair to gangrene.

Poor, poor little misunderstood woobies :-j

My S and DIL bought a house yesterday. The one I saw on the internet and thought would be perfect for them! I didn’t tell them about it, though, because I didn’t want to butt into their business, plus I figured it would sell the minute it hit the web, which it did, but it was my kids who bought it! They are excited and so am I!

Yes, even though I had an appointment, I had to wait a very long time in a system that I will never figure out to see the doctor for the results of a recent MRI to monitor a very rare type of benign mass on my liver. It’s always worth the wait though. Once in his examination room he gave a very thorough discussion of the results and recommendations for future monitoring. He showed me the results on his computer screen. I realize we probably wait longer because they make sure we are scheduled with a doctor who speaks English. Always a shocker at the end is the bill that you pay going out the door. The equivalent of about $7 USD! I am scared to return to the American medical system.

O am beyond sad that distribution of federal hunting permits is an essential government service continuing during a shutdown, but distribution of food stamps is not.

Finalist for the scholarship!!! Seems like an affordable college education is just within reach :slight_smile:

To all of you reading this on your phones while you are driving…like the no less than 20 people I saw doing so on the way to work this morning…

Put your F$%#ing phones down and pay attention to the road! :-w

The Egg Drop Soup lived up to its name. Made a big mess in my hotel room when I dropped it. No housekeeping until morning, plus I get to pack soggy clothes in my suitcase.

You did a great sales job on me, told me what I wanted to hear, and then couldn’t deliver what you promised…which you knew you couldn’t in the first place. Now we don’t even want it anymore, but you’re not going to refund our 50% deposit. You were helpful and accommodating until you got the deposit…then you turned into a jerk.

But I am vindictively ignoring your calls, emails and texts, pretending that I still might want it. Just so I can get a little thrill when I realize that if I delay it for a few more days, you can’t resell it at the boat show. This isn’t my personality, but you never apologized or took any responsibility, not one time. All it would take is one small, “I’m sorry for the misunderstanding”.

Then again, a bird just crapped on my head when I was running, so maybe karma isn’t in my favor. :frowning:

Maybe some remember the 90s version of the movie “Sabrina” and the line lobbed at Harrison Ford that he was regarded as the world’s only living heart donor. I’m convinced there is more than one.

I’m worried that there’s a recession coming. A millionaire I know is freaked and starting to protect himself and his assets. If he’s freaked, should I be panicking? I’m worried about my children’s future & economic prospects. I’m worried about my country.

I keep seeing ads/tweets/postings about how Taco Bell is bringing back “nacho fries” - and now all I can think about is how I’m going to recreate a version of these for dinner…is it dinner time yet?? :slight_smile:

I got the job!!! I am moving on from one that I have had for almost 20 years, and it was my first interview in at least a decade – with 11 people no less. I’m in my late 50s and really worried that ageism would make this hard. But in this case it seems it didn’t matter, even though most of the people I met there are younger than me. So I’m happy, even though my current employer didn’t even so much as say “Sorry to see you go,” when I told him.

I wish I’d been a better Mom back then. We did the best we could. You must have both been so scared, and we were too. I’m glad you didn’t die.

You are driving me crazy, child. You are still turning in assignments half-done and at the last minute in the class you don’t like, while acing assignments in advanced classes that are three grades ahead of your age. The thing is, it doesn’t matter if you don’t like the other class. You have to do the work anyway because you are already IN the class. Being smart and advanced in certain subjects does not make up for shoddy and incomplete work in the other course. That’s not how it works. And you should have learned this by now. And I am worried you are going to behave the same way next year, in 9th grade when it “counts.” You’ll ace AP Calc BC and barely get a C in some other, nonhonors class you don’t like. You say you want a shot at a very selective school. Well guess what? Brains aren’t enough. You lack humility and I don’t know what else to do about it, and I hate to see you fail just because you can’t be bothered to turn in something you’ve decided is busywork. You might not agree with the importance of the assignments, but that doesn’t mean you can just blow them off.

Your lack of maturity with this kind of thing is going to bite you in the bottom. I don’t know what else I can do but just watch you fail, and that is going to break my heart. I already have your phone and you’ve already been grounded from everything and you still aren’t changing your behavior. I need a magic wand.


To the woman who comes to my gym class. I know it’s not a huge deal but I’m curious why you bother to come to class when you don’t participate and at most move the one lb weights you pick around a few times. It’s very crowded and someone else would love the space your mat takes up.

Please, please, please, please…

Just when I stop worrying about one thing, a new thing to worry about comes up.

It seems like there are a few posters who will debate just about anything.