Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Dear big donor,

You’re a lush and an idiot, and no, we’re not coming back to the office to meet with you an hour before our huge annual fundraising event, at which we expect over 500 people, to answer a trivial housekeeping question. We have actual work to do.

There’s a reason we privately refer to you as “f…ing [your name].”

^Okay, now that I’ve calmed down a bit after being stood up by you twice today at meetings you requested, I should add that I am grateful for what you have promised us. I should have called you potential big donor because as of yet it’s all promises, but if you do come through for us you will help us help a lot of people, and we will be tremendously grateful.

I just wish you would stop drinking and pull your act together so I could feel that gratitude now instead of this annoyance.

Many folks on my Twitter and FB timelines could benefit from reading the book Pro-Choice and Christian.

Ooohhh… getting a new adopted grandkitty today! We’ve been examining the possibilities online with med school lad and are rejoicing with him that we have a winner! He gets to send out pics and announcements to all other family members, but I needed to share somewhere! I love hearing him talk about how he connects with his choice - and vice versa. There is a medical issue involved and who better than a med school student to have as your new “dad” when you have a medical issue. One lucky older, but still a kitten is going from being found on the streets to having a forever awesome home today and med school lad will have a buddy to share life with.

Now to plan a visit within the next month… pictures only go so far, after all. :wink:

Screw you, Belk! The associates get commissions only when they sell 960$ worth of handbags, and under that limit they get none?

I HATE irresponsible dog owners. So unfair to the poor animal.

HEY WORLD! I get to see “Hamilton” again - and on my birthday! Happy birthday to me!

I hate it when people have it in for you and are always on your case

Hey Ex, our 16-year-old daughter did really well speaking in front of a full house at a national organization for 45 minutes this morning. She was great. I was so proud. Her first presentation and she knocked it out of the park. But hey, I guess you had better things to do than attend. Traveling with your very young girlfriend was far more important, I understand. Even though you knew about this presentation for months.

To those who boarded the plane ahead of me and put their carry-ons in the overhead compartment…along with their backpacks, jackets and purses…so that there is no more room for actual carry-ons…

I’m gonna go gate check my carry-on now. So I can sit in baggage claim after we land and enjoy the airport a little more…rather than get straight home to my family.

Thanks. :-w

I’m going to be a great aunt again! Only my sister, BIL and I know!

Ds1 is in at his first grad school … the one right down the road from us! Woot! Kind of hoping he ends up back here. :slight_smile:

You may feel like you got your way when I present the change to the faculty, but in reality, you can’t have it both ways.

My company can give people an apprenticeship in several trades - we pay for your education and pay for you to sit in class. I just had a mom call for her son to get an apprenticeship. I invited HIM to send in an application or resume for our review. She asked me to send her an email so she could reply to it. Something tells me he won’t become a candidate.

DW home in bed with a fever of 103.8, her first unplanned day off for at least 20 years. She is not going in tomorrow, either. Mostly I feel bad for her, but it’s not great for her patients who need to reschedule either.

Wash your hands and get enough sleep everyone. Stay healthy. There are lots of bugs going around right now.

Argh! The electric bill was way up this month from plugging in the electric car! Almost as bad as buying gas. Need to see if we can add another PV panel or more. ??

Just because a word is short, that doesn’t mean it should be CAPITALIZED.

I knew I was wasting my time writing that email.

I’m sad that our electric bill jumped up with the holidays. Will see what hapo makes now that there are just two of us in the house again. Hope plugging in the electric car isn’t increasing our electrical use THAT much.

I finally understand what has been going on for so many years.
You are seriously messing with the wrong person. I was raised by the biggest narcissist that ever existed.
I just did not understand “covert” but now the I do you do not stand a chance on gaining influence over me.
I am beginning to enjoy playing with you…