Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Starting my last semester! Almost time to look for a job. Well, after I take that pesky licensing exam…

She retested as positive for Influenza A after testing negative on Saturday. She had the flu shot, too, back in October.

I’m going to blow through that Costco pack of Clorox wipes.

It turns out… I’m not all that fond of change.

To the person who sends me the most thoughtful and best PM’s. Thank you and I appreciate you so much.

I love the advice more than I can say.

I HATE Comcast. Nearly 6 hour outage with poor communication all along the way. GRRRRR.

I would like to take all the old farts who brag about how they walked uphill to school in all weathers when they were young and send them outside in the -40 degree weather tomorrow, dressed in typical college student budget boots, jacket, hat and gloves and have them walk a couple of miles carrying a backpack. It would do them good and since they are so tough and not pampered like this younger generation I am sure frostbite wouldn’t set in.

Please STOP using capital letters to emphasis your point. YOU know who you are. It is very condescending.

It seems so selfish to want one more after getting so many when some have none, but…

Your turn will come. And I can’t wait.


It was a pleasant surprise to find a 1/2 inch of snow and a school is closed announcement pushed out this morning. It would have been brutal for our maintenance staff to try clearing the parking lot, many students would have been absent as they had to stay home with their kids, flu is going around enough to notice, etc. I’m thankful that my college administration seems smarter than the public figure who opined that we are all getting soft yesterday when responding to the cancellation of public schools in response to record cold temperatures.

I can’t believe my dh went on a business trip, which his boss told him to cancel, and left me to deal with this ancient house in these bitter temps. I barely slept last night, and the dog’s tongue froze on a piece of snow this morning (dog is fine but note, canine tongues are as vascular as humans’ and he scared me to death). The hot radiator heat is not keeping up with the demands of the house and we still have 24 hours to go of -20/-55 WC temps. GRRRRRR

Praying no one loses power in this cold.

This is life with my husband:

He is currently hospitalized for complications from his November surgery. Wants a shower. Nurse set him up but he won’t take one because in order to keep his left arm outside the shower stall to protect his IV site he has to have his back to the shower head and the only correct way to shower is to face the shower head.

No he is not on the spectrum. Just a jerk.

Today is my dad’s birthday. I called him to visit for a bit and found out their furnace broke last night. The repair guy was just finishing up when I called, so their heat is back on OK today.

I don’t know why they shivered all night in the midwest cold when my sister lives a mile away and would have let them come there.

I knew you were getting frailer but it didn’t really hit me till we went on the trip. It really hit home seeing you in places outside of your comfort zone and how difficult you found it and how confused & flustered you got. I started crying when my office manager (poor woman) asked me how you are doing with your pain. You’ve been through and survived so much, can’t believe these back issues and the constant pain that comes with them are bringing you down when blood clots and a cancer with a very low survival rate could not. Though they played a part as you are not a candidate for the surgery that might help your pain because of them.

With an 11 year age difference I knew it was likely I’d outlive you. But you’re only 76 & I’m not ready yet.

Dear Mom and Dad,

Two years ago one of you was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and Alzheimer’s, the other was in hospice, suffering from multiple myeloma and serious heart issues. We were told to have the kids come home early from college to say goodbye.

Next week you’re going on a cruise. The Alzheimer’s was a misdiagnosis, the pancreatic cancer a benign tumor. The multiple myeloma is in remission and the heart issues stabilized.

I never want you to know just how hard that time was for all of your children and how many thing we gave up to be with you, but I will continue to tell you that I feel, so, so, so fortunate to have you still here and an active part of our lives.

Thanks, neighbor!

You didn’t shovel the snow…and now there’s ice all over your sidewalks.

So, I didn’t bring bags on our walk…and now there’s dog $#!^ all over your yard.

Wow, we need a dislike/what?? button.

Wow. Everything is happening at once. S and DIL expecting baby in April with showers in February and March. Same S and DIL just went on contract for a house and will be moving end of February or early March. Mom and Dad just learned they are off the waiting list and their senior apartment will be available March 1. They will move and then clean out 60-years of accumulation in the house I grew up in and put it up for sale. I already have a short trip booked for the first week of March. Luckily, S and DIL will probably not require much of me, but parents will. I will end up packing up that house, cleaning it, and getting it ready to sell because my mother doesn’t even know where to start. Not to mention I am in the middle of my own DIY kitchen update. And I work full time.