Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Please let him be found safe.

Why canā€™t I lose 5 lbs, and why does it bother me so much? And why canā€™t I punch people who tell me Iā€™m ā€œfineā€. Who aspires to ā€œfineā€?

Someday I hope you look back and regret the decision to cheat on my son. Youā€™re not worthy.

AAAAAAUUUUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH Not just the taxes, but a penalty TOO?! Why am I even bothering to work at this pointā€¦

DD had an interview for a co-op. Sheā€™s so excited about this company. Iā€™m on pins and needles waiting to hear if she makes it to the next round of interviewing.

4ā€¦just 4!

Coulda been 9? :wink:

Iā€™m sure there are benefits to drinking minerals from the sea, but ā€œsea min drinkā€ isnā€™t the best name.

And now he is complaining that he will still be in the hospital tomorrow and can not travel to Puxatawny to see the ground hog.

Not that he had been planning to, but it is something to complain about.

Boy Iā€™m glad my family isnā€™t on this site. Since Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve told almost every family secret :wink:

Gosh, it was really scary when you leaned on your horn non-stop for four minutes when I stopped because you were nearly in my trunk. And kept flashing your lights and driving up then stopping short. My kid was pretty scared. So was my spouse who was on the car phone. But the look on your face when the man behind you got out with a full camouflage uniform and walked up and asked me what was wrong was pretty good. I think you realized he was a soldier. That look was even better when you pulled around him ( because you were a bully but not a man who would stop for a soldier). It was really excellent to see you when you noticed MP on his arm. Yep, military police and he has your license. Yes, thank you kind Sir for saving us from someone who obviously prefers road rage to driving like a human. And I wish I had the time to properly thank the MP. Sometimes I do feel like karma comes around the same day.

Folks, letā€™s stop chatting and do some work here. I am sitting on my butt waiting for someone to do their job because that has to come before I can do mine!!!


A. I know youā€™re young and you were frustrated, but these kids are looking to you to learn how to lose graciously. True, what the other team did wasnā€™t fair, but next time I hope you can contain your own emotions.

B. When you emphasized how proud you are of the kids and their hard work I could see most of them them relax and let the loss go. Theyā€™ve loved having you as a coach. Thank you for what youā€™ve done for them. Letā€™s finish the weekend on a high note. :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve always believed that when everything seemed to be going wrong that I needed to wait and be ready to take advantage of the inevitable upturn and enjoy it. Happened again today.

Received an invitation to interview for a residency position today. Far enough from home that Iā€™d be having to room there.

Trial separation here I come?

And it feels so nice to be wanted.

Your desperation regarding acceptance at a specific school places unnecessary pressure on your child and sets them up for extreme disappointed if they donā€™t have the desired outcome.

Once, IF, you stop hearing anger and negativity then you just might make some progress.

Well I needed to go to work today but was reluctant and dragging my feet. You sure know how to change that - now I canā€™t wait to get out of the house. Just wish I didnā€™t have to come back.

Spent $100 at the grocery store today (not counting the Girl Scout cookies!) then came home and ate a peanut butter sandwich for supper. I really donā€™t like to cook anymore.

I guess we all should bow to your superb googling skills. 8-|