Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Rejection is not fatal; it is merely someone’s opinion.


I am amazed at how many people lack basic personal awareness and are unable/unwilling to read social cues.

I’m really hoping an audit is in your future.

It was painful on so many levels to visit your museum. Yes, America was wrong and, yes, history is written by the winners, and I have to say that your portrayal of the war was historically fairly accurate. But it would have been informative to explain the Cold War perspective too.

I don’t think I can look at you sitting on the couch any more. We both work all day, you come home, sit down, turn the TV on and relax for the evening. Meanwhile, I’m making dinner and doing whatever needs to be done at home. The weekends are more of the same, but for a longer period of time. In the past when I’ve said something, you always have a reply like I cut the grass or some other one-off seasonal task. Maybe, but I trim the bushes, weed/plant the flower beds, etc. I’m hardly having a spa day while you’re doing the few things you consider to be your responsibilities around the house. I’m all about avoiding conflict and you know it, so you use that to your advantage. The problem is that I’ve hit the wall - hard, this time. The timing is unfortunate though as we have some family things coming up and you do hold a grudge and pout like a child so again, conflict avoidance. There will come a day though…

Test rejected as “investigational”? Wouldn’t you want someone to investigate thoroughly when contemplating intervening in YOUR cerebral arteries?

This is the third time in a row you have pitched a fit and stormed out when “helping” to prepare the community dinner. I’m sorry that you have anxiety and whatever other disorders to the point of disability. But if you are afraid of sharp knives and cannot take any direction and interpret all advice as “criticism,” then maybe meal prep is not the place for you. And I am tired of being the object of your whining and complaining and being made to feel guilty for upsetting you when no rational person would be upset. I refuse to be the victim of your victim complex any more. You make all of us, but me in particular feel terrible. Please, go find something else to do.

Where are all the fat girls?

D thinks she may want to rush at her first or second choice large Southern school if she gets in. Since I’m unfamiliar with sororities I thought I’d check them out. Looked at tons of photos and I don’t think I saw a single girl over 125 lbs. Not worried for athlete-skinny daughter, but seriously, are all the overweight girls weeded out? Ugh.

New Year’s Resolution. If I don’t feel like doing it, I’m not going to do. Too many years have been spent catering to everyone else first. While I have largely cherished that role, I am going to step back a bit and take back some me time. I’ll make sure fair warning is given.

For your sake I’m glad you are out of the hospital.

For my sake, not so much. It’s been way too pleasant having you out of the house for a week.


Things are not going according to your plan because your plan is bad. Come up with a better plan. We are paying attention, you need to do the same.

Stop using the word “leverage” as a verb. It’s annoying. The stupid way you talk like a Consultant makes me crazy.

Please stop sending me greeting cards and holiday cards. Let’s save some trees used for the cards, envelopes and stamps. Let’s save some fuel driving and flying them around everywhere. Let’s save some lives fighting wars over that fuel. Let’s save some trash from going to the local landfill.

I appreciate the thought, but please email it, text it, phone it, or say it in person.

Argh! Just got off the phone trying to make an appt to see my internist or lung doc. I’ve been coughing and my voice is getting increasingly lower and nasal. I was told the 1st opening either of these doctors has is Feb 20 or 23.

The call center took pity on me and gave me a phone number I can call back at 7am to try to get one of two same day appts for tomorrow. Scary that it’s so hard to see a md—I can’t wait 2+ weeks!

Our poor, poor Anna’s!! They were completely desperate to get anything out of their nectar feeders that froze overnight. Glad I have a hairdryer- it came in handy to defrost the birdies’ food quickly. Tonight, we took down all feeders and brought them inside. Tomorrow morning, Mr. will hang them back. Dear hummers, your breakfast will be served at 6:30 am.

Yikes, washer is 17 years old but once again we figured out the problem. $90 for the third time to fix a little piece that will take H half a day to fix again. I shudder to think if we were not this savvy. (ok, mainly me usually but H has to do the grunt work). I have a keen intuition–this time I mentioned that it was time for the appliances to die just about 3 days ago. I don’t always know what my comments mean but here we are with a broken washer…

This is a whine and I know it. I’m 55 tomorrow and I’ve been working for 41 years. I’ve earned a full-time professional income ever since I left school 33 years ago. I didn’t even get to take time off when I was pregnant or had babies at home, now they’re both in college. I’m tired. I’m tired of being tired and I’m tired of being tired of being tired. I know I only have first world problems and I don’t care. It’s my birthday tomorrow and I don’t even want to celebrate because the usual celebratory things I to do treat myself just aren’t cheering me up any more. My one real wish is to get off this frigging hampster wheel and figure out who the heck I still am while I still can. But I can’t and so I won’t. So bleh.

Okay, one has a stomach virus at a particularly bad time, one seems to have broken up with a very long term SO. Please go ahead and drop, third shoe. Just do it so I can quit waiting for it. (And by the way part 1 is just normal stuff of course but part 2 just breaks my heart.)

Why do you constantly (as in always) “like” your own facebook posts? I am afraid I’ll throw up in my mouth a little every time I see you do it. Stop already!!