Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Really resent having to decide between affording osteoporosis medication and helping to save for our retirement home purchase! Was shocked at how much Forteo costs! First World problems, I know, but I still have to figure out what to do.

Phew–got a phone call at 8 this morning and was given two options–see a doctor who shares a practice with my internist at 10:30 or go to urgent care at their medical center and see the MD of the day. I’m going to the 10:30 appointment.


When I say “I need a house for two,” I mean I need a house for two. Have people become so illiterate that they think 2 people actually mean 1 person?

Bait and switch really, really irks me. Not a way to build a long-term customer relationship, buddy.

I’ve done absolutely nothing productive today.

Seriously! Could you be more passive aggressive? You seriously have to count pictures in our house to see which side of the family has more pics and then complain to my DH? You’re lucky I put up the ones I have with your attitude.

So easy setup of my new printer has taken me all day and I still can’t print from my computer!! Even with the new modem I picked up. Back to a phone call with HP!

Just go ahead and quit if you can’t handle the pressure.


See the Bragging Thread for details.

RIP Mr. Dingell. I will miss your ascerbic wit and your Twitter feed.

I am happy for you that it’s all over. But I was honestly hoping for something more, an emotional homecoming or big anniversary of some sort. I had a hallmark movie going on in my head. :slight_smile:

How many hours are we going to discuss your “gross” income amount and my “net” amount need?
First of all, you do not pay the actual bills.
Second of all, you have never been poor or worried about money in your life. I was thrilled in 1975 to get a $50 Christmas gift to pay my dentist bill. During this time your parents paid your medical school tuition.
NET! not Gross. And tell me your plan at the same time you plan to cut back your hours. This is not about the actual money, it is about how safe we each feel about the same amount of money.
That said, I see that my comfort level will always have a large dose of worry involved. You have never needed to even think about money. I began my worry at age 11. I am stronger than you for it.

I paid $20 to join in to the “Biggest Loser” contest at work. I don’t really need to lose very much weight, even so, I think that I am going to be the biggest loser of $20!

So a man who claims to be from Mars tries to get into a house by following a youngster, manages to get into a relatively local elementary school causing quite the commotion and fear (believing he had a gun), and ends with his crashing a dump truck before getting arrested. If one were writing a book, I’m not sure this would be believed. Personally, I’m just glad it ended safely, but listening to his statements while getting arrested (via the news) is rather chilling as I head out to school this morning. It gives support for all the money schools have spent trying to make themselves safer from lunatics or maybe folks on drugs or whatever the “cause” is. It’s just too bad it’s needed and one always wonders if it’s enough. (Any workplace or gathering spot really.)

I don’t care if you forgot to close up the container. But seriously, how do you get this close to retirement age and try to explain it with, “how should I know that baked goods get dry if you leave them open”? If it had been your teenager who’d done it, you’d have mocked them mercilessly.

The Goldfather has died. Vanderbilt is in mourning.

Well, I just gave feedback to the medical center. Having the MD of the say is helpful but not so much when you have a chronic condition and end up spending a very long time rehashing my prior medical history (like an hour). It ended up being a very long and tiring visit with nothing much resolved.

I fortunately made the 1st available appointment with my lung specialist for 2/20, so we can follow up. The doctor on call was very nice and attentive but had never seen me before and has no history with me. I think MDs on call are fine for some things but not so great for folks with chronic conditions. :frowning:

Are they friggin’ kidding?! No more Anthony"s at SeaTac?! Fried chicken?!! Holy crap, that airport is turning into a giant bleep-hole.

Left 80 degrees plus to come back to 30. BBBBRRRRRRR!