Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I can’t believe you told her I was making this gift for her daughter and the whole story behind it. Three months of work, and you totally spilled the beans. It was not yours to tell.

It’s annoying enough when you record the BB game, but it’s especially bad when you don’t even FF through the timeouts and ads.
All those shows that other people stream and talk about? Ha! One day I will control the remote.

There is a silver lining to Mother Nature’s dumping so much snow on us!!! Every local news channel is focused on the S stuff instead of the S show. Makes TV watching a bit more pleasant. :slight_smile:

They say that no one is irreplaceable but damn, you guys are making it look otherwise.

I unblocked you for a nanosecond to realize why I blocked you in the first place. You and your daughterʻs entire existence is based on getting other people to pay for you to do stuff. College, trips, internships. The bragging puts it over the top. Seriously, youʻre going to be apoplectic if anyone requires you to pay for anything.

OK, neighbor. You got a pressure washer and must love it, but the rest of us don’t want to hear you obsessively washing off your poolside patio every weekend! Invite me over to the pool someday and I might forgive you.

Knoll sale is coming up. I really want to buy a Womb Settee, but… see my avatars - they do not mix with designer furniture. They do not care how much their scratch sofas cost. Maybe my cats do save me money.

So is it petty of me to wish it had taken you (much, much) longer to find a replacement for me at my job as I move on ? You have been a difficult, micomanaging boss for many years and I’ve shouldered a lot of work for you. I was just hoping you might have to take up the slack for at least a little while. :slight_smile:

DS has been in the hospital for 66 days now. He is looking much better and should be discharged this week. :slight_smile:

One should not ride one’s bike across the border from California into Mexico “accidentally” and then expect to be let back into the US without a passport on said bicycle.

Having traffic rerouted because of a structural issue makes me very nervous. Please check all the rest of the bridges and overpasses!

I think worrying for our kids takes more energy than worrying for ourselves.
What was meant to be will be.

No, you cannot store your junk in my garage. If you don’t need it, get rid of it.

Note to self: you can’t help someone who doesn’t really want to be helped. You can make suggestions but mostly you’ll be hitting your head against the wall

To my friend. You can wallow and make excuses. But if you wanted, you could make changes. It’s all spelled out, you just have to want to help yourself

(Keep saying this to myself and try to not feel frustrated)

Only a person who paid no attention or didn’t raise kids would presume that parents can “put words in their mouths.” Use what you know. These adults are both writers; they have their own words, even if you don’t agree with them.

I hope your son calls this afternoon.

So you don’t like the restaurant where our kid wants to take me for my birthday and insist we change our plans? It always has to be about you, doesn’t it?

Who knew there was a whole 'nother level of crazy? Gotta love youth sports!

So sad that every time I have to go to the legislature to testify, my respect for some of the legislators decreases and I have to admire that the others can tolerate idiotic comments by their peers. :-& 8-}

It’s especially troubling that sometimes it’s the MD legislators who are aligned with anti-public health lobbyists. Yuck!

These will be the longest 37 days of my life.